JP Aggregate Leader List: Week 62

JP Aggregate Leader List

Changes from last time: School Acala added to 3, Ginchiyo added to 3
Legend: ❀: Honorable Mention Tier
3503 - Reincarnated Kushinadahime
3265 - 全能神・Ra Dragon
3359 - Former Captain of Squad 5, Sosuke Aizen
3524 - 水華の喜女神・Uruka
3527 - 清杖の龍機博士・Julie
3609 - 憤怒の罪・Meliodas
3193 - Guardian of the Imperial Capital, Athena
3651 - 剣道部の主将・Acala
3603 - 静謐の天央神・Ame no Minakanushi
3112 - Sniper at Rest, Myr
3202 - Goddess of Great Compassion, Acala
2972 - Green Earth Wind Dragon Caller, Kaede
3507 - Reincarnated Astaroth
3513 - 救書の灰幻魔・Ilmina
3697 - Awoken Tachibana Ginchiyo
2969 - Star Cutting Time Dragon Caller, Myr
3192 - 煌雷神・Hera Dragon
3431 - 真の大妖怪・Sesshoumaru
3385 - Reincarnated Anubis
3125 - Miracle Reversal Fighter, Kinnikuman
3501 - Reincarnated Ame no Uzume
1937 - 最強戦士・超ベジット
3379 - Holy Night Visitor, Gremory
3515 - 浄弓の鋼星神・Meridionalis
3615 - 三只眼
2995 - Bursting Great Earl of Hell, Ronove
3235 - Maniacal Phantom Demon, Ilm
3504 - Reincarnated Izanagi
3418 - Gazing Moonlight Princess, Tsukuyomi
3266 - 暗黒神・Yomi Dragon
2999 - Hell Eye's Evil Duchess, Gremory
3554 - 壬生の狼, Saito Hajime
3535 - 神理の裁断者・Metatron

Disclaimer: The aggregate list is an average of the tier lists from multiple JP gaming sites. It is compiled automatically by a script. I endeavor to have as little influence on the results as possible. Feel free to refer to the FAQ. Don’t take these ratings as fact; I encourage you to simply take them as a starting point for discussion to figure out which leads are actually the best for your specific situation.

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JP Aggregate Leader List: Week 61

JP Aggregate Leader List

Changes from last time: Vegito 3➞❀, Ronove 3➞❀, Krishna removed from ❀, Kaede Another removed from ❀, Typhon Ana removed from ❀
Legend: ❀: Honorable Mention Tier
3503 - Reincarnated Kushinadahime
3265 - 全能神・Ra Dragon
3359 - Former Captain of Squad 5, Sosuke Aizen
3524 - 水華の喜女神・Uruka
3527 - 清杖の龍機博士・Julie
3609 - 憤怒の罪・Meliodas
3193 - Guardian of the Imperial Capital, Athena
3603 - 静謐の天央神・Ame no Minakanushi
3112 - Sniper at Rest, Myr
3202 - Goddess of Great Compassion, Acala
2972 - Green Earth Wind Dragon Caller, Kaede
3507 - Reincarnated Astaroth
3513 - 救書の灰幻魔・Ilmina
2969 - Star Cutting Time Dragon Caller, Myr
3192 - 煌雷神・Hera Dragon
3431 - 真の大妖怪・Sesshoumaru
3385 - Reincarnated Anubis
3125 - Miracle Reversal Fighter, Kinnikuman
3501 - Reincarnated Ame no Uzume
1937 - 最強戦士・超ベジット
3379 - Holy Night Visitor, Gremory
3515 - 浄弓の鋼星神・Meridionalis
3615 - 三只眼
2995 - Bursting Great Earl of Hell, Ronove
3235 - Maniacal Phantom Demon, Ilm
3504 - Reincarnated Izanagi
3418 - Gazing Moonlight Princess, Tsukuyomi
3266 - 暗黒神・Yomi Dragon
2999 - Hell Eye's Evil Duchess, Gremory
3554 - 壬生の狼, Saito Hajime
3535 - 神理の裁断者・Metatron

Disclaimer: The aggregate list is an average of the tier lists from multiple JP gaming sites. It is compiled automatically by a script. I endeavor to have as little influence on the results as possible. Feel free to refer to the FAQ. Don’t take these ratings as fact; I encourage you to simply take them as a starting point for discussion to figure out which leads are actually the best for your specific situation.

