9 thoughts on “Tengu Legend (No Cost Restriction) – Shiva Dragon & ROdin

  1. For people who don’t have their own Rodin this works using Yamato in place of the sub Rodin but you may need one combo with row on first floor which is basically just as fast. Now to make sure friends have their hypermax Rodins up


  2. Concept should work with Vritra (in place of Rodin) as long as you swap Goemon and Vritra in the activation order right?


    • Not necessarily. You’ll be missing a skill boost and may not have enough damage to swipe floor 1 (I’d double check the boss floor too, but I’d imagine that’d be fine). Berserker, on the other hand, would be perfect, but NA ain’t ever getting that.


      • Thinking about this again: swapping Vritra with ROdin would leave you with 11 skill boosts. So you could activate Shiva Dragon after Thuban. So 3 haste + 1 match would give you the 15 charges you need for ROdin and Goemon. However, the you’d still need to do the math on the damage for Tengu. I’d think it’d be fine, but I’m not sure.


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