JP Aggregate Leader List: Week 15

JP Aggregate Leader List

Changes from last time: Pandora 2➞3, Xin Hua removed from ❀
Legend: Popular on Pad-Plus, ❀: Honorable Mention Tier
2756 - 紅蘭の君子, Xiang Mei
2259 - Sun God, Ra Dragon
2679 - Asst Capt of 13th Squad, Rukia Kuchiki
2758 - 蒼竹の君子・You Yu
2507 - Awoken Archdemon Lucifer
2765 - One-Winged Angel, Sephiroth
2255 - Sea Deity, Neptune Dragon
2505 - Awoken Astaroth
2441 - Judging-Claw Orange Dragonbound, Saria
2395 - Awoken Thor
2766 - Unwavering Summoner, Yuna
2904 - Awoken Da Qiao & Xiao Qiao
2528 - Awoken Machine Zeus
2013 - Awoken Anubis
2662 - Awoken Pandora
2261 - God of the Night, Tsukuyomi Dragon
2253 - Destroyer God, Shiva Dragon
2443 - Returning-Claw Blue Dragonbound, Ryune
2393 - Awoken Idunn&Idunna
2566 - Ancestral Blue Dragon Caller, Sonia
2389 - Awoken Sakuya
2750 - Awoken Apollo
2751 - Awoken Persephone
2526 - Awoken Machine Hera

Disclaimer: The aggregate list is basically a compilation of the leader tier lists from three JP PAD sites: Game8, GameWith and AppMedia. The idea is that while a single tier list can have many points of contention, hopefully an aggregate can kind of smooth things over (it doesn’t, really, but it helps a bit). I try to keep my hands off the results as much as possible; the extent of my involvement is setting the algorithm to aggregate the results. I wish I could be fully hands off, but as none of the lists have 1:1 correlation in their grades, I have to have that much involvement. Don’t take these ratings as fact; I encourage you to simply take them as a starting point for discussion to figure out which leads are actually the best for your specific situation.

Once again I’m going to mail this in. MP cards? 6-star GFEs? Yawn.

JP Aggregate Leader List Changes of Note

Card Notes
2662 - Awoken Pandora
Change: 2➞3

As a fan of Pandora, her constant fall through the past few weeks hurts. Like almost all demotions, her overall power hasn’t decreased, but as time passes it’s inevitable that other teams will be more efficient. However, this second set of MP leaders has really skewed things; on top of the MP Dragons, the Four Gentlemen really restrict what can be considered a top-tier leader since they’re so innately powerful. Then the addition of skill inheritance and the emphasis on co-op further muddles the picture.

2762 - 紫梅の君子, Xin Hua
Change: Removed from ❀

I think she’s being underestimated, but it’s certainly hard to get excited for her compared to her siblings.

New Card Holding Tank

New cards will be held here temporarily in an attempt to isolate the aggregate list from knee-jerk ratings.
Card Notes
2943 - 滅翼の龍帝王・Sherias Roots
Ranked Sites: Game8 (S), GameWith (A), AppMedia (S+), PadPlus (2)

This version of Sherias seems legit, with all three lists giving him a decent ranking. My wallet is thankful that he’s worse than Ra Dragon, or at least not significantly better.

2760 - 黄菊の君子・Xiu Min
Ranked Sites: Game8 (A), AppMedia (S), PadPlus (3)

As a fan of row teams, Xiu Min appeals to me much more than You Yu, but I’ll concede that pairing You Yu’s ridiculous multiplier with skyfall boosting cards like Scheat and Hermes makes him better overall.

2900 - 神討の魔狼・Fenrir Viz
Ranked Sites: AppMedia (S-)

I watched Reco stream this team and I wasn’t impressed. This version is definitely better than the original dark, though. Being able to consistently use his active via hastes really increases the consistency of the team, but being so active hungry limits what can actually be accomplished.

Jump to: Game8 | GameWith | GameWith Farming | AppMedia | Pad-Plus


Original source
Changes from last time: You Yu A+➞S, Xiu Min added to A
Legend: Popular on Pad-Plus
2259 - Sun God, Ra Dragon
2756 - 紅蘭の君子, Xiang Mei
2679 - Asst Capt of 13th Squad, Rukia Kuchiki
2758 - 蒼竹の君子・You Yu
2765 - One-Winged Angel, Sephiroth
2943 - 滅翼の龍帝王・Sherias Roots
2507 - Awoken Archdemon Lucifer
2662 - Awoken Pandora
2505 - Awoken Astaroth
2766 - Unwavering Summoner, Yuna
2904 - Awoken Da Qiao & Xiao Qiao
2760 - 黄菊の君子・Xiu Min
2255 - Sea Deity, Neptune Dragon
2751 - Awoken Persephone
2750 - Awoken Apollo
2566 - Ancestral Blue Dragon Caller, Sonia
2441 - Judging-Claw Orange Dragonbound, Saria
2395 - Awoken Thor
2261 - God of the Night, Tsukuyomi Dragon
2013 - Awoken Anubis

