Godfest Help Post: 1/14-1/15

2657 - Heroic God-Emperor, Yamato Takeru2658 - Adored Starsea Goddess, Andromeda2659 - Brave Vanquishing Deity, Perseus2660 - Fervent Monkey King, Sun Wukong2662 - Awoken Pandora2384 - Ruling Firestorm God, Set2385 - Divine Galaxy Goddess, Nut2386 - Soul-Judging God of Dark Riches, Osiris2387 - Sacred Life Goddess of the Colored Sky, Hathor2388 - Soaring Night Goddess of the Dead, Nephthys
2392 - Awoken Freyr2393 - Awoken Idunn&Idunna2394 - Awoken Freyja2395 - Awoken Thor2396 - Awoken Loki3101 - Patriot Warrior, Sanada Yukimura3103 - Contemplative Strategist, Mori Motonari3105 - Humanistic Spy, Ishida Mitsunari3107 - Radiant Dandy, Maeda Keiji3109 - Meticulous Rebel, Akechi Mitsuhide

Grading scale. The individual grade is a composite grade of all monsters in it relative to all other pantheons. The combined grade is a composite of all monsters in both pantheons relative to all other combinations of pantheons. Combined grades are not an average of the individual grades, but based on the normal distribution of all possible two-pantheon-combinations. Grades do not factor co-op or skill inheritance at this time.
Godfest: Heroes & Egypt 2 1/14, Norse & Sengoku 1/15
Day 1 Day 2
Heroes Egypt 2 Norse Sengoku
Individual B B- B+ B
Combined B B+
Individual A+ C- B A-
Combined B A-
Individual A- C B+ B+
Combined B A-

This is a help thread, so please feel free to ask questions on just about anything concerning the godfest or your teams, box and progress in general.

It’s been over two months since my last help thread. I’m looking to keep the question count low while I settle back in, but let’s see if there’s any interest in the first place.

I now auto-generate most of this post. If there are any bugs, including display issues in non-Chrome browsers, please let me know. Thanks!

Please read the rules before posting, especially if this is your first time:

  • I will only take box questions that supply a PADherder. It makes it much, much easier for me to give good advice this way (you could say I can’t give good advice without the sorting options). Try PadListener to sync if you’re on Android (if it works for you), otherwise use this method.
  • Box/roll questions that don’t supply rank, IAP status and main teams will be ignored. Any other information you want to supply will only help.
  • Please check the FAQ after the break before asking a question. Questions that aren’t covered by the FAQ will be prioritized; questions that don’t may be ignored.
  • I have WordPress set to flag comments with multiple links to combat spam. I still get the comment, I just have to approve it manually for it to show up on the site. So if your comment doesn’t show up, this might be the case. Ideally, only post a single link to your PADherder.
  • I generally reply on a first come, first serve basis, but if there’s a low hanging fruit I’ll address that first.
  • I will post thread status as bold red comments. Make sure you read these comments before posting to make sure you aren’t violating the rules. I’m no longer segregating comments by day, instead I’ll indicate how many questions I be able to take for a given thread in the first status comment, then stop taking new ones after that.
  • No new questions will be taken after the godfest ends. Questions asked in other posts may be ignored; please wait for the next godfest!
  • Follow-ups to existing questions will be taken as long as the post is still open for comments.
  • I’ll close the post for comments a few hours after the godfest ends.
  • Any comments breaking the rules will be removed without warning.


This is FAQ is a work in progress (last updated: 9/28/16).

  • I’m rank 200 or lower and low- or non-IAP, should I roll for X god? – In general, no. Even if the RNG gods blessed you and you just need that one god to perfect your team, early on you should be focusing on accumulating stones and waiting for a high-value godfest. You want to accumulate value to increase the overall quality of your box so you have more team options in the future as the meta always shifting. The Player’s Choice Godfest (PCGF) is generally the best value early on, but normal godfests can be plenty good nowadays depending on the combination. Pantheons that have a wide variety of uses like the Heroes, Chinese and Three Kingdoms are great. Minimizing dupe chances should also be a high priority. Galas have been changed to have a reduced impact ever since the gala exclusives were introduced so while it can certainly play a part in your decision, don’t let to weigh too heavily. As GFEs are generally at 4x rates or higher now, which sets are excluded from the bonus plays a much bigger role now.
  • Which MP Dragon should I buy? – This image isn’t perfect, but sums it up nicely. Credit for the image goes to fether from the subreddit. If there’s ever an updated version, please point me toward it. In the day and age of Liu Bei, MP is an easily farmable commodity so if that’s within your capability and you’re good with allocating the time to do so, you can afford to be more impulsive with your purchases.
  • Why is X monster rated higher than Y monster? – The monster ratings aren’t there to be an accurate, authoritative resource on a card’s power, but are more used as a ballpark estimate to give a relative idea of how useful a given card or pantheon is which is used to help evaluate godfests. Co-op isn’t a current factor so don’t be surprised to see cards like Liu Bei with a lower than expected rating.
  • Why is the overall rating not an average of the lead and sub ratings? – Long story short, when grades are given using the normal distribution, cards that are both good as leaders and subs get a boost in the overall rating while ones that are bad as both get penalized. This is because most cards in the game are usually only exceptionally good at one role, not both.