New Card Holding Tank

New cards will be held here temporarily in an attempt to isolate the aggregate list from knee-jerk ratings.
Card Notes
3697 - Awoken Tachibana Ginchiyo
Ranked Sites: Game8 (A), AppMedia (S+), Altema (A)

3651 - 剣道部の主将・Acala
Ranked Sites: AppMedia (S), Altema (S)

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JP Aggregate Leader List: Week 60

JP Aggregate Leader List

Changes from last time: Kushinadahime 2➞1, Dark Athena 1➞2, Meliodas added to 2, Ame no Minaka Nushi added to 3, Hera Dragon added to 3, Pai added to ❀, DMeta added to ❀
Legend: ❀: Honorable Mention Tier
3503 - Reincarnated Kushinadahime
3265 - 全能神・Ra Dragon
3359 - Former Captain of Squad 5, Sosuke Aizen
3524 - 水華の喜女神・Uruka
3527 - 清杖の龍機博士・Julie
3609 - 憤怒の罪・Meliodas
3193 - Guardian of the Imperial Capital, Athena
1937 - 最強戦士・超ベジット
3603 - 静謐の天央神・Ame no Minakanushi
3112 - Sniper at Rest, Myr
3202 - Goddess of Great Compassion, Acala
2972 - Green Earth Wind Dragon Caller, Kaede
3507 - Reincarnated Astaroth
2995 - Bursting Great Earl of Hell, Ronove
3513 - 救書の灰幻魔・Ilmina
2969 - Star Cutting Time Dragon Caller, Myr
3192 - 煌雷神・Hera Dragon
3431 - 真の大妖怪・Sesshoumaru
3385 - Reincarnated Anubis
3068 - Divine General of the Radiant Heaven, Krishna
3125 - Miracle Reversal Fighter, Kinnikuman
3501 - Reincarnated Ame no Uzume
3379 - Holy Night Visitor, Gremory
3515 - 浄弓の鋼星神・Meridionalis
3425 - 碧地の風龍喚士・Kaede Another
3615 - 三只眼
3235 - Maniacal Phantom Demon, Ilm
3504 - Reincarnated Izanagi
3418 - Gazing Moonlight Princess, Tsukuyomi
3090 - Chaotic Black Dragonbound Armor, Ana
3266 - 暗黒神・Yomi Dragon
2999 - Hell Eye's Evil Duchess, Gremory
3554 - 壬生の狼, Saito Hajime
3535 - 神理の裁断者・Metatron

Disclaimer: The aggregate list is an average of the tier lists from multiple JP gaming sites. It is compiled automatically by a script. I endeavor to have as little influence on the results as possible. Feel free to refer to the FAQ. Don’t take these ratings as fact; I encourage you to simply take them as a starting point for discussion to figure out which leads are actually the best for your specific situation.

New Card Holding Tank

New cards will be held here temporarily in an attempt to isolate the aggregate list from knee-jerk ratings.
Card Notes
3651 - 剣道部の主将・Acala
Ranked Sites: Altema (S)

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JP Aggregate Leader List: Week 59

