12 thoughts on “awoken egyptians pls

  1. Hey Setsu! Woke up this morning to find out Vishnu got his ult evo and I think he’s a lot better now as a sub. Would you care to make an analysis about Ult Vishnu? Would he replace the Liu Bei meta considering his awakenings are much better. The only thing Liu Bei got over him is probably:
    1. Red subtype for Verdandi
    2. 1 turn orb change burst vs. 3 turns increased consistency of green

    Do you feel like Vishnu will come to replace Liu Bei if a team needed only one Triple TPA monster? Where do you feel each card will fit into each Green Lead the best: Verdandi, A. Parvati, A. Bastet, Osiris, etc.

    Just trying to get your input on it. Rolled a Vishnu a while back and was severely dissapointed. But the Green Gods shine down on my Green box lol 🙂


    • I went to sleep early for the first time this year and missed so much… haha. I’ll give my knee-jerk reactions at risk of sounding like an idiot later.

      I don’t think Vishnu is better for Verdandi simply because he lacks the red subtype as high max HP is one of the main strengths of the team. While Vishnu brings a lot to the table, I don’t think he’ll be displacing either of the two Liu Beis on my Verdandi team, although he’ll be good in one of the remaining two slots.

      All the other leads you listed — Parvati, Bastet and Osiris — I think Vishnu starts to look much better in comparison. Parvati and Bastet didn’t have a high reliance on Liu Bei since, in most cases, they do enough damage without him. Vishnu complements them much better, so I can definitely see him displacing Liu Bei there. Osiris plays like a grind team, so getting more wood orbs over time will be a boon, although I still think Liu Bei is necessary for burst. There’s no reason they can’t work on the same team, though.

      At least now there’s a great alternative to Liu Bei and an Indian 2 godfest is now significantly less painful to roll in. I’m particularly looking forward to the time extend. I also recognize the skyfall buff as being quite strong coming from the leader spot, but it will be interesting to see just how powerful it is coming from a sub. Is it going to be worth using two Vishnus as subs? Almost certainly, but I’ll be keeping an eye on what happens in JP in the coming weeks.


      • Thanks for the detailed insight! Like you said, my Liu Bei won’t be replaced by Vishnu on my Verdandi team. A. Parvati will probably see a replacement since Liu Bei kills my hearts and the time extend will help match the hearts. Jap really loves Wood monsters and TPA. I think Wood and Fire has the most TPA love in terms of doubles/triples. Now we just have to wait until October for NA to give us this ult haha


        • Vishnu is going to be a beast. I 100% agree with his placement on Parvati. I can’t wait for JP to come up with the ideal team comps and reaping the benefit of their hard work (granted, several months later…).


  2. P.S. I was also desperately hoping it would be Sphinx, but NA strikes again and apparently it will be Kaguya 😦


    • Sigh, I had a rough draft ready for Z&H. Now I’m going to have to throw something together for Kaguya at the last minute. She’s quite good, though, so it shouldn’t be too bad to write. I think Sphinx jumping ahead of schedule is a dream everyone has but knows will never come true. However, if they’re saving Z&H for the NA 3rd anniversary, we may get Sphinx “early” just yet. There’s no way we’d get nice things though, right?


      • Of course not. Japan is getting Py’s as gifts while we’re sitting here on Stones and Tamas. I mean I’m grateful for the stones, but the desperation for Py’s to skill up Awoken Monsters is pretty high. Who knows? Maybe NA will surprise us. A. Egyptians is the next batch after all.


        • After Antonio’s reply on PF to all the stream criticism, I’m looking to this next stream as a huge indicator of things to come. We really need the Pys.

          As for awoken uevos, I don’t mind waiting for the Egyptians, but many of those that follow are also reliant on new descendeds. I’m really worried about how the schedule will be handled in the future as there doesn’t seem any initiative to bridge the gap, if anything the uevo schedule is being pushed back to match.

          Not to mention how we’re also falling further behind on challenge dungeons, no 3x normals, no coin Star Vault, no 2x coin dungeons… I’ll just stop here, I’m just getting more depressed.


  3. I haven’t seen Antonio’s reply on PF regarding the criticism. I’m really interested. Can you please link me his response by any chance? Sorry for the bother.


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