Jump to: Game8 | GameWith | GameWith Farming | AppMedia | Pad-Plus


Original source
Changes from last time: Sherias Roots added to A
Legend: Popular on Pad-Plus
2756 - 紅蘭の君子, Xiang Mei
2259 - Sun God, Ra Dragon
2528 - Awoken Machine Zeus
2507 - Awoken Archdemon Lucifer
2765 - One-Winged Angel, Sephiroth
2526 - Awoken Machine Hera
2758 - 蒼竹の君子・You Yu
2679 - Asst Capt of 13th Squad, Rukia Kuchiki
2505 - Awoken Astaroth
2943 - 滅翼の龍帝王・Sherias Roots
2662 - Awoken Pandora
2013 - Awoken Anubis
2443 - Returning-Claw Blue Dragonbound, Ryune
2393 - Awoken Idunn&Idunna
2441 - Judging-Claw Orange Dragonbound, Saria
2395 - Awoken Thor
2766 - Unwavering Summoner, Yuna
2261 - God of the Night, Tsukuyomi Dragon

Jump to: Game8 | GameWith | GameWith Farming | AppMedia | Pad-Plus

GameWith Farming

*This list isn’t factored into the aggregate result.
Original source
Changes from last time: None
Legend: Popular on Pad-Plus
2006 - Avowed Thief, Ishikawa Goemon
2528 - Awoken Machine Zeus
2179 - God of the Destroying Lance, Odin
2657 - Heroic God-Emperor, Yamato Takeru
2253 - Destroyer God, Shiva Dragon
2255 - Sea Deity, Neptune Dragon
2691 - Capt of 10th Squad, Toshiro Hitsugaya
2824 - Guardian of Metropolis, Superman
2526 - Awoken Machine Hera
2226 - 制約と誓約, Gon Freecss
2689 - Former R&D Chief, Kisuke Urahara
2764 - Cloud & Fenrir

Jump to: Game8 | GameWith | GameWith Farming | AppMedia | Pad-Plus


Original source
Changes from last time: Sherias Roots added to S+, Pandora S+➞S, AD Lucifer S+➞S, Xiu Min added to S, Xin Hua S➞S-, Fenrir Viz added to S-, Kite removed from S-
Legend: Popular on Pad-Plus
2259 - Sun God, Ra Dragon
2756 - 紅蘭の君子, Xiang Mei
2261 - God of the Night, Tsukuyomi Dragon
2758 - 蒼竹の君子・You Yu
2943 - 滅翼の龍帝王・Sherias Roots
2679 - Asst Capt of 13th Squad, Rukia Kuchiki
2662 - Awoken Pandora
2507 - Awoken Archdemon Lucifer
2255 - Sea Deity, Neptune Dragon
2760 - 黄菊の君子・Xiu Min
2904 - Awoken Da Qiao & Xiao Qiao
2389 - Awoken Sakuya
2013 - Awoken Anubis
2765 - One-Winged Angel, Sephiroth
2253 - Destroyer God, Shiva Dragon
2505 - Awoken Astaroth
2814 - 図書室の管理神, Kali
2766 - Unwavering Summoner, Yuna
2900 - 神討の魔狼・Fenrir Viz
2566 - Ancestral Blue Dragon Caller, Sonia
2677 - Hollow Ichigo Kurosaki
2445 - The Greatest Enemy, Raoh
2392 - Awoken Freyr
2443 - Returning-Claw Blue Dragonbound, Ryune
2393 - Awoken Idunn&Idunna
2441 - Judging-Claw Orange Dragonbound, Saria
2395 - Awoken Thor
2762 - 紫梅の君子, Xin Hua
2325 - Awoken Yomi
2509 - Cutting-Claw Green Dragonbound, Sylvie
2394 - Awoken Freyja
2012 - Awoken Ra
2011 - Awoken Bastet