JP Aggregate Leader List

Changes from last time: Julie 3➞2, Kushinadahime added to 2, Myr 2➞3, Kinnikuman 3➞❀, Ame no Uzume added to ❀, Kaede Another added to ❀
Legend: ❀: Honorable Mention Tier
3265 - 全能神・Ra Dragon
3193 - Guardian of the Imperial Capital, Athena
3359 - Former Captain of Squad 5, Sosuke Aizen
3524 - 水華の喜女神・Uruka
3527 - 清杖の龍機博士・Julie
3503 - Reincarnated Kushinadahime
1937 - 最強戦士・超ベジット
3112 - Sniper at Rest, Myr
3202 - Goddess of Great Compassion, Acala
2972 - Green Earth Wind Dragon Caller, Kaede
3507 - Reincarnated Astaroth
2995 - Bursting Great Earl of Hell, Ronove
3513 - 救書の灰幻魔・Ilmina
2969 - Star Cutting Time Dragon Caller, Myr
3431 - 真の大妖怪・Sesshoumaru
3385 - Reincarnated Anubis
3068 - Divine General of the Radiant Heaven, Krishna
3125 - Miracle Reversal Fighter, Kinnikuman
3501 - Reincarnated Ame no Uzume
3379 - Holy Night Visitor, Gremory
3515 - 浄弓の鋼星神・Meridionalis
3425 - 碧地の風龍喚士・Kaede Another
3235 - Maniacal Phantom Demon, Ilm
3504 - Reincarnated Izanagi
3418 - Gazing Moonlight Princess, Tsukuyomi
3090 - Chaotic Black Dragonbound Armor, Ana
3266 - 暗黒神・Yomi Dragon
2999 - Hell Eye's Evil Duchess, Gremory
3554 - 壬生の狼, Saito Hajime

Disclaimer: The aggregate list is an average of the tier lists from multiple JP gaming sites. It is compiled automatically by a script. I endeavor to have as little influence on the results as possible. Feel free to refer to the FAQ. Don’t take these ratings as fact; I encourage you to simply take them as a starting point for discussion to figure out which leads are actually the best for your specific situation.

JP Aggregate Leader List Changes of Note

Card Notes
3503 - Reincarnated Kushinadahime
Change: Added to 2

Check out the recent post detailing how good the new Kushi is.

2969 - Star Cutting Time Dragon Caller, Myr
Change: 2➞3


New Card Holding Tank

New cards will be held here temporarily in an attempt to isolate the aggregate list from knee-jerk ratings.
Card Notes
3534 - 聖戦の調停者・Metatron
Ranked Sites: Game8 (S), Altema (A)

3609 - 憤怒の罪・Meliodas
Ranked Sites: Game8 (S), AppMedia (S+), Altema (SS)

3603 - 静謐の天央神・Ame no Minakanushi
Ranked Sites: Game8 (A), Altema (SS)

3571 - 旋掌の星天使・Ruel
Ranked Sites: Game8 (A)

3535 - 神理の裁断者・Metatron
Ranked Sites: Game8 (A)

3499 - Reincarnated Liu Bei
Ranked Sites: Game8 Co-op (SS)

3192 - 煌雷神・Hera Dragon
Ranked Sites: AppMedia (S+), Altema (SS)

3615 - 三只眼
Ranked Sites: AppMedia (S-)

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JP Aggregate Leader List: Week 58

JP Aggregate Leader List

Changes from last time: Ilmina ❀➞3, Ilm 3➞❀, Gremory 3➞❀, Paimon removed from ❀, ReiMyr removed from ❀, KaworuKali removed from ❀
Legend: ❀: Honorable Mention Tier
3265 - 全能神・Ra Dragon
3193 - Guardian of the Imperial Capital, Athena
3359 - Former Captain of Squad 5, Sosuke Aizen
3524 - 水華の喜女神・Uruka
2969 - Star Cutting Time Dragon Caller, Myr
3125 - Miracle Reversal Fighter, Kinnikuman
1937 - 最強戦士・超ベジット
3527 - 清杖の龍機博士・Julie
3112 - Sniper at Rest, Myr
3202 - Goddess of Great Compassion, Acala
2972 - Green Earth Wind Dragon Caller, Kaede
3507 - Reincarnated Astaroth
2995 - Bursting Great Earl of Hell, Ronove
3513 - 救書の灰幻魔・Ilmina
3431 - 真の大妖怪・Sesshoumaru
3385 - Reincarnated Anubis
3068 - Divine General of the Radiant Heaven, Krishna
3379 - Holy Night Visitor, Gremory
3515 - 浄弓の鋼星神・Meridionalis
3235 - Maniacal Phantom Demon, Ilm
3504 - Reincarnated Izanagi
3418 - Gazing Moonlight Princess, Tsukuyomi
3090 - Chaotic Black Dragonbound Armor, Ana
3266 - 暗黒神・Yomi Dragon
2999 - Hell Eye's Evil Duchess, Gremory
3554 - 壬生の狼, Saito Hajime

Disclaimer: The aggregate list is an average of the tier lists from multiple JP gaming sites. It is compiled automatically by a script. I endeavor to have as little influence on the results as possible. Feel free to refer to the FAQ. Don’t take these ratings as fact; I encourage you to simply take them as a starting point for discussion to figure out which leads are actually the best for your specific situation.