Grading scale. Ratings are weighed in favor of endgame viability. Ratings try to take the latest JP updates into consideration. The overall grade is not an average and is based on the normal distribution of the combined lead and sub ratings. Grades do not factor co-op or skill inheritance at this time.
Day 1, 1/14
Name Lead Sub Overall
2657 - Heroic God-Emperor, Yamato TakeruYamato Takeru B A- B+
2658 - Adored Starsea Goddess, AndromedaAndromeda B A- B+
2659 - Brave Vanquishing Deity, PerseusPerseus B A- B+
2660 - Fervent Monkey King, Sun WukongSun Wukong B A- B+
2662 - Awoken PandoraPandora B+ A- A-
Egypt 2
2384 - Ruling Firestorm God, SetSet B- B+ B
2385 - Divine Galaxy Goddess, NutNut B- B- B-
2386 - Soul-Judging God of Dark Riches, OsirisOsiris B B B
2387 - Sacred Life Goddess of the Colored Sky, HathorHathor B D C-
2388 - Soaring Night Goddess of the Dead, NephthysNephthys B- B- B-

The Heroes pantheon is one of the best overall. Egypt 2 is one of the worst. If you need the Heroes, you do what you gotta do. If you get any of the Egypt 2 in the process, just pray we get buffs soon.

All of the Heroes are great for their respective heart-based teams. Yamato Takeru has shot up in value lately, being a great sub for both Yamamoto and Christmas Gremory.

Day 1 has no Odins, Metatrons, Dragonbounds, Norns, Ilm, and Zuoh. Also remember there are 5x GFE rates.

Grading scale. Ratings are weighed in favor of endgame viability. Ratings try to take the latest JP updates into consideration. The overall grade is not an average and is based on the normal distribution of the combined lead and sub ratings. Grades do not factor co-op or skill inheritance at this time.
Day 2, 1/15
Name Lead Sub Overall
2392 - Awoken FreyrFreyr B B B
2393 - Awoken Idunn&IdunnaIdunn & Idunna B+ B B+
2394 - Awoken FreyjaFreyja B+ B B+
2395 - Awoken ThorThor B+ B B+
2396 - Awoken LokiLoki B B B
3101 - Patriot Warrior, Sanada YukimuraSanada Yukimura B A- B+
3103 - Contemplative Strategist, Mori MotonariMori Motonari B B+ B+
3105 - Humanistic Spy, Ishida MitsunariIshida Mitsunari B B+ B+
3107 - Radiant Dandy, Maeda KeijiMaeda Keiji B+ B+ B+
3109 - Meticulous Rebel, Akechi MitsuhideAkechi Mitsuhide B A- B+

Day 2 is similar to day 1 where one pantheon is relatively poor (the Norse) while the other is good (Sengoku). Although it isn’t as extreme in either direction as the Norse are still fine cards and the Sengoku aren’t quite as ubiquitous as the Heroes.

Sanada, like Yamato, has risen in value for similar reasons.

The Norse have been overshadowed by the Jewel Princess style of damage enhances, but are still fairly useful in that regard. Being two-turns quicker could make all the difference for teams struggling for skill boosts. They’re also fine base subs in their split ult forms as their killer flexibility helps make up for their somewhat long cooldowns. Their awoken forms are fine in this role, too, but the value of double SBRs has diminished as SBRs become more common. They aren’t great, but there’s still value to be had.

Day 2 has no JP Callers, Kalis, Sonias, Steel Stars, and Fenrirs. Once again, remember that 5x GFE rates are active.

63 thoughts on “Godfest Help Post: 1/14-1/15

  1. Hi Setsu, welcome back from your break and thank you again for providing us with your advice and insights. We are certainly happy to have you posting again. Certainly with this GF I wished that they could have somehow combined Heroes/Sengoku on the same day, but well, you take what you can get.

    I have been developing an alt lately so I could self-coop. With that in mind, my alt’s primary purpose is to acquire cards which will make her compatible with my main. Here are the goods on my alt:

    Rank 276, 75 stones, NIAP
    Main teams: Krishna, ACC, ALB, APerseph. Myr eventually.
    PH: https://www.padherder.com/user/PenguinPwr/monsters/#31,0,31,8191,4294967295_63,0,,0,0,0,eq,0,0,0,0,;default,0

    If you are interested, here is the PH for my main (Rank 505, 64 stones, NIAP, mostly same teams). Since I know that you have/had issues with multiple URL’s in a post, I left off everything before “user”:

    Here are my temptations:
    – Alt to either day for Yamato, Perseus, GFE, Panda, or any of the Sengoku (I already have Sanada but I figure a dupe isn’t too bad).
    – Main to roll day 2 for Sengoku (particularly Sanada). Only attraction on Day 1 is Perseus so probably won’t roll.
    – Both Alt/Main to roll for lights to fill out Myr teams

    My style of play is to go for powerful but easy to use leaders since my skill isn’t great. Therefore, Krishna is the most-used lead for both accounts. Myr provides enough time that I could make it work. On my main I just completed OSC using Krishna but found I was lacking for burst. Skillups and an eventual Freyr inherit could solve that. On my alt I’m finding I can field full teams but lack flexibility and utility which means that for high-feature dungeons my main is stuck trying to bring all the utility.

    What are your thoughts on either account rolling? Do you see any under-developed cards in either account that I should focus on developing? If you only have time to address one, please focus on my alt. Many thanks in advance!


    • For your alt, if you’re focusing on Krishna I think rolling day 2 is fine. The value is actually pretty good overall even if the only superstar card you don’t have is Akechi. Like you said, another Sanada is not a bad thing at all and Freyr would be a nice addition. The rest of the cards are very useful and should find use in some capacity. Then there’s some marginal value from the fire gala. Unless there was a specific card you wanted that wasn’t featured, I feel confident rolling this day.