Jump to: Game8 | GameWith | GameWith Farming | AppMedia | Pad-Plus


*This list isn’t factored into the aggregate result.
Original source
Changes from last time: Sherias Roots added to 2, Machine Zeus 2➞4, Xiu Min added to 3, Sephiroth 3➞6, AD Lucifer 4➞5, DQXQ 5➞10, Pandora 6➞11, Saria 10➞7, Shiva Dragon 7➞12, Yomi Dragon 15➞9, Persephone removed from 9, Astaroth 11➞13, Ra Dragon 12➞14, Yomi removed from 13, Sinbad removed from 14, Fenrir added to 15
2758 - 蒼竹の君子・You Yu
2943 - 滅翼の龍帝王・Sherias Roots
2760 - 黄菊の君子・Xiu Min
2528 - Awoken Machine Zeus
2507 - Awoken Archdemon Lucifer
2765 - One-Winged Angel, Sephiroth
2441 - Judging-Claw Orange Dragonbound, Saria
2013 - Awoken Anubis
2261 - God of the Night, Tsukuyomi Dragon
2904 - Awoken Da Qiao & Xiao Qiao
2662 - Awoken Pandora
2253 - Destroyer God, Shiva Dragon
2505 - Awoken Astaroth
2259 - Sun God, Ra Dragon
2641 - Gods' Enemy Monstrous Wolf, Fenrir

For details on the aggregation method or each Japanese site used, refer to this page (link someday).

21 thoughts on “JP Aggregate Leader List: Week 15

  1. I know you’ve posted (somewhere) before about your thoughts on A.Lucifer vs A.Pandora, and how indifferent they are. Having said that, why do you think that he hasn’t been demoted/is ranked higher than her in most of the JP tier lists?


    • He was already demoted, but was promoted again for some reason unknown to me. They don’t really explain themselves, either, so I’m attributing it to “lol tier lists”.


  2. I’m not too fond of Sephiroth’s placement on these tier lists, but ah well. Tier lists. Honestly, with multiplayer being factored in I barely care about these tiers anymore. I still have a healthy respect for the GameWith tier list because of their consistently accurate placements, but with the latest “lol godkiller lets promote Luci” I’m getting a bit skeptical of them as well. Thanks for the post as usual, Setsu.


    • I feel much the same. Commenting on the changes has felt futile as of late since it’s difficult to gauge how things I don’t care about — like co-op — factor into the results. I may just stop commenting altogether.


      • Is it too much work for you to make a solo-tier list? I really appreciate you sharing your knowledge. I know youre quite a perfectionist and put a lot of work into your posts, but even a list made of your impressions and gameplay would help immensely. I think quite a lot us dont do coop, and would like a more solooriented assesment.

        I can understand if it would be too much though.


        • It’s never going to happen.

          Even if it wasn’t a lot of work, I’m just not keeping up with the game enough anymore. There was a time I was pretentious enough to consider myself a PAD expert, but that simply isn’t the case anymore. I’d rather not have to confront all the inevitable criticism with a half-baked opinion (which is my main criticism of the JP lists to begin with).


  3. I love how Fenrir sucks so they release a light counterpart like “lol jammers we’re still relevant dammit” and they fix almost everything wrong with the original Fenrir. Since I unfortunately wasted 5 of my stones rolling that thing I feel like I just got crapped on by GungHo but oh well. If I roll a light Fenrir I am going to be VERY not happy regardless. That fact that he’s a 6* GFE is much better since the chances will be lower.

    But the fact that I own a Fenrir is making me try to max skill a Jormungandr. What am I thinking?


    • Fenrir’s not quite there yet, but he’s getting close. As is, Gainaut followed by FenrirViz is a GUARANTEED 400x activation, same with Gainaut and the FF2 card that goes hearts to jammers, only that can scale upwards depending on extra hearts or jammers spawning.

      I won’t say that Fenrir’s good, but he’s quite powerful, and Anubis has gotten by on that fact for years, so I’d say that jammers are not there YET, but will be eventually. Much to the chagrin of the anti-jammer crowd.


  4. Is there an explanation to why is Xiu Min ranked lower than DQXQ?
    I mean his standard team has 36k hp 15 rows and is open to all light card while DQ is more restrictive and cant bring that tankiness
    Is it because he is orb hungry?
    What about Ilm system? Will that promote him?


    • First, “DQXQ” and “restrictive” in the same sentence doesn’t compute.

      Second, this is what the holding tank is for. Let things play out for a week or two, then worry about where things are placed relative to each other.

      Third, there’s no such thing as an Xiu Min-Ilm system unless they stealth buffed him with a 3-turn haste.