New Card Holding Tank

New cards will be held here temporarily in an attempt to isolate the aggregate list from knee-jerk ratings.
Card Notes
3503 - Reincarnated Kushinadahime
Ranked Sites: Game8 (S), AppMedia (S-), Altema (SS)

3501 - Reincarnated Ame no Uzume
Ranked Sites: AppMedia (S)

3425 - 碧地の風龍喚士・Kaede Another
Ranked Sites: AppMedia (S)

3487 - Reincarnated Leilan
Ranked Sites: AppMedia (S)

3489 - Reincarnated Meimei
Ranked Sites: AppMedia (S)

3609 - 憤怒の罪・Meliodas
Ranked Sites: Altema (SS)

3192 - 煌雷神・Hera Dragon
Ranked Sites: Altema (S)

3606 - 火竜・Natsu
Ranked Sites: Altema (A)

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JP Aggregate Leader List: Week 57 (Updated/Fixed)

JP Aggregate Leader List

Changes from last time: Aizen 1➞2, Astaroth 2➞3, Izanagi 3➞❀, Saito added to ❀, Dantalion removed from ❀, Haku removed from ❀
Legend: ❀: Honorable Mention Tier
3265 - 全能神・Ra Dragon
3193 - Guardian of the Imperial Capital, Athena
3359 - Former Captain of Squad 5, Sosuke Aizen
3524 - 水華の喜女神・Uruka
2969 - Star Cutting Time Dragon Caller, Myr
3125 - Miracle Reversal Fighter, Kinnikuman
1937 - 最強戦士・超ベジット
3527 - 清杖の龍機博士・Julie
3112 - Sniper at Rest, Myr
3202 - Goddess of Great Compassion, Acala
2972 - Green Earth Wind Dragon Caller, Kaede
3507 - Reincarnated Astaroth
2995 - Bursting Great Earl of Hell, Ronove
3235 - Maniacal Phantom Demon, Ilm
3431 - 真の大妖怪・Sesshoumaru
3385 - Reincarnated Anubis
2999 - Hell Eye's Evil Duchess, Gremory
3068 - Divine General of the Radiant Heaven, Krishna
3379 - Holy Night Visitor, Gremory
3515 - 浄弓の鋼星神・Meridionalis
3513 - 救書の灰幻魔・Ilmina
3504 - Reincarnated Izanagi
3418 - Gazing Moonlight Princess, Tsukuyomi
2997 - Crowned Sacred King of Hell, Paimon
3393 - Myr Regalia, Rei
3090 - Chaotic Black Dragonbound Armor, Ana
3266 - 暗黒神・Yomi Dragon
3394 - Kali Regalia, Kaworu
3554 - 壬生の狼, Saito Hajime

Disclaimer: The aggregate list is an average of the tier lists from multiple JP gaming sites. It is compiled automatically by a script. I endeavor to have as little influence on the results as possible. Feel free to refer to the FAQ. Don’t take these ratings as fact; I encourage you to simply take them as a starting point for discussion to figure out which leads are actually the best for your specific situation.

Updated to reflect Game8’s recent change. I also tweaked the scoring weights for Game8’s list to compensate for their relatively small list. Now a card needs to be in the top tiers of two of the three lists to be tier-1.