      For your main, I don’t see a problem going for the Sengoku, especially if the GFE lineup is good for you. It’d be unfortunate to roll any of the Norse, but dupes are an unavoidable risk. Unless you really just need “that one card”, I’d consider saving for a time will dupe risk. As in, maybe when the new Three Kingdoms 2 comes out or for a favorable seasonal or collab REM.

      I think your alt is in a great place. You have endgame covered in Krishna and Myr and farming in Cao Cao and Liu Bei. I don’t think you really need to develop anything in particular for progression, but I’ve found on my own alt that getting all your REM cards into working shape is well worth the effort. As in, I had my Yamato and Tsubakis all maxed short of +297 and was rewarded for it when I rolled Yamamoto. Of course, with King Tans coming, it will get a lot easier to do so, but it’s something to keep in mind.

      On the topic of Tsubaki, I’d definitely switch her to her sub form for use on Krishna and Cao Cao. Definitely one of the best subs in the game at the moment.

      For your main, I don’t really see anything else you should be focusing on.


      • Thanks! I’ll go ahead and roll my alt on day 2. I had forgotten about 3K2 so I’m going to save my main for that unless something else really amazing comes along. My alt really hit it out of the park on PCGF – Sanada, Cao, Liu Bei, Krishna, Haku, Perseph, Kaede, Acala… even a useful silver (Thanatos) thrown in. I’ll update after I roll.


          • Hi Setsu, I rolled my alt on Day 2 and things went well: Antares, Muse, rozuel 3, Thor, Gadius 2, Freyr, Zeta Hydra, Genie 2, Ilm, Ame no Uzume, Shaitan, Sanada 2, Sitri, Urd, Freyr 2, Minerva. Of all of these, I’m most excited about Urd since she works great with the Sanada I already have and generates hearts. I also got some nice red utility with a spike (Freyr), Haste/heartbreaker (Antares), and unbinder (Ame). Ilm is a great all around card and could cover light for an all ATT red team. The others I’ll probably worry about developing later. Right now my highest priorities are Urd followed by Ame, Antares, dupe Sanada, and Freyr. Not quite sure what to think about Minerva. Her Revo came out recently and I know she can team with Ilm (which my main also has) but not yet sure I need that team. What are the primary motivations to creating a Ilm/Minerva team? Is it only for Arena 3? On a similar note, right now I’m just leaving my Ilm’s in their evo forms b/c I’m not sure if I’d rather have the lead or sub uevo form, and none of my teams seem to require Ilm in either form.

            Liked by 1 person

            • Congrats on the nice rolls. Lots of nice fire things.

              Ilm-Minerva is one of the safest and easiest to make Arena 1 farming teams. For Arena 3 cheese, you need to pair with another Minerva.

              If you have one Ilm, use the leader form who is still a great sub. If you have more, you make the rest sub form. I guess there’s something to be said for leaving in evo form to save a Tama for inheritance.

              Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Setsu, I am a long term reader and a first time poster. I am a Non-IAP player and have two accounts and I need advice on which day to roll for each account.

    Alt: http://imgur.com/a/cYiv7

    I have 116 stones for my Main and 90 sotnes for my Alt. I play mostly fire on both accounts and both need Sanada and YamaTake. I don’t have a single Egypt 2 God on my Main, but I feel like Mori and Ishida’s active skills would be superior for my main account and on my Alt I have all of the Heroes and Sengoku except fire.


    • Main:
      I’d probably go day 2. I think there’s some value in no Egypt 2 dupe risk, but it’s hard to see that as a positive even if buffs in the near future seem inevitable (but they’ve seemed inevitable for several months in a row now…). There’s also the possibility of awoken Heroes this year, making dupes more valuable, but the Sengoku are all fairly valuable as dupes already. Yeah, I’d probably go day 2. The only exception would be if you need Yamato’s extra skill boost to complete some farming teams.

      As for how much to roll, it’s hard to say. Before, as a heavy IAP player, I didn’t have great perspective in this area, but after playing two non-IAP accounts I think you just have to go all in on the cards you want the most. You hedge proportionately to how much you want said card and how much you want possible future cards. In this case, we have to weigh the possibilities of 3K2, Fujin & Raijin, Eva collab, Heroine REM and New Year’s. Eva in particular is intriguing for you since Asuka Yamato is probably easier to land than Yamato himself, even if she is largely inferior (and then NY also has a Yamato, but that machine is pretty sketchy outside wanting to land a NY Tengu or 2).

      No PadHerder so I’m keeping this short. Seems pretty questionable rolling, but if you feel either Yamato or Sanada will put you over the top then it’s worth trying. With just a cursory look, it looks like you have enough else going on that targeting a card or two is fine. I guess it comes down to what dupes you have from the other pantheons.


      • Thanks for the advice. I was going to wait for the Heroine REM, but since this was a Fire Gala I was thinking of going all in. I’ve wanted Yamato Takeru since his first ult when he got three skill boosts, and Sanada would give me burst and healing in one active. I don’t really need either card, but now seemed to be the best time I will get. Do you think it would be better to wait for the Heroine REM?


        • The Heroine REM is filled with mediocre and niche cards. Outside Ilmina and Meridionalis the lineup isn’t all that great. There is some potential with cards like Elgenubi and Barbara who can shoot up in relevancy with a shift in context, but it’s really hard to justify 10 stones per roll for a rather mediocre lineup. That being said, as a fire main box, the allure of Ilmina should be quite high. I think it’s worth considering saving for it, just understand that the impact of what you roll will probably be less than Yamato or Sanada, but on the other hand you won’t have any dupe or horrible troll risk. Personally, I’d probably go for the longshot Yamato/Sanada roll, but I could understand waiting for the Heroines.

