45 thoughts on “Bleach Collab Rolls 2016.04.04

  1. Wonderful choice of music… took me about 2 minutes to realize it was a piano version of Brave Song from Angel Beats. Congrats on the Rukia and the Urahara system.


  2. Works out to 190 stones, which is $134.90. Could have been a lot worse but darned if it wouldn’t be nice if it was better. Congrats on Rukia.


  3. For farming Rukia skillups, what is the optimal difficulty? I know that everyone but her is the 25 stam dungeon, but I can’t see the boss drop being that good even on 25 stam 2x.


  4. Congrats on finally getting that Rukia!

    I was tempted to do a yolo roll, thinking (illogically) that apparently I’m blessed with blue rolls (even on non-blue days). Definitely won’t do that now. It certainly helps that I lack her subs and the rest of the golds are really only good in multiples.


  5. Congrats! I was lucky enough to snag her as well. Made me really happy, since I’m currently using Awoken Bastet. She should be a great upgrade, but the only decent sub I have for here is Awoken Isis. Just gotta wait around until I get lucky enough to get some Scheat, Orochi, Skuld, or Sumire I guess.


  6. I was going to follow your advice (as I typically do) and not roll. Then my girlfriend was having a rough day and just wanted to pull.



    She is my one true dragon-arm-puller.
    -Take that as you will.


  7. I rolled three times 1.orihime roll 2. Kenpachi roll 3. Rukia so I guess you could say that I’m pretty lucky


  8. Congratulations on Rukia! I was around when the Summer REM bloodbath happened for Summer Pandora and I’m sure this feels much better compared to that.

    I pulled Pollux from the Rank 250 Memorial REM (not super excited but certainly not mad, she’s my first one). Should I replace my chibi valkyrie on my Thor team with her? People are saying she is better due to haste, changing jammers, and OE which will help everyone’s damage. My chibi valkyrie is pentamaxed and Pollux is obviously not so it’ll be awhile before things can happen, but assuming both chibi valkyrie and Pollux are pentamaxed who is better for Thor x Saria? Wondering if you have any thoughts.


    • Haha, yeah after that Summer REM I how bad it can get, so I don’t get (too) salty anymore. And I certainly can’t complain about getting average results.

      I really do like the Constellation 1s as subs. The lack of skill boosts hurts in some situations, but they bring a lot to the table. Mostly their actives, but I’m always impressed by what enhanced hearts do for your healing (and the slight damage increase when using a heartbreaker is a small, but nice bonus). Whether she’s better than Chibi Valk, I’m not sure. I guess it comes down to how much you utilize the TPAs.


      • Hmm I’ll probably be experimenting around a lot then, I’ve seen arguments go both ways in terms of Pollux vs chibi valk. Pollux vs farmable LValk is slightly more clear cut.

        Sorry to keep on poking you with questions, last one for now! I rolled DMeta this previous fest (alongside Ryune), is she a good sub for Archdemon Lucifer? I really want to build up a team for him, I currently have Lucifer / APandora / uuPandora / Castor / ???, with the ??? being Persephone or DMeta. Through use of DMeta, I can sort of “mimic” Akechi’s active, which is why he’s so amazing (and of course, I don’t have one). She also has some pretty monster stats so yeah.


        • I like Persephone a lot better as your fourth, especially since you have two Pandoras, as both Pandora/Castor and Pandora/Persephone make 2/3 boards for huge spikes. Persephone also can spike pretty hard on her own, giving you the flexibility to reserve a heartmaker if you need it.

          DMeta is ok, but many of her strengths are not fully utilized. The shield portion of her active only lasts for 1 turn so is best deployed to survive a pre-emptive rather than for protracted stalling, but Lucifer has plenty of health for tanking a single hit. The enhance portion is also good, but what makes Akechi so great is that he also makes orbs and synergizes with other full board changes; DMeta’s enhanced orbs aren’t going to do you any good if you don’t have the orbs on board in the first place.