New Card Holding Tank

New cards will be held here temporarily in an attempt to isolate the aggregate list from knee-jerk ratings.
Card Notes
3503 - Reincarnated Kushinadahime
Ranked Sites: Game8 (S), AppMedia (S-)

3501 - Reincarnated Ame no Uzume
Ranked Sites: AppMedia (S)

3425 - 碧地の風龍喚士・Kaede Another
Ranked Sites: AppMedia (S)

3487 - Reincarnated Leilan
Ranked Sites: AppMedia (S)

3489 - Reincarnated Meimei
Ranked Sites: AppMedia (S)

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JP Aggregate Leader List: Week 57

JP Aggregate Leader List

Changes from last time: Ra Dragon 1➞2, Izanagi 3➞❀, Saito added to ❀, Dantalion removed from ❀, Haku removed from ❀
Legend: ❀: Honorable Mention Tier
3359 - Former Captain of Squad 5, Sosuke Aizen
3193 - Guardian of the Imperial Capital, Athena
3524 - 水華の喜女神・Uruka
3507 - Reincarnated Astaroth
3265 - 全能神・Ra Dragon
2969 - Star Cutting Time Dragon Caller, Myr
3125 - Miracle Reversal Fighter, Kinnikuman
1937 - 最強戦士・超ベジット
3527 - 清杖の龍機博士・Julie
3112 - Sniper at Rest, Myr
3202 - Goddess of Great Compassion, Acala
2972 - Green Earth Wind Dragon Caller, Kaede
2995 - Bursting Great Earl of Hell, Ronove
3235 - Maniacal Phantom Demon, Ilm
3431 - 真の大妖怪・Sesshoumaru
3385 - Reincarnated Anubis
2999 - Hell Eye's Evil Duchess, Gremory
3068 - Divine General of the Radiant Heaven, Krishna
3379 - Holy Night Visitor, Gremory
3515 - 浄弓の鋼星神・Meridionalis
3513 - 救書の灰幻魔・Ilmina
3504 - Reincarnated Izanagi
3418 - Gazing Moonlight Princess, Tsukuyomi
2997 - Crowned Sacred King of Hell, Paimon
3393 - Myr Regalia, Rei
3090 - Chaotic Black Dragonbound Armor, Ana
3266 - 暗黒神・Yomi Dragon
3394 - Kali Regalia, Kaworu
3554 - 壬生の狼, Saito Hajime

Disclaimer: The aggregate list is an average of the tier lists from multiple JP gaming sites. It is compiled automatically by a script. I endeavor to have as little influence on the results as possible. Feel free to refer to the FAQ. Don’t take these ratings as fact; I encourage you to simply take them as a starting point for discussion to figure out which leads are actually the best for your specific situation.

JP Aggregate Leader List Changes of Note

Card Notes
3265 - 全能神・Ra Dragon
Change: 1➞2

The way the aggregate is currently determined, for a card to be in the top tier it has to be in the top tier of all the constituent lists. This scheme wouldn’t work if all the sub-lists wildly disagreed on what were the top leads in the game, but for the year plus I’ve made these posts it’s worked. Seeing as Game8 has bumped Ra Dragon out of their top tier, he also drops in the aggregate. Some may question what they’re thinking, but I think they’re stressing both consistency and magnitude of damage in the current endgame defined by Arena 3 and Colosseum; not only for burst, but also on “trash” floors where you can’t be bothered to pop an active. Game8 has historically been bold with moves like this, but they’ve generally been correct. However, I do believe if GungHo were to shake things up with a new endgame dungeon that their list would be in store for a reasonable shake up.

New Card Holding Tank

New cards will be held here temporarily in an attempt to isolate the aggregate list from knee-jerk ratings.
Card Notes
3501 - Reincarnated Ame no Uzume
Ranked Sites: Game8 (A), AppMedia (S)
3503 - Reincarnated Kushinadahime
Ranked Sites: Game8 (A), AppMedia (S-)
3425 - 碧地の風龍喚士・Kaede Another
Ranked Sites: AppMedia (S)
3487 - Reincarnated Leilan
Ranked Sites: AppMedia (S)
3489 - Reincarnated Meimei
Ranked Sites: AppMedia (S)

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JP Aggregate Leader List: Week 56

