4x GFE Rate Is Real

Against better reason, I rolled two packs even after my incredible luck yesterday. I felt there wouldn’t a better time to roll for those 6-stars for a while. Well, 4x GFEs didn’t disappoint, netting me two more ROdins, a third DKali and such an unreasonable amount of MP from 5-star GFEs that I could buy Neptune Dragon and still have enough leftover for Ra and Yomi. I also completed the Sengoku pantheon, got two more Markabs for the system and another Akechi for a Typhon team. Incredibly stupid and lucky at the same time. Now to exercise some discipline and not roll again for a long time (yeah… who am I kidding, Christmas is under three months away… I’m scared).

Well, Cao Cao still hates me, but who cares about him?

30 thoughts on “4x GFE Rate Is Real

  1. Nice, I caved and rolled most of my stones today. Picked up Yukimura, Mitsuhide, my 4th Rodin, Cerberus Rider, and a bunch of MP. I want to roll more since the GFE rate is so high but I have to exert discipline and wait until iTunes cards go on sale. No point buying packs at full price when you can get more gems for your money during a gift card sale.


    • Nice! Yeah, I only use discounted iTunes cards too. Except what spurred this round of rolls was that my credit card rewards came today which I, of course, got in iTunes cards (perfect or worst timing?).


  2. I’d say thats perfect timing considering what you rolled. Other than 3 sengoku, I am missing only GFEs from my collection with most of those being 6*. I hope this will give me discipline to wait until another 4x GFE fest before I roll again since there is no point chasing 6* in other GFs.


  3. Bah, Dkali hates me like Cao Cao hates you. Rolled more because the GFE rates were so good, but still no dice. All the new dragon callers / sengoku cards now though. So there’s that I suppose. I hope they run a 4x GFE event again in the future.

    Will you bother getting Neptune Dragon? Even with all the extra MP I can’t really see a reason to pick him up. Have you bothered investing in any latents yet, what are your thoughts and recommendations on them?


    • Yeah, I already bought him. I don’t think there’s much point to him if you already have Shiva Dragon, but I want to play around with him in the future. The Awilda-Courage cheese team is less appealing now that I have a Ra Dragon team, but it seems like the perfect thing to do during those short downtime periods at work.

      I’ve only bought dark resist latents so I could clear the current Lv10 with Bastet. I put 5 each on Bastet and Meimei. I’ll also buy the requisite dark and light resists for the Ra Dragon Arena team.

      I’d say just wait to buy them until you absolutely need them since they don’t do all that much outside of specific cases. Even if you’re at the MP cap, I’d let your fodder sit in your box since you never know what kind of thing they’ll put in the shop next that you might need the MP for. It’s also quite possible that you’ll be able to farm them before you need them. Even though I spend a lot on the game, MP is still precious to me so I’d advise being as stingy with it as possible.


  4. I guess I’m just really unlucky. I rolled Hermes, who I don’t have much use for, Mistrain, Belial #3 and a Melon Dragon. To me the rate boost means almost nothing so I thought you got super lucky but it seems I’m the odd one out this time as my friend netted 5 special gods in 8 rolls. Congrats on your DKali and wow, that is an awesome skill up rate you got! My Da Qiao was like a 50% skill up rate and it felt so good.


  5. Don’t tempt me Setsu, Don’t tempt me! I rolled 25 stones.. 5 Rolls… Laila, Grape Dragon (dafuq), Cinderella, Green CyberDragon and some other crap I rage sold to MP lollllll… I really want a DKali or Lkali and it seems like everyone’s been doing well with this 4x Rate


    • I actually really like the two Cyber series, I hope you kept that one. They’re pretty useful for troll golds. Hopefully you have better luck in the future!


  6. Gah, I basically rolled everything besides DKali/ROdin. Sengoku pantheon complete, 3 Ares, Gadius/Typhon, Kanna and 2nd Satsuki.

    I mean I’m quite happy with it but it’s safe to say I’ll just focus on one or two colors and shelf rainbow for awhile.


    • That’s a nice haul, I know many people that would kill for that Kanna. It sucks to not roll what you want, but at least you got some quality pieces.


  7. Nice rolls all around for you. Cool. I rolled maybe 2 and a half packs. Still no DKali, Mitsukide, Kaede, Urd, and only 1 cao cao. I got 4 ares even though it was day 1 :P. Oddly not one odin of any color. I got Kanna and Skuld which I have no current plans for but no other 50k mp rarity cards. Also rolled on my alt devices about 6 times and got junk, but no biggy there.


  8. Meh, my luck fluctuates, guess I’m in a trough right now. Had 3 rolls saved up, Kano (sticker girl), dino rider, Makarab. Welp, GG. I’m OK with Makarab, as I want to try to form a system with each of them, but overall pretty meh. I can’t TRULY complain as I only did three rolls, but still bummed. Oh well. Better luck next time…


  9. Hey, have a question about how resists work. Would a team of A.Karin / NeptDra / S.Awilda / S.Awilda / GB Marionette / A.Karin – be a combined 100% water damage resist without latents? (link for convenience if you want)


    If so I might pick up Neptune Dragon just for the cheese factor.


    • I’m pretty sure all resists and damage reductions are multiplicative. The somewhat exception is that all resists from awakenings, including latents, are additive with each other, but the resulting number is multiplicative with everything else. So the water resist of that team would be:

      1 – (1 – 0.3) * (1 – 0.3) * (1 – 0.2 – 0.2) = ~70%


      • Hmm, was hoping it was cumulative. But swapping out a S.Awilda for Dark Blue Skydragon and putting water resist latents on all 5 team members would work without relying on friend lead latents I suppose that would work. I just need to pick one up didn’t get one last time the PadZ collab came through.

        Not sure it’s worth it or not, was just an idea after looking over the marionettes and seeing a vid with it used in Arena. Thought Karin leads would be more practical.


        • No, you need 100% from awakenings alone to ensure the team works. Awilda is 20, Nirai Kanai is 25, and 5 subs with full water latents is 25, leaving you with 70% from awakenings. With 2 Karin leads that would only be ~85% reduction. Something like Kagutsuchi’s 500k+ nuke would still kill you.


  10. Rolled two packs too.
    Got all sengoku with 2x akechi(wanted at least one).
    3xTsubaki somehow
    hermes (wanted)
    2x shiva somehow
    2x minerva
    and a Freyr
    Fire gala too strong.

    So I got a question for a Typhon team, Would a
    Typhon/pand/Swimsuitpand/satsuki/akechi/Typhon team be good? or is your build better?

    Also got 2x swimsuit pandora should I replace the other Pandora?


    • Nice rolls.

      I think of Typhon as a row team. You could go TPA if you wanted, I guess, but then you wouldn’t be taking full advantage of any Akechis on the team.

      You definitely want 2x Akechi because he makes Typhon’s active usable. You also want 2x regular Pandora. She gives you the skill boosts to have your Pandoras and Akechis up on the first turn and the TPAs aren’t necessary.


  11. i was hoping for a dkali and typoon after your rolls. after 6 packs in two days, 3 each, no dice. finally got my caocao/sunquan/ares, and complete sengoku, and 2 more rodins. (5 now), just missing blue ronia (dont’ care for), kaede, dkali/typoon from the GFE. will roll again when it’s GFE x4…


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