          On the awakenings side, while DMeta has generally better awakenings, Persephone’s fit better on the team. Both have 2 row enhances; Perse has 2 TPA, 2 heart+ (eventually) and a S+; DMeta has 3 S+, SBR, and is unbindable. Your team without either of them has 10 S+, so everything is already up on turn 1 and any additional S+ just go to waste; similarly you already have 6 SBR so you don’t need the SBR either. That means the comparison is essentially Perse’s 2 TPAs and 2 heart+ to DMeta’s unbindable, which doesn’t seem particularly close at all, especially since you have Castor so are quite close to having guaranteed enhanced heart skyfall, which is great for healing [1] and also synergizes with Castor and Persephone’s heartbreaker actives.

          Finally, DMeta does have great stats, but even that is not a slam-dunk in her favor since Persephone has a huge edge in RCV, which is probably the stat the team needs most (except for Arena, where not having a bicolor 2/3 board change means you’ll likely want all the damage you can get).

          All that being said, PadRater has DMeta as an 8.1 sub for Lucifer and Persephone at 7.2, so DMeta may be a slightly better general fit if you roll other subs. Personally I doubt it — Pandora/Pandora/Castor is very strong and the sub pool is pretty flexible — but something to consider.

          [1] See https://mischiefy1pad.wordpress.com/2016/02/24/orb-enhance-the-forgotten-awakening/ — Persephone’s 2 heart+ are equivalent to a 1.16x rcv boost, and the four total heart+ are a whopping 1.37x overall boost.


        • DMeta will be a good choice to throw a bind clear active on when skill inheritance hits NA. Like Dark Dragon Swordsman for the orb change too. Then you won’t have to rely as much on getting a Yomi Dragon as much. Or pretty much any orb change active. Persephone is better for everyday use, most likely.


  9. After 3 packs, I still didn’t get a Rukia or 3rd Urahara, but at least I got 2 Ichigo’s, I guess.

    Congrats on the Rukia.


  10. Wow, my condolences…

    I knew it would be a bloodbath, so I decided I’m not rolling aside from a Yolo roll or two. If I had a Scheat, I might actually feel obligated to roll, so I guess I can count it a blessing that I DON”T have a Scheat 😛

    I’m saving up for the trap that the summer REM is sure to be. Never before has maining blue scared me so much… I recall your attempt last year. It doesn’t exactly inspire confidence…

    Still. The renewal of the school REM has given me hope that there will be actual decent silvers and gold trolls this time instead of the chibi BS, so there’s no way it could be any WORSE… *knocks on wood*

    Biggest fear: Summer Hatsume. KEY sub for I&I/Ryune teams, if she gets a buff of any kind, RIP wallet. Plus I still want beach Panda and Gonia for Waifu reasons, and BUrd for Lakshmi reasons. (Skill inheritance does help in that regard somewhat though) All in all, I’m going for broke this summer REM. Pretty much literally…


    • lol, this was nothing compared to the summer REM. You have to get into double-digit packs for it to start being a bloodbath, although with the increased rates lately that is getting increasingly less likely.


      • Just went back to check, and yeah, the summer REM WAS a bloodbath. I have high hopes that here’s a renewal this year; I wouldn’t have counted on it, but they actually renewed the PAD Academy REM, with some fairly high quality trash in place of the useless chibis, so I remain hopeful.

        Realistic expectations: Blue Kali, not sure if light or dark’s AS. Summer green version of Theurgia. Summer Wadatsumi. Summer Ruka. Summer Fuma Kotaro. The Chibi series will be……. the Weapon Series?

        /predictions, we’ll see how I do in a couple months… 😛


        • I’m pretty sure they’ll make it like the other seasonal REMs. Or only the most degenerate would roll. Which I guess is probably enough, but if you can reel in a few pleb stones without much work, then why not?


    • No, I think he’s referring to the ninjas appearing in the past couple seasonal REMs. Although if Hatsume appeared she’d likely change her main element to keep with the trend.


    • Disappointment is pretty typical for collab and special REMs. I feel like you either have to have a very strong attachment to the cards, a lot of money or both for it to be worthwhile rolling in these. Some REMs are better than others, but usually this is the case.


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