JP Aggregate Leader List

Changes from last time: Astaroth 3➞2, Ronove 2➞3, Julie ❀➞3, Krishna 3➞❀
Legend: ❀: Honorable Mention Tier
3359 - Former Captain of Squad 5, Sosuke Aizen
3265 - 全能神・Ra Dragon
3193 - Guardian of the Imperial Capital, Athena
3524 - 水華の喜女神・Uruka
3507 - Reincarnated Astaroth
2969 - Star Cutting Time Dragon Caller, Myr
3125 - Miracle Reversal Fighter, Kinnikuman
1937 - 最強戦士・超ベジット
3527 - 清杖の龍機博士・Julie
3112 - Sniper at Rest, Myr
3202 - Goddess of Great Compassion, Acala
2972 - Green Earth Wind Dragon Caller, Kaede
2995 - Bursting Great Earl of Hell, Ronove
3235 - Maniacal Phantom Demon, Ilm
3504 - Reincarnated Izanagi
3431 - 真の大妖怪・Sesshoumaru
3385 - Reincarnated Anubis
2999 - Hell Eye's Evil Duchess, Gremory
3068 - Divine General of the Radiant Heaven, Krishna
2991 - Confusing Face Great Duke of Hell, Dantalion
3379 - Holy Night Visitor, Gremory
3515 - 浄弓の鋼星神・Meridionalis
3513 - 救書の灰幻魔・Ilmina
3418 - Gazing Moonlight Princess, Tsukuyomi
2997 - Crowned Sacred King of Hell, Paimon
3393 - Myr Regalia, Rei
3491 - Reincarnated Haku
3090 - Chaotic Black Dragonbound Armor, Ana
3266 - 暗黒神・Yomi Dragon
3394 - Kali Regalia, Kaworu

Disclaimer: The aggregate list is an average of the tier lists from multipler JP gaming sites. It is compiled automatically by a script. I endeavor to have as little influence on the results as possible. Feel free to refer to the FAQ. Don’t take these ratings as fact; I encourage you to simply take them as a starting point for discussion to figure out which leads are actually the best for your specific situation.

JP Aggregate Leader List Changes of Note

Card Notes
3507 - Reincarnated Astaroth
Change: 3➞2

A revo at tier 2? What a time to be alive.

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JP Aggregate Leader List: Week 55

JP Aggregate Leader List

Changes from last time: Aizen 2➞1, Dark Athena 2➞1, Uruka added to 2, Astaroth added to 3, Anubis ❀➞3, Christmas Gremory 3➞❀, Typhon Ana 3➞❀, Julie added to ❀, Ilmina added to ❀, Haku added to ❀, Minerva removed from ❀, Raijin removed from ❀, Noctis removed from ❀
Legend: ❀: Honorable Mention Tier
3359 - Former Captain of Squad 5, Sosuke Aizen
3265 - 全能神・Ra Dragon
3193 - Guardian of the Imperial Capital, Athena
3524 - 水華の喜女神・Uruka
2995 - Bursting Great Earl of Hell, Ronove
2969 - Star Cutting Time Dragon Caller, Myr
3068 - Divine General of the Radiant Heaven, Krishna
3125 - Miracle Reversal Fighter, Kinnikuman
1937 - 最強戦士・超ベジット
3112 - Sniper at Rest, Myr
3202 - Goddess of Great Compassion, Acala
2972 - Green Earth Wind Dragon Caller, Kaede
3507 - Reincarnated Astaroth
3235 - Maniacal Phantom Demon, Ilm
3504 - Reincarnated Izanagi
3431 - 真の大妖怪・Sesshoumaru
3385 - Reincarnated Anubis
2999 - Hell Eye's Evil Duchess, Gremory
2991 - Confusing Face Great Duke of Hell, Dantalion
3379 - Holy Night Visitor, Gremory
3515 - 浄弓の鋼星神・Meridionalis
3527 - 清杖の龍機博士・Julie
3513 - 救書の灰幻魔・Ilmina
3418 - Gazing Moonlight Princess, Tsukuyomi
2997 - Crowned Sacred King of Hell, Paimon
3393 - Myr Regalia, Rei
3491 - Reincarnated Haku
3090 - Chaotic Black Dragonbound Armor, Ana
3266 - 暗黒神・Yomi Dragon
3394 - Kali Regalia, Kaworu

Disclaimer: The aggregate list is an average of the tier lists from multipler JP gaming sites. It is compiled automatically by a script. I endeavor to have as little influence on the results as possible. Feel free to refer to the FAQ. Don’t take these ratings as fact; I encourage you to simply take them as a starting point for discussion to figure out which leads are actually the best for your specific situation.