          Then again, Heroine uevos are coming up soon with the continuation of the Hajidora event. If you really want to hedge your bets, I’d probably wait and see what that produces as NA is unlikely to get the event before they’re announced in JP (unless we somehow get Heroine between FotNS and NY which seems unlikely, but is possible). It may be a while before the Heroes show up in a godfest again, but it’ll be much harder to restock stones for a 10-stone REM should you want something from it.


  3. Rank:459, Very Light IAP
    Teams: Myr/Kanna/Wukong/Wukong/A.DQXQ

    Padherder: https://www.padherder.com/user/TTom/monsters/#31,0,31,8191,4294967295_63,0,,0,0,0,eq,0,0,0,0,;default,0

    Hi Setsu, I hope you had a nice Christmas and New Years! It’s been quite a long time since I’ve posted and I’ve had some good luck in the REM, I recently switched to a Myr team after rolling a 2nd Wukong and have been having a lot of success with her though I’ve not been able to achieve my main goal of beating Arena3 (solo), not being a high enough rank to use the 15% hp badge is the main thing holding me back I think.

    My questions:

    – I also recently rolled a D.Kali and Isis, so I’m quite close to having the ideal RaDra team, do you think I should be using all my stones Day1 to try a get a 2nd D.Kali with the 5x rates? I do have a Maede Keiji but I’m a bit reluctant to spend the MP if my team won’t be on par/better than my current Myr team.

    – What do you think I should be aiming for to improve my Myr team? I’m not sure if something like Paimon would be actually an improvement, or if I should be saving stones to try get a L.Akechi for inheritance from the NY Rem. For inherits currently I have Saria/Gadius/R.Odin.Tama/A.Indra

    Thank you very much!


    • – I don’t think Ra Dragon is enough better than Myr to consider rolling specifically for DKali, but the possibility of rolling a DKali should definitely factor into your future rolling decisions. Maybe if you were trying to go all in on getting an Arena 3 farming team ready, but it doesn’t look like you have the inherits necessary to run that team. If there are other things you’d like day 1, that would make rolling much more attractive.

      – To improve Myr, I might actually try to land another Ariel. Then you could run the cookie cutter Arena 3 TPA team (2x Ariel, Kanna, Awoken Indra). Although rolling in an Angels godfest is always questionable. Outside that, I’d just wait for June to roll around again; that’s a long ways off and maybe Myr isn’t even good anymore by then, but there’s just so much good stuff for her in that REM. Apoc isn’t exactly something you can target. Neither is Facet. Outside that I’d just try to get better orb changers. Probably another Saria. Gadius is pretty horrible and Rodin isn’t something you should be running all the time.

      Light Akechi is from the June Bride REM, btw.


    • After playing my non-IAP alt for an extended period of time, I’ve really come around on the idea of rolling in collabs and seasonal REMs. Of course, it really depends on the quality of the REM, but rolling in a machine with no dupe risk feels pretty damned good. The seeming increase in a few collab REMs, like FF and Bleach, has also made this more attractive.

      For you specifically, it’s hard to say. What do you really need/want? That’s what should really weigh into your decision.


      • Oh. New years yomi, if I’m going to dream big. Ilmina from heroines.

        For tomorrow, I’d want nut and all five heroes. Maybe dkali (dream big)!

        I mean, I’m not really hurting for cards, just wondering how you’d weigh the REM’s against each other.

        Thanks so much!


        • I mean, if you’re just going for the yolo factor it doesn’t really matter what you roll in as long as it’s for what you want.

          For value, day 1 is way better.


  4. Rank 501, niap
    Padherder: https://www.padherder.com/user/pfpad/monsters

    Hey setsu, just wondering if you think Radra would be a good purchase for me. I have Isis and Kanna but only 1 DKali, and nothing to really replace it with except farming out a ragdra. The eventual uuvo mats shouldn’t be a problem for me to get.

    Right now all I’m doing is waiting for Yomidra uuvo and not much else.


    • It’s hard to say given no context. Why do you want Ra Dragon? Do you think it’d help you accomplish the things you want to do? Just buying it because you have decent subs isn’t a great reason.


  5. Sorry for being annoying setsu. Also happy new year (I’m kinda late…). I’m non-iap, scrounged up about 15 stones for god-fest.
    Teams that I run are:
    FG Ichigo/Mitsuhide/Pandora/Satsuki/Zuoh/FG Ichigo

    My dream pull would be Gremory cause of 5x GFE.

    Should I roll?

    Thx in advance.


      • The main problem with your comments is you just come in and ask a slew questions seemingly without thinking for yourself. Nor do you give any context. All of the regular commentors here know how to have a discussion and contribute their own thoughts.

        This very comment is a pretty good example of that. Should you roll? Maybe? With no context I can’t really give any meaningful advice. Why do you want Gremory? Why would you want anything featured in this godfest? If you were just a bit more thoughtful you wouldn’t be nearly as annoying.


  6. Yea you’re right, I don’t really have a planned use for him. Guess I was just looking for something to do. It’s tempting to chase after the bleeding edge just to see what it’s like. Anyways, thanks for your time setsu!


    • I mean, that’s as good a reason as any to do it. I don’t necessarily think you’re going to be farming Arena 3 without a second DKali and the appropriate inherits, though.


