Godfest Help Post: 6/17-6/18

Grading scale. The individual grade is a composite grade of all monsters in it relative to all other pantheons. The combined grade is a composite of all monsters in both pantheons relative to all other combinations of pantheons. Combined grades are not an average of the individual grades, but based on the normal distribution of all possible two-pantheon combinations.
Godfest: Greek & Constellation 2 6/17, Heroes & Constellation 1 6/18
Day 1 Day 2
Greek Const. 2 Heroes Const. 1
Individual B+ C+ A- B+
Combined B A-
Individual A- B- A- B+
Combined B A-
Individual A- C+ A B+
Combined B A

This is a help thread, so please feel free to ask questions about just about anything concerning the godfest or your teams, box and progress in general.

Yawn. Coming off the PCGF, there probably aren’t too many people that have ammunition left for this godfest. I’m not sure why GungHo is so desperate to push both Constellation pantheons, but they’re doing their best here by pairing them with two of best overall pantheons in the game.

Anyways, here are the rules:

  • I will only take box questions that supply a PADherder. It makes it much, much easier for me to give good advice this way (you could say I can’t give good advice without the sorting options). Try PadListener to sync if you’re on Android (if it works for you), otherwise use this method.
  • Box/roll questions that don’t supply rank, IAP status and main teams will be ignored. Any other information you want to supply will only help.
  • Please check the FAQ after the break before asking a question. Questions that aren’t covered by the FAQ will be prioritized; questions that don’t may be ignored.
  • WordPress flags comments with multiple links. I still get the comment, I just have to approve it manually for it to show up on the site. So if your comment doesn’t show up, this might be the case.
  • I generally reply on a first come, first serve basis, but if there’s a low hanging fruit I’ll address that first.
  • I will post a comment in bold red when I stop taking questions for the day or end the post altogether. Please look for and respect these cutoffs before posting! I’ll allow questions after the day 1 cutoff to queue up for the next day, but no new questions will be taken after the day 2 cutoff.
  • No new questions will be taken after the godfest ends. Questions asked in other posts may be ignored; please wait for the next godfest!
  • Follow-ups to existing questions will be taken as long as the post is still open for comments.
  • I’ll close the post for comments a few hours after the godfest ends.


This is FAQ is a work in progress.

  • I’m rank 200 or lower and low- or non-IAP, should I roll for X god? – In general, no. Even if the RNG gods blessed you and you just need that one god to perfect your team, early on you should be focusing on accumulating stones and waiting for a high-value godfest. You want to accumulate value to increase the overall quality of your box so you have more team options in the future; not only is the meta always shifting, but there’s no single team in the game that can clear all content. The Player’s Choice Godfest is generally the best value early on, but normal godfests can be plenty good nowadays depending on the combination. Pantheons that have a wide variety of uses like the Heroes, Chinese and Three Kingdoms are great. Minimizing dupe chances should also be a high priority. Also, don’t underestimate the effect the current gala can have on your rolls and be sure to factor in the GFEs that are omitted or have reduced chance (i.e. you want to maximize your chances to roll DKali).
  • Which MP Dragon should I buy? – This image isn’t perfect, but sums it up nicely. Credit for the image goes to fether from the subreddit. If there’s ever an updated version, please point me toward it.
  • Why is X monster rated higher than Y monster? – The monster ratings aren’t there to be an accurate, authoritative resource on a card’s power, but are more used as a ballpark estimate to give a relative idea of how useful a given card or pantheon is which is used to help evaluate godfests.
  • Why is the overall rating not an average of the lead and sub ratings? – Long story short, when grades are given using the normal distribution, cards that are both good as leaders and subs get a boost while ones that are bad as both get penalized. This is because most cards in the game are usually only good at one role, not both.

Grading scale. Ratings are weighed in favor of endgame viability. Ratings try to take the latest JP updates into consideration. The overall grade is not an average and is based on the normal distribution of the combined lead and sub ratings.
Day 1, 6/17
Name Lead Sub Overall
2747 - Awoken AresAres B B+ B+
2748 - Awoken HermesHermes B B+ B+
2749 - Awoken ArtemisArtemis B+ B+ B+
2750 - Awoken ApolloApollo B+ B+ A-
2751 - Awoken PersephonePersephone B+ B+ A-
Constellation 2
2553 - Sharp Cane Mechanical Star God, DenebolaDenebola C C C-
2555 - Pincers Mechanical Star God, AcubensAcubens C C C-
2557 - Quick Blade Mechanical Star God, AlgediAlgedi C C C-
2559 - Waking Up Mechanical Star God, AlcyoneAlcyone B B+ B+
2561 - Dream Scythe Mechanical Star God, HamalHamal B+ B+ B+

The Greek pantheon is maybe the most flexible in the game, with all three of their forms being extremely relevant and at least one of them should work for any given team outside of color requirements. Constellation 2 is exactly the opposite and it remains to be seen if any of the RGB cards will see relevancy. It’s hard to say if the Greeks are good enough to roll for in spite of the Constellation 2s.