Much of this week’s movement is due to Game8’s restructuring where they eliminated both the SSS and B tiers from their list. Somewhat surprisingly, only a few cards were actually dropped from the aggregate as a result.

JP Aggregate Leader List Changes of Note

Card Notes
3193 - Guardian of the Imperial Capital, Athena
Change: 2➞1

I’ve actually been playing my JP alt much more than my NA accounts and DAthena is the reason why. The team just feels so busted that it feels silly playing NA. Even if Aizen and Ra Dragon are similarly busted, I feel that DAthena addresses all problem Arena 3 floors elegantly and quickly. After being able to play all three leads firsthand, I can say that I wholeheartedly agree with the change to make them all tier-1 choices.

3507 - Reincarnated Astaroth
Change: Added to 3

I was a little skeptical about Astaroth last week, but I did see some potential. After watching some more videos, I think she’s being a little underestimated in the aggregate. I think Game8 has it right by having her in their second best tier. There’s still a huge gap between her and the big three, and sometimes I have trouble seeing beyond that, but I do like her abilities quite a bit.

3385 - Reincarnated Anubis
Change: ❀➞3

Similar to Astaroth, I think Anubis is being slightly underestimated.

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Godfest Help Post: 1/31-2/1

3272 - Reincarnated Horus2010 - Awoken Isis3384 - Reincarnated Bastet3273 - Reincarnated Ra3385 - Reincarnated Anubis
2073 - Awoken Leilan2074 - Awoken Karin2075 - Awoken Meimei2389 - Awoken Sakuya2076 - Awoken Haku

Grading scale. The individual grade is a composite grade of all monsters in it relative to all other pantheons. The combined grade is a composite of all monsters in both pantheons relative to all other combinations of pantheons. Combined grades are not an average of the individual grades, but based on the normal distribution of all possible two-pantheon-combinations. Grades do not factor co-op or skill inheritance at this time.
Godfest: Egypt 1 1/31, Chinese 2/1
Day 1 Day 2
Egypt 1 Chinese
A- B
C B+

This is a help thread, so please feel free to ask questions on just about anything concerning the godfest or your teams, box and progress in general.

As this falls on a weekday, I’ll be limited in how many questions I can answer. I’m not going to set a hard limit as I’m still trying to gauge how much interest there is coming off my hiatus, but don’t be surprised if your question doesn’t get answered. I apologize in advance.

I’m also still working on improving the post format. I’ll get to it eventually, but for now I at least have an auto-generating template up and running. Please let me know if you run into any mistakes.

Please read the rules before posting, especially if this is your first time:

  • I will only take box questions that supply a PADherder. It makes it much, much easier for me to give good advice this way (you could say I can’t give good advice without the sorting options). Try PadListener to sync if you’re on Android (if it works for you), otherwise use this method.
  • Box/roll questions that don’t supply rank, IAP status and main teams will be ignored. Any other information you want to supply will only help.
  • Please check the FAQ after the break before asking a question. Questions that aren’t covered by the FAQ will be prioritized; questions that don’t may be ignored.
  • I have WordPress set to flag comments with multiple links to combat spam. I still get the comment, I just have to approve it manually for it to show up on the site. So if your comment doesn’t show up, this might be the case. Ideally, only post a single link to your PADherder.
  • I generally reply on a first come, first serve basis, but if there’s a low hanging fruit I’ll address that first.
  • I will post thread status as bold red comments. Make sure you read these comments before posting to make sure you aren’t violating the rules. I’m no longer segregating comments by day, instead I’ll indicate how many questions I be able to take for a given thread in the first status comment, then stop taking new ones after that.
  • No new questions will be taken after the godfest ends. Questions asked in other posts may be ignored; please wait for the next godfest!
  • Follow-ups to existing questions will be taken as long as the post is still open for comments.
  • I’ll close the post for comments a few hours after the godfest ends.
  • Any comments breaking the rules will be removed without warning.

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