  7. Preferred Teams: Ilm, Grem, Ronove, a really janky Myr team, and Revo Lakshmi.
    Current Goals: Arena 2+3 and radar dragons
    IAP: Non-Iap
    Padherder: https://www.padherder.com/user/Faust/teams/#245245
    Rank: 575

    Hi Setsu,

    I recently transitioned to non-IAP so I’m little iffier on pulling as of late. I’m not especially interested in Evangelion or the Heroine REM, and I can live without the new GFEs for now, so my main goal is to improve my current teams with subs like Kanna, a 2nd Kaede, a 2nd Tsubaki, Eschamali (for a possible future YomiDra team), etc. My target is mostly Arena2/3 and to beat the radar dragons. Basically I have a lot of solid teams, but I feel like I am always missing a few key subs. I’m tempted to pull on day 1 because of the fire gala (I have very few fire cards in general) and 5x GFEs that includes JP Callers (Kanna, Kaede, Tsubaki) that my Ilm, Myr, and Ronove teams would love. The main issue for me is weighing the benefits of a fire gala and a solid GFE set against the high risk of dupes from the two pantheons. I have all the heroes and Egypt 2s except Perseus and Osiris. I wouldn’t mind a 3rd Panda for Grem, a second Andro for Lakshmi, or a 2nd Yamato for Tsubaki, but I really don’t want more Egypt 2s. Speaking of Egypt 2s, how do you feel about inheriting Sitri on Nut? I prefer Nut’s awakenings, and I might have an opportunity to use both actives in many dungeons. I think the inherited Nut would occasionally show up on Revo Lakshmi and YY’s teams.

    Thanks for the help!


    • With your box you’re never going to get great value. The stars might align someday, but that’s unlikely and the opportunity cost is high. If you feel that JP Callers or whatever specific cards would help you advance, you just have to bite the bullet and try for them. True, you have to be a bit more selective as non-IAP, but how much better will things get? Even if you get the correct pantheons, will it coincide with 5x GFEs? I guess you have to weigh those pros and cons yourself.

      Sitri inherited onto Nut is fine, I guess. I don’t really feel strongly any which way about it. Was there any particular reason you wanted feedback on it?


      • I hadn’t fully internalized the fact that all godfests will be at least a little bit bad at this point until you said it, so I appreciate your saying that. I’ve been playing for a year, so high value godfests were a thing for me until recently. I waited for a perfect godfest for months before the last one, and ended up with 150 free stones. Then pulled 15 or 20 times during the last godfest because the waiting was getting absurd. Almost all my pullls were useless (dupes and troll eggs), but I did walk out with my first Kaede, Baldin, Sitri, Australis and Spica (last constellation 1). I actually have none of the Indian 2s (Krishna, etc.), which I think is my only reservation about this particular godfest. I’m guessing Krishna would not be much of an improvement given my current leads?

        As for Sitri on Nut, I just really love Sitri’s active-tons of orbs without breaking hearts-but I can’t figure out a way to squeeze her into my water teams that I actually like. That seems to make her ideal for inheritance, but Nut is the best I can think of and I’m not convinced it’s a huge improvement over just putting in Sitri. And one last question, do you think a second Plum or YomiDra (when the Grem buff gets here) would be an improvement to my grem team: Grem (Ishida inheritance)/Plum/A. Panda/Anaphon/A. Yomi)? I’m trying to decide whether or not Anaphon’s 4 color board and devil killer awakenings are deal-breakers in the arena, and if either of those subs would be a big improvement over her. I’m keeping Yomi for the TEs and may put Akechi or Typhon on her.


        • Just try both ways out?

          I’d probably run a Xin Hua over Typhon Ana and Yomi Dragon over Yomi. You only lose one TE on Yomi Dragon vs. Yomi, but get a significantly better sub. Up to you, though.


          • So I just went all in and pulled the rest of my stones (15 pulls worth thanks to hoarding), and it went pretty well. I got Ares, 2x Osiris (finishes my Egypt 2), 2 more Yamatos (I’ll probably find something for them eventually), Bonia (6 star, so I’ll take it), Markab who apparently has 3 TPAs now, and a 2nd Kaede. So I now have a pretty optimized Ronove team: Ronove (ronove)/Kaede/Kaede/Rozuel (Baldin)/RagDra/Ronove and I’m one Kaede short of the minimum for a system 🙂 And all the fire subs are Tsubaki and Ilm friendly, so I can’t complain. Not a bad haul. I’ll probably buy YomiDra, although I’m not convinced I have the skills to take on Machine hera or Hera Dragon. On the bright side, a failure to get the UEVO would only cost me some stats and a leader skill. Thanks again!


  8. Hi Setsu,

    Again, thanks for your work on these advice threads. It’s been a few months for me, and I’m curious to get your take on how things are shaping up for my box in general (with an eye to my being able to tackle end game content reliably, skill permitting of course) – and whether it’s advisable to skip this godfest and wait for a more favourable one (as well as the New Years collab). First up, a few details:

    Rank: 363


    Padherder: https://www.padherder.com/user/Marr/monsters

    Teams: Realistically it’s Ana-Typhon. Thoria’s probably peaked, and Krishna’s a bit of a work in progress (but such a strong lead that I still bring it out to achieve certain goals). I’m starting to be able to contemplate the sketches of non-optimal but viable Ronove teams (and what I feel is a pretty obvious Sumire team has quietly presented itself as an option should I ever choose to develop it – though I can’t see the incentive to beyond fun and novelty).

    Goals: Right now I’m improving my skills, clearing new content with Ana-Typhon that I struggled to with Thoria, MP farming with ALB (your convincing me to retool a sub on a middling Verdandi team into a game changing tool was probably the best PAD advice ever) to purchase Yomi Dragon and Xin Hua to improve my Anaphon team in preparation to tackle Arena 1 (with some vague plans to use a Yomi Dragon team to farm it, once I beat it with Ana-Typhon).

