JP Aggregate Leader List: Week 42

JP Aggregate Leader List

Changes from last time: None
Legend: ❀: Honorable Mention Tier
2972 - Green Earth Wind Dragon Caller, Kaede
2995 - Bursting Great Earl of Hell, Ronove
3265 - 全能神・Ra Dragon
2969 - Star Cutting Time Dragon Caller, Myr
3125 - 奇跡の逆転ファイター・Kinnikuman
3112 - Sniper at Rest, Myr
2999 - Hell Eye's Evil Duchess, Gremory
3068 - Divine General of the Radiant Heaven, Krishna
2971 - Indigo Ocean Water Dragon Caller, Sumire
3202 - Goddess of Great Compassion, Acala
3235 - 魔究の狂幻魔, Ilm
2984 - Awoken Izanagi
2943 - Destroying Wing Dragon Emperor, Sherias Roots
2997 - Crowned Sacred King of Hell, Paimon
3090 - Chaotic Black Dragonbound Armor, Ana
2827 - Armored Batman
3238 - Reincarnated Minerva
3241 - Reincarnated Shiva
2756 - Crimson Orchid Virtue, Xiang Mei
3242 - Reincarnated Lakshmi
3239 - Reincarnated Neptune
3243 - Reincarnated Parvati
3273 - Reincarnated Ra
3223 - Old Castle Freeloader, Sonia Gran
3129 - 悪魔超人最後の刺客・Akuma Shogun
3222 - Crimson Orchid Black Witch, Xiang Mei

Just got back from my trip. Times like this really make me happy I invested the time I did into these scripts.

Still debating whether I’m going to put out a FF Collab review. I usually put in a week or so of prep into each review (which isn’t as impressive as it might sound; basically just randomly thinking about cards, watching videos of them and catching a few tidbits here and there via word of mouth) to make sure I have most of my bases covered so I’m not very motivated to start from nothing. If anything, the exercise of going over each card is good for me, so I may just do it just for that. I wouldn’t expect anything before the end of the week.

I also plan to go back and reply to most/all of the comments that were made in the past week (hopefully tomorrow, but there’s a lot that needs to be done).

One last thing. I finally removed Pad-Plus. The data they now publish is simply too outdated to be of use.

New Card Holding Tank

New cards will be held here temporarily in an attempt to isolate the aggregate list from knee-jerk ratings.
Card Notes
3305 - The Chosen King, Noctis
Ranked Sites: GameWith (A), AppMedia (S)

I haven’t had much time to look over the new/updated FF leads, but what little I’ve seen of Noctis hasn’t impressed me at all. His recent buff does make him more attractive, but at this point he just seems like a bad Kinnikuman. Which is certainly good, don’t get me wrong, but it takes a bit more than this to be an impressive, top-tier lead.

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Original source
Changes from last time: None
2972 - Green Earth Wind Dragon Caller, Kaede
2995 - Bursting Great Earl of Hell, Ronove
2969 - Star Cutting Time Dragon Caller, Myr
3265 - 全能神・Ra Dragon
3125 - 奇跡の逆転ファイター・Kinnikuman
3112 - Sniper at Rest, Myr
2999 - Hell Eye's Evil Duchess, Gremory
3090 - Chaotic Black Dragonbound Armor, Ana
3068 - Divine General of the Radiant Heaven, Krishna
3202 - Goddess of Great Compassion, Acala
2984 - Awoken Izanagi
2997 - Crowned Sacred King of Hell, Paimon
3235 - 魔究の狂幻魔, Ilm
2827 - Armored Batman
2756 - Crimson Orchid Virtue, Xiang Mei
3238 - Reincarnated Minerva
3241 - Reincarnated Shiva
3239 - Reincarnated Neptune
3242 - Reincarnated Lakshmi
2971 - Indigo Ocean Water Dragon Caller, Sumire
3070 - Divine Creator of Equilibrium, Vishnu
2983 - Awoken Kushinadahime
3243 - Reincarnated Parvati
3273 - Reincarnated Ra
2943 - Destroying Wing Dragon Emperor, Sherias Roots
3223 - Old Castle Freeloader, Sonia Gran
3222 - Crimson Orchid Black Witch, Xiang Mei
3129 - 悪魔超人最後の刺客・Akuma Shogun
2985 - Awoken Okuninushi