    • I’ve been looking at You Yu vs Xiu Min a fair amount the past week trying to decide which one I’ll purchase. Looking at theoretical teams for each I was getting about 29k-30k HP for You Yu with 3.5k-4k RCV (various compositions of Hermes, Skuld, Orochi, Nut, Indigo, Scheat, Ryune) while getting 34k-36k HP and 3.5k-4.1k RCV with Xiu Min (Wukong, Saria, Raphael, Apollo, Ilm, Ama). However, You Yu consistently outdamages Xiu Min at basically every combination of orb setups – by significant amounts at both the higher and lower end of orb counts (they’re pretty equivalent at about 15 orbs of their respective color). Although to be fair at the high end (15+ orbs) both are doing a “fuck ton” of damage.

      I’d personally put them in the same tier with a SLIGHT advantage to You Yu as I’ll take the tradeoff of being able to do respectable amounts of dmg without being quite as orb hungry. But Xiu Min could be more “future proof” with that extra HP, more variety of heartmakers, better active, easier LS to activate and doesn’t have type disadvantage.


      • A few thoughts: Does your math for damage tak into account that Chrysanthemum teams will have a ton of rows? I know that 150x+ damage is enough, but hitting that with Bamboo will leave rows out of the equation for him, and I doubt that a Bamboo team will have as many rows as a Chry team.

        That aside, both teams are relatively future proofed already by co-op, where you get effextively 60% more HP at no cost (aside from having to actually play co-op of course…). Furthermore, you can pair with the respective dragonbound for a serious HP boost. (Lacking a rcv multiplier can be problematic though.)

        Personally, I think that Chry is better than Bamboo, as the extra 4K+ HP can REALLY make a difference, and I personally believe that by stacking on enough rows (and a few OEs) Chry can outdamage Bamboo… before skyfall shenanigans of course 😛


        • One reason I like Xiu Min more is because Raphael is one of the best subs in the game (and actually complements him quite well). Even outside Raph, I feel light has better utility and killer options. However, I’m more inclined to wait and see where each leader settles.


        • For You Yu, I did a team of Orochi, Sumire, Skuld and A. Hermes as this is likely what I’d run. This gives you 29,922 HP, 3640 RCV, 100% SBR, 10 skill boosts, 12 OE, 3 rows, 7 TPA and 6 time extends. For Xiu Min I did Wukong, Raphael, Saria and A. Apollo for similar reasons. Breakdown is: 34,286 HP, 3629 RCV, 100% SBR, 9 skill boosts, 2 OE, 13 rows, 4 TPA and 4 time extends. The variance is accounting for 3-6 combos (as this is an easy 150% calculation) and minimal enhanced orbs (20% for YY, 0% for XM). Also, I didn’t add in any dmg from subattributes – just the combo multiplier. Here’s the math (and apologies for any inevitable formatting issues):

          YY XM
          5 orbs – 1.3m – 2.0m / N/A
          8 orbs – 4.9m – 7.3 m / 0.4m – 0.6m
          9 orbs – 7.1m – 10.7m / 3.8m – 5.6m
          11 orbs – 12.2m – 18.3m / N/A
          13 orbs – 20.1m – 24.0m / N/A
          14 orbs* – 28.5m – 33.3m / 20.8m – 31.2m
          15 orbs – N/A / 22.5m – 33.8m
          16 orbs – N/A / 32.4m – 48.7m
          17 orbs* – 50.1m – 59.7m / N/A

          * Note: the variance for this is 4-6 combos for YY

          For YY, if you enhance the whole board that will give you 17%-23% more dmg. I tried to come up with highest dmg team for YY of Skuld, A. Hermes, Ryune, Scheat and that gave ~8%-10% more dmg (although only 80% SBR).

          For XM, if you enhance the whole board that will give you 38%-69% more dmg so an enhancer is much more crucial for peak dmg. I didn’t test another more optimal team.

          It’s hard to give either a significant edge, IMO.


          • Also, it should be noted none of the dmg calculations include the respective 1.5x boost from YY and XM’s active. XM can fill out his team with physical subs much easier than YY with attackers.


    • Probably because they were made with the lowest common denominator in mind by a person who probably never played the team themselves.

      It’s just a starting point.


  5. I have all the core subs for a red team. That’s not the case for the other colors. Im growing tired of Thoria. Outside of collab and mp monsters, which red leader combo has the most potential in your competent opinion?


    • Outside Xiang Mei, fire is really hurting for a good endgame leader. I can’t find it in myself to recommend any of the other fire leaders from the standard REM. If you just want a change of pace, then Shiva would probably be a good choice, but he’s likely not going to blow you away power-wise. In reality, I’d probably wait and see if there’s a Balboa equivalent for Awoken Ares or see how Awoken Cao Cao turns out.


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