    From the perspective of my Krishna team, the Heroes and Sengoku pantheons are both really good for me, as is the Fire Carnival – but there’s Egyptian 2 dupe risk, Norse dupe risk, and some dupe risk in Sengoku itself (not including Akechi, that’s a dupe I would be very happy with). Aside from the obvious Yamato (and Sanada on Day 2) – Pandora could be a useful sub or inherit on YomiDra or inherit on Anaphon, Perseus adds some awakening utility to ALB teams (I suppose it also opens up Reincarnated Parvati if I ever felt inclined), Wukong is great and would potentially open up a retool of Thoria light subs into a Myr team. That said, all of that can kind of wait now that I’m in control of Ana-Typhon’s development which at this stage is largely a matter of MP farming and not REM rolls. I can’t believe I’m saying this as I’ve been waiting on Heroes since I last failed to roll any back in September – but I feel like I should hold out for something better, a better Heroes pairing (there’s several whole pantheons I still have zero cards from), NY’s REM, something. Thoughts? Any other pantheons I should have on my radar?


    Liked by 1 person

    • Heroes godfests happen like maybe once every 2-3 months, probably less frequently going forward as they get further away from their last buff. If you feel like you can wait approximately that amount of time in hopes of better circumstances, then sure, why not? I also rolled in the last Heroes godfest on my alt even though I wanted to avoid Egypt 2 like the plague (weird they were paired with E2 two times in a row now). Sometimes you just need cards enough that it’s worth the risks. Yes, I got lucky and landed Andromeda and Yamato, but had I not, I’d still be looking to dump all my stones into this godfest. For core teambuilding, I think the Heroes are generally worth it.

      As far as other pantheons to target, I don’t really see any. Right now it looks more like you should expand where you want to go as it looks like you already have good teams in place. If you don’t feel all that strongly about the Heroes, maybe it’s a good idea just to go for cards you don’t have in hopes of futureproofing your box?

      I don’t think NY is a particularly good REM. Maybe if you want to pick up a NY Tengu or two and see what you get on the way, but there isn’t anything you should go out of your way for.

      Also, glad to hear the ALB MP farming is going well.


      • What an in depth question! It seems you’re on the right path. AnaPhon (as well as YomiDra) is a great lead, and this GF is middleing at best. They should have combined heroes and sengoku.


        • Thank you as well. It’s pretty clear they consider both of those as premier pantheons at this time, so I’m not surprised they broke them up, but surely we’ll get a pairing with a stronger B-list pantheon someday (Mechanical 1? Angels 2?). Cheers!

          Liked by 1 person

      • Thanks for the reply! I decided to hold off – another consideration is that the odds of rolling anyone from a featured pantheon seem so low these days that I’d prefer to either roll 50+ stones or not at all, just to smooth out the variance a bit (anything less feels like “yolo” rolling, and it’s easy to walk away empty handed and depleted).


  9. Hi there, thanks for the site. I enjoy reading about your goals.

    Padherder: https://www.padherder.com/user/poopsmgee
    Rank 316. Light IAP
    Anything rank max is fully awoken. Most things are also fully skilled up except for obscene ones (like Myr)
    Anything on a team is also likely +297

    I stupidly bought You Yu a while back (before I had sumire). However, he has helped rocket me forward a bunch so I suppose it’s not too bad.
    Main teams are “blue sparkles” with YouYu or Sumire, Awoken Horus, and recently: Myr.
    Current goal is to buff up my Myr subs to make it my primary team. I have a lot of Monkeys (wukongs), Da Xiao, and a LLM.
    Secondary goal: Reincarnated Horus/Ra team (dkalis/balboa(orochi))
    Tertiary goal: MP farming team. Liu Bei/Dios/Mitsunari’s?

    My guess that there isn’t much for me other than GFE this godfest. Correct?
    What goals would you have in my shoes?

    Thank you for your time!


    • I’d probably prioritize making a Liu Bei farming team. Even if you don’t plan on doing hardcore co-op farming, this team will be good for you for a long time and is well work the investment. It’s definitely what I’d prioritize, but it really depends how much both farming and co-op appeal to you.

      I think the choice to pursue a Myr team is good. However, I don’t think you want to stack too many Wukongs as base subs. He’s just not very good offensively. I’d probably raise that Ariel then inherit a Wukong onto her. DQXQ isn’t the best base sub, either, but is better than Wukong and they look like they’re your best base option at this point. That leaves two more sub slots. You’re really only left with sketchy options. So I’d probably do Wukong #2 then something from Fuma, Ilm or a farmable like Elia. Landing a Saria at some point would be a big help. A dupe Myr is also a possibility, something that will be more accessible once King Tans hit NA.

      I don’t see this godfest being that great for you, but considering your wide variety of cards I don’t think any will be going forward. It’s time to target a specific set of cards and wait for a godfest with multiple hits.


  10. Hi, following your page regularly. It helps getting perspective on the otherwise overwhelmingly large number of cards. I am on board “only” 180 days, but progress is so fast.

    Paderherder: https://www.padherder.com/user/Pr34cher/teams/#253073
    The Padherder is up to date, but also a little crowded, i need to weed out some stuff, but how to decide.
    Rank: 397. Wonder about IAPing first time this GF.

    I grew up with Verdandi-ADKZ-CuChu-Freyja-Marine Rider Bard Robin-Verd
    Easy TPA, SBR, Wee Jas when Binds are on, Nice Spike with Freyja
    Why no Freyja-Sylvie? Got a BF Triangle with Verd, and no Sylvies in sight.
    Play goes so fluent, but i believe i have done almost everything this team can, time to advance.