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Game8 Co-op

*This list isn’t factored into the aggregate result.
Original source
Changes from last time: None
2528 - Awoken Machine Zeus
2903 - Awoken Liu Bei
2901 - Awoken Cao Cao
3276 - 討弓の鋼星神, Meridionalis
3074 - Awoken Machine Athena
2526 - Awoken Machine Hera
3071 - Scholarly God of Wealth Building, Ganesha
2939 - Treasure Blade Dragon, Drahklist
3083 - Disaster Phantom Dragon, Anima
2006 - Avowed Thief, Ishikawa Goemon
3129 - 悪魔超人最後の刺客・Akuma Shogun

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Original source
Changes from last time: Ra Dragon SS➞SSS, Noctis added to A, Sephiroth added to B
2972 - Green Earth Wind Dragon Caller, Kaede
2995 - Bursting Great Earl of Hell, Ronove
2969 - Star Cutting Time Dragon Caller, Myr
3265 - 全能神・Ra Dragon
3125 - 奇跡の逆転ファイター・Kinnikuman
3112 - Sniper at Rest, Myr
3068 - Divine General of the Radiant Heaven, Krishna
2984 - Awoken Izanagi
2999 - Hell Eye's Evil Duchess, Gremory
2827 - Armored Batman
2971 - Indigo Ocean Water Dragon Caller, Sumire
3202 - Goddess of Great Compassion, Acala
2997 - Crowned Sacred King of Hell, Paimon
3129 - 悪魔超人最後の刺客・Akuma Shogun
3090 - Chaotic Black Dragonbound Armor, Ana
3305 - The Chosen King, Noctis
3238 - Reincarnated Minerva
3239 - Reincarnated Neptune
3243 - Reincarnated Parvati
3273 - Reincarnated Ra
2943 - Destroying Wing Dragon Emperor, Sherias Roots
3235 - 魔究の狂幻魔, Ilm
2765 - One-Winged Angel, Sephiroth

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GameWith Farming

*This list isn’t factored into the aggregate result.
Original source
Changes from last time: None
2903 - Awoken Liu Bei
2006 - Avowed Thief, Ishikawa Goemon
3276 - 討弓の鋼星神, Meridionalis
2528 - Awoken Machine Zeus
3129 - 悪魔超人最後の刺客・Akuma Shogun
2939 - Treasure Blade Dragon, Drahklist
2901 - Awoken Cao Cao
3166 - 燃える革命, Dogiragon
3074 - Awoken Machine Athena
2526 - Awoken Machine Hera

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Original source
Changes from last time: Tifa added to S, Ceres S-➞S, Noctis added to S, Neptune added to S-
2969 - Star Cutting Time Dragon Caller, Myr
3112 - Sniper at Rest, Myr
2972 - Green Earth Wind Dragon Caller, Kaede
3265 - 全能神・Ra Dragon
3125 - 奇跡の逆転ファイター・Kinnikuman
2995 - Bursting Great Earl of Hell, Ronove
2827 - Armored Batman
2999 - Hell Eye's Evil Duchess, Gremory
3235 - 魔究の狂幻魔, Ilm
2943 - Destroying Wing Dragon Emperor, Sherias Roots
3223 - Old Castle Freeloader, Sonia Gran
3202 - Goddess of Great Compassion, Acala
2971 - Indigo Ocean Water Dragon Caller, Sumire
2997 - Crowned Sacred King of Hell, Paimon
2749 - Awoken Artemis
2945 - Steel Wand Mech Dragon God, Balboa
3090 - Chaotic Black Dragonbound Armor, Ana
2984 - Awoken Izanagi
3068 - Divine General of the Radiant Heaven, Krishna
3299 - Holder of Concealed Feelings, Tifa
3276 - 討弓の鋼星神, Meridionalis
3238 - Reincarnated Minerva
3240 - Reincarnated Ceres
3305 - The Chosen King, Noctis
2924 - Rebellious Demon, Oda Nobunaga
3243 - Reincarnated Parvati
3273 - Reincarnated Ra
3242 - Reincarnated Lakshmi
3239 - Reincarnated Neptune
3069 - Heavenly Virtuous Goddess, Sarasvati
3173 - 冥道の根源神・Izanagi X
3222 - Crimson Orchid Black Witch, Xiang Mei
2756 - Crimson Orchid Virtue, Xiang Mei
3129 - 悪魔超人最後の刺客・Akuma Shogun
3218 - 最強裝備・Flintlock
3241 - Reincarnated Shiva

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18 thoughts on “JP Aggregate Leader List: Week 42

  1. Hope you had an awesome break, Setsu!! I’m hoping for Noctis in PAD and in Ps4 (maybe) lolol.

    Look forward to a review of the collab!