    I play Sumire-Sumire-Lakshmi-Navi(MP)/Ruka(solo)-AHermes-Sumire when shield is needed
    RLakshmi-Sumire-Sumire-Navi/Ruka-AHermes-RLak when not or blue favorable

    I favor my new team
    Anaphon-Akechi-DKali-AOkuninushi-Oda Nobunaga-X
    X= Anaphon (extremely rare it seems) or gremory. Aizen is cool too.
    Above 6 floors and with tons of pre-emptives i lack hearts.

    My target is to progress to Arena, which I am currently afraid to waste stamina on.

    Basically I see, I need new BFs to settle on a new team permanently to get into a non-TPA playstyle.

    Some Heroes could help me i think (Pandora, Andomeda, Perseus) and the GFE as well (Eschamali, 3rd Sumire, 2nd Dkali (i got Ra in the makes).

    Now my question: Could I really get big value with buying some stones this GF or is this borderline luxury like in “you should be able to be good with what you have. It would be good, but it’s also not really needed and the chances are still low.”

    Thanks for your help!

    Liked by 1 person

    • You sound like you are in a boat similar to what mine is. This doesn’t seem like a bad GF overall. the 5x is nice. but the pantheon pairings are embittering. This could be a good GF for you considering your interest in the GFE lineup and the Heroes, but you seem to have little interest in the Fire Gala.


      • That is unfortunately true. I have mono teams in blue and green, also with DLuci Dark, red seems to be not needed. Only blue with RLakshmi is somehow endgame capable, but lacks some subs for special mechanics like binds or high def monsters.
        The heroes in general can help anyone i guess and some GFE like Eschamali everyone can do something with. I can buy a lot of stones to chase them, but at this point I am not sure if I want it because everyone says they are good or really needing it with what i have.

        Liked by 1 person

        • How insightful!! Truly, finding contentment with and understanding that your box is capable of being ENJOYABLE (the point of the game) is an important realization to reach.


    • Looking at your box, you just need to start diversifying the REM options in your box. It’s a wonder that what few cards you have so far are all high impact, but you can’t count on that if you expect to reasonably progress through to the distant future. The meta continuously shifts and you need as many cards as possible so you can seamlessly cope with changes. I think either day is a fine day to risk some rolls. Day 1 has 0 dupe risk for you which is quite nice. Sure, Egypt 2 is a stinker pantheon, but a few are fine subs as is (Set, Nut, Osiris) and we should expect them to get better whenever their buffs roll around (they’re coming, right GungHo?). Day 2 is also fine and has better immediate value, although you do risk 2 dupes. I don’t see anything wrong rolling either day.

      As to whether you should buy stones for this godfest, I’d say probably not unless you feel a strong urge to get some Heroes (which is a more than reasonable desire). It’s very rare that the Heroes get paired with a good pantheon so “just waiting” for a better pairing isn’t a realistic option. However, if you’re just looking for good overall value, you may be better served waiting for a better lineup. It’s your money. Make sure you feel confident you’re chancing it on conditions you’re comfortable with.


      • Thank you for your feedback! I rolled free stones and got Mochizuki Chiyome, Chrono Turtle and LKali. I could try RevoRA-DKali-LKali-BKali-BKali. Fun, but I guess not very successful.
        I understand I lack utility, like bind clear options across all teams or an Indra. That would help make my teams more solid and be universally useful, maybe as SI. So I won’t buy stones this time, will wait for more overall value. Hopefully my luck continues pulling that Isis and/or Indra.
        2-3 months from here though, when heroes return, i can see myself pulling if i don’t clear Arena 1 once by then.
        Thanks again, appreciate your time.


  11. Hi Setsu! I’ve asked for advice multiple times before, making my teams way better. Lately, since I enjoyed the game so much and hated coop, I went ahead and created an alt… The alt doesn’t IAP, the main does.

    Rank 428
    Leads: Gremory, Pandora, Yuna

    Rank 325
    Leads: Pandora

    I’m stuck in coop between the two because their leads aren’t very compatible (would love to roll a Gremory for the alt!) and the alt is missing many key subs for top-tier content. Went all out in Bleach, and did manage to snag and Aizen and a Rukia for both. However, I am struggling to build teams that work. Possible main teams for Rukia are Scheat/Scheat/Orochi/Sumire and for Aizen, AHaku/AOkuni/APanda/Eschamali… However, not sure I have the right subs to make matching teams in my alt.

    — Should I target this Godfest for the alt to try to get I&I, Akechi, or Loki?
    — If not this one, which pantheons should I target to complement the main account?
    — Is there a better synergy in some other team that I haven’t thought of yet? I think I have good Myr subs, but I don’t think my teams can beat her dungeon with the alt.

    As usual, really appreciate your help and view of this!


    • What are you trying to accomplish in co-op? Farming? Or just progressing through content? If it’s farming, I’d probably try some variation of the MZeus Ra carry and use that.

      Outside that, I’d probably just go all in on Aizen. Your alt’s dark orb changers aren’t the greatest, but you don’t exactly need the best cards to make a good team and your main can pick up most of the slack. This means you’ll be targeting cards like Persephone, Eschamali, Haku, etc. Just target godfests that progress your game plan while also providing a good selection of non-dupes.

      Personally, I’d probably target 3K. A dupe Sun Quan or Lu Bu would suck, but Liu Bei is that good. He’ll enable quick MP farming so you can fill holes on your teams with MP cards. Farming some Zaerogs for Aizen would be a simple task (although you can also do this with MZeus).


      • The goal is progressing through content – I’d like to get to Arena soon.

        Based on the recommendation, I’ll save my stones and wait for a Greek / 3K / Chinese godfest. In the meantime, I’ll start farming a Zaerog and a Kuramitsuha for the alt… Any recommended team pairs for Aizen? Is my plan of AHaku/AOkuni/APanda/Eschamali optimal for my main paired with whatever I can put together for the alt?


        • For the alt I’d probably run 2x Zaerog. I’ve found that works well with my own alt. You don’t need much to be successful with Aizen in co-op.

          I’d probably run a Zaerog over Okuni. Then you can inherit Okuni or whatever else you need onto him. Aizen has a huge RCV multiplier, but you still want at least 4 water subs to get a decent total. At least that’s what I’ve found, anyways.

          With all the Zaerog farming, I think it’s still worth it to put together some type of low-effort farming team. Even if you don’t plan on farming hardcore, having that tool in your belt will make life much easier.


  12. The only Egyptian 2 I have is a single Nut (yeah, yeah, I know — insert puerile joke here) and Andromeda, the only hero I lack, has tormented me for literally years now. Furthermore, I am actively developing my fire box and, hooray, it’s a fire gala.

    My question is not whether to roll; I already did that. My question is, having rolled a bunch of times and gotten a fat lot of nothing (OK, I can’t complain about the dup Sun Wukong, but that was it), what is the maximum level of salt I can feel and still be absolved for it?

    (Thank you, by the way, for the blog in general, and a belated thank you for the helpful comments on my question about Dantalion as a Krishna sub a few posts back in particular.)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Lol, I love the elemoquence with which you approached your saltiness; the sea can only hold so much.

      What is “a bunch of times?” We talkin 5 rolls, or a pack and a half?


  13. Hey, I got a bunch of new monsters on pcgf and I’m trying to figure out what direction to take my box now. Padherder link here, or username is padjoeh if I missed it up. I played sakuya forever even though I have only one kali, but an looking for teams that will help me clear arena and c9-10. Any thoughts on trans and what pieces I still need for them? Thanks!


      • Krishna is likely your best bet to accomplish your goals. It looks like a row-based team is your best bet since you’re lacking TPA and OE options. Ares, Sanada, Leilan, Cao Cao, and Uriel are all fine subs to work with. You also have good mass orb changers for inheritance like Mori and RSonia. I’d probably go Ares / Sanada / Leilan (awoken) / Cao Cao (awoken). I’d raise Chiyome and Laila for situational killer use. This team should easily get you past the dungeons you listed. I don’t really think you need any other pieces tbh. There’s always room for improvement, but unless there’s some glaring weakness I’m missing (I’ve hardly run Krishna) you’re probably better off continuing to develop your box normally.


  14. Hi Setsu!! ~~
    Thanks for making this site, it’s awesome!

    Rank 208 light-IAP but I imagine going heavier in the near future
    Main teams: Aizen/a.panda/u.panda/zuoh/hKali
    Lightning/Leonis/Valkyrie Ana/a.panda/Saria
    PH: https://www.padherder.com/user/YuukiS/monsters/#31,0,31,8191,4294967295_63,0,,0,0,0,eq,0,0,0,0,;default,0

    I’ve been playing for a little over 2 months with pandora as my starter. I was starting to feel like I was skill-capped, especially with my current teams, until I pulled Aizen and started blowing through the lower tier descends and the rest of the technicals. It’s a sub-optimal team, for sure, but the thought of taking on z8 is really scary for me since zeus-dios is about the hardest dungeon I’ve cleared to date and the current team is so squishy even that was risky (~24k hp).
    I also just pulled Gremory this morning, so first question is: which team should I focus on? and could you recommend some subs ^.^

    I’d like to start clearing A1 for pys and also be able to start clearing the harder descends like Linthia and z8 and myr. Up till now I’ve been working on a Goemon team to farm Dios while also building the Dios team to farm myr so I can start clearing end-game stuff, but it’s REALLY slow going T.T Long story short, I’m kind of lost on what to do in between dios descends, so I was hoping for some guidance?

    Thanks in advance!


    • Your choice to ride the Aizen train was the correct one. Targeting Zaerog as a sub upgrade is also a very good choice, but you’re probably correct in your assessment that the dungeon is a bit too difficult for you at this point. I think we can set aside trying to clear Mythical Plus as the PreDRAs add an inordinate level of difficulty. This leaves a few main obstacles: 1) the dark absorb shieldras and 2) the high-defense first form. For (1), Aizen’s blue main element is a boon here and you can probably kill with that as long as you don’t match dark. For (2), the solution is usually some sort of damage pierce, but Aizen can likely just burst through the 10mil defense, especially with Zuoh’s dragon killer. I don’t know what your Tan situation is like, but I’d try to protect your orb changers from skill delays with dummy inherits so you don’t have to buy SDRs. You’ll likely have to invest a bit more into your current subs (+eggs, skill ups, etc), but you definitely have the potential to clear the dungeon already in your box. Also remember that NA should be getting the King Tan update in like a month or so, so as light IAP the guaranteed skill ups will likely make your life much easier.

      Perhaps before you move on to Zaerog, I’d suggest making a dark Izanami. The dungeon is on a similar level of difficulty as Dios and rewards a key farmable sub that is relatively easy to max skill (only requires 7 skill ups opposed to the usual 10+). She will help address dungeons where your HP is lacking and I think she’s well worth the investment. On my JP alt, I run Cecil (who’s vastly inferior to Aizen, but shares his HP weakness) and DIza has quickly turned into one of my most valued subs despite her horrendous awakenings. You’ll outgrow her someday, but she should do some good work until you get to that point.

      Also, congrats on the Gremory, but I feel Aizen is overall superior. That being said, you should be working on her as well there will be situations where you’d rather use her. Good luck!


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