      • Setsu!! I had 6 rolls..+ free one. (could have been more rolls if I had more self control for the Pink and GFE rem lol)…. Rolled all of them but two, decided to ask date to roll last two.. Shantto.. then Noctis! HAHA, Definitely going for second date now Keepo lool.

        Kenshin in 2 rolls, Noctis in 6… Hopefully my collab luck is changing!


  2. Since the buffs to the FF collab do you predict them getting back on the tier lists? Like Yuna, Cecil, Sephiroth and Lightning?


    • I don’t really see any of them making it higher than the fringes. Which isn’t to say they’re bad, but that the heart-cross has made things so top-heavy that it’s hard to break into the lists without ridiculous stats. Noctis and Seph are probably the best of the bunch, although I do think Yuna, Cecil and Lightning are quite good. Just not on the heart-cross level (but very few things are).


  3. I love Noctis in FFXV so much, one of my most favorite video game chars of all time (probably because he’s like the best husbando material ever) so seeing him in the FF REM is making me cry a fountain. I really shouldn’t pull because I have better use for my stones but I have 105 saved up…and I just…I just have to…

    …but I shouldn’t…


      • So after beating Seraphis with the Acala team I became REALLY REALLY fed up with cross for some reason and Noctis’s LS was really appealing to me. That combined with my unsurprising impulsiveness let me to roll what I had (22 rolls including the free roll).

        Spoiler: No Noctis

        I got almost all the 5-stars except Tidus lol. I’m actually pretty intruiged by Y’shtola right now (I got 2) and I’m going to withhold judgment and MP chopping block until YamaP announces all the buffs.

        I did get 2 6*’s out of my splurge (Cecil and Yuna), but I would happily swap Yuna for Noctis. Actually kinda happy about Cecil–I can inherit him onto Myr instead (I hate using Myr lately for the same reason Acala finally pissed me off, but I still have to use her b/c she’s still the strongest option for most everything RIP) because the Gadius inherit hasn’t really been working well.

        I comforted myself knowing that YamaP rolled 21 times desperate for Noctis to buff him and didn’t get him either. That and I’ll have FFXV actually in my hands tonight.

        But in the meantime, you wouldn’t happen to have any opinions on the slightly-buffed Yuna and what the general consensus is on her better subs?


        • Damn 😦

          Yuna is pretty strong. Perhaps her best point is her sub flexibility, being able to run teams of non-light subs effectively. She lacks the tankiness to be considered elite, but I find her extremely fun to play — if only for the change of pace — and is a good reason to dust of any L- or DKalis that have been collecting dust.


    • Exactly? No. If we go by past trends, it should’ve been this week. There’s good reason to believe it’ll be the next godfest since New Year’s is usually a special 3-day godfest. But exactly? No one knows except GungHo.


  4. I would really appreciate it if you posted on the FF collab, even though I know you’re really busy and not really super interested anymore. I know you like to be comprehensive, but even an overview – even a paragraph of summarized thoughts – would be nice.

    I’m a new-ish player (~6 months) but I have enough of the REM at this point that I like spending my stones on cute stuff in collabs instead of only on useful stuff in godfests. . If I’m going to roll anyways because I’m a sucker for art, I’d like to know how terrible the silvers are, and what you think of the whole thing in general. It’s really helpful to me to see a much more experienced players’ thoughts. Your Halloween post helped me hang onto my stones. I just like seeing your thought processes.

    Just my thoughts, I know they are a pain but I really appreciate them, even if you just posted up a summary.

    I already rolled the amount I wanted to so I guess it’s not relevant to me any more….. The game gave me 10 stones for 200 days on Monday, so it was A SIGN, and I rolled my saved stone pile. I did get a Yshtola which I really, really wanted, and I will not be spending more- but I’d still like to see your post and thoughts on the other box cheerleaders I got along the way. 🙂


  5. Hey Setsu! Hope you had a nice trip. I got Noctis in 4 rolls. I typically don’t roll on collab machines, but I was very happy. I’m non-IAP so… anyways, after his buff, doesn’t he have a higher multiplier than kinnikuman? Dark has quite a few good TPA units (Satsuki, Persephone, Hades) and isn’t resisted by anything. Who’s better Noctis or Kinnikuman and why? Hope you have a good holiday season.


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