Grading scale. Ratings are weighed in favor of endgame viability. Ratings try to take the latest JP updates into consideration. The overall grade is not an average and is based on the normal distribution of the combined lead and sub ratings.
Day 2, 6/18
Name Lead Sub Overall
2657 - Heroic God-Emperor, Yamato TakeruYamato Takeru B+ A- A-
2658 - Adored Starsea Goddess, AndromedaAndromeda B+ B+ B+
2659 - Brave Vanquishing Deity, PerseusPerseus B+ B+ B+
2660 - Fervent Monkey King, Sun WukongSun Wukong B+ B+ B+
2662 - Awoken PandoraPandora A A- A
Constellation 1
2416 - Thorned Mechanical Star God, AntaresAntares B B B+
2418 - Milky Way Mechanical Star God, AlreschaAlrescha B B B+
2420 - Dark Plant Mechanical Star God, SpicaSpica B B B+
2422 - Musical Winged Mechanical Star God, PolluxPollux B B B+
2424 - Destruction Palm Mechanical Star God, CastorCastor B B B+

The Heroes will always be one of the best overall pantheons in the game. Constellation 1 is still a solid, if unexciting pantheon. If you’re chasing one of the Heroes, this isn’t a terrible day to roll.

100 thoughts on “Godfest Help Post: 6/17-6/18

  1. Coming off the PCGF, I don’t expect quite as many questions, but since I’m going to be busy in the next few days I’m going to set the limit on questions even lower than usual. Just giving warning now, so sorry if I don’t get to yours. I may not get to any questions until Thursday night, so please be patient.


  2. Hello from France

    First thing first, thank you for your Blog 🙂

    I need your advice because I’m stuck now :/

    Padherder: https://www.padherder.com/user/Lord_XEEN/monsters/#31,0,31,8191,268435455,0,,0,0,0,eq,0,0,0,0,;default,0

    Rank: 328

    IAP: No if not necessary

    Last dungeon cleared: The Heroes Hideout, Legendary Mountain path

    I’m using a ronia Team, a green team and a metatron team.

    I had some good monsters in the last player choice REM and now I’m wondering if I must roll on this one to improve my teams

    Can you give me some advice for a Shiva or Blue Sonia team ?

    I need to beat Legendary Seaway and Legendary earth

    Thank you very much for your help

    Best regards


    • Hey, I’m not Setsu, but you could make a strong Verdandi team with Verdandi/Liu Bei/Liu Bei/GZL/Perseus that could transition into a liu bei team when his awaken form comes out in na. Then you could run LB/Perseus/Aastaroth/Verd/Avalon. Setsu may see better but that looks pretty strong to me.


    • I’m going to be frank: I’m surprised you’ve made it to rank 328 with such a sparse box. Is your PADherder up to date? If so, I’m curious what you’ve been spending your stones on since your lack of gods is alarming.

      You really don’t have much to work with, but I’d probably prioritize making a Shiva team. Urd is really your only core sub, but you can reuse your RSonia and can use something like Tsubaki and Leilan to fill out the rest of your roster.

      Another option is Making a Ryune-I&I team. Your best subs would probably be Hermes, BSonia, Skuld, and Michael with Alrescha and Sun Quan being decent alternatives depending on the situation. I don’t see enough in your box to go BSonia, so Ryune is the better choice for now. The team will outperform your current RSonia and Beelzebub teams by a lot.

      As for which you should go with, it’s hard to say. The Ryune team is stronger now and will probably continue to be, but you have more invested in fire and there’s also the possibility that Shiva gets buffs. I’d probably still go with Ryune, personally.

      I don’t think you have a pressing need to roll in this godfest. Day 2 would be good from a value standpoint, though.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you for your answer

        Is your PADherder up to date?
        Sadly, yes 😦

        I’m curious what you’ve been spending your stones on since your lack of gods is alarming
        It’s easy, a lot of bad luck and bad choises 😦

        You really don’t have much to work with
        That’s why I needed the help of a pro player like you 😉

        I assumed you meant Gabriel 😉

        I don’t think you have a pressing need to roll in this godfest
        So I will pass and save stones


  3. Heyo~ Longtime lurker, first time posting in your blog

    Rank: 262

    IAP status: No IAP for the rest of the year

    PADherder: https://www.padherder.com/user/AstoriaMercury/monsters/#31,0,31,8191,268435455,0,,0,0,0,eq,0,0,0,0,;default,0

    I mainly focus on my FreyjaxSylvie row team with a side project of levelling up my Awoken Sakuya subs. I’ve been able to clear quite a few mythical descends with my wood row team (hardest was Zeus Vulcan out of this challenge set), but at some point I’ll need to tackle rogue descends. So, I want to acquire some dark subs to build up a Lucifer team to tackle Nordis & Co, as well as farm God Rush for Elia to prep for getting Miru.

    In regards to my wood box I feel that I’m mostly content with what I have save for Michael, Spica, and Kaede dupes. As for dark boxes, mine is nearly nonexistent atm but I’m hoping that my chances at Castor or Pandora are reasonable. Is it worth rolling Day 2? Thanks!


    • If you wanted a dark team, you should’ve rolled in the PCGF. Or maybe you did and just didn’t get anything? I don’t see any +50s so that seems unlikely.

      Anyways, it seems strange to want a Lucifer team since you barely have anything to start a team with; I’d consider Persephone and Cecil to be nice options, but not enough reason to start building a team around. I guess if you’re satisfied with your wood teams, now’s as good a time to branch out as any. The value is decent, even with the risk of a couple Hero dupes. If you’re patient, I’d try to wait for a godfest and dark gala overlap, but who knows when that will happen again.


      • Unfortunately no, I missed out on PCGF due to an account transfer mishap. But yeah, it seems tough to acquire subs for a team basically from nothing especially since its playstyle is similar to my main one. The main rationale is that with a similar level of investment it’d be able to clear more content. (And I’m also partial to Luci and Miru’s art. Luci will hopefully help me get to her too).


  4. Hi Setsu,

    it’s me again.

    In the last weeks I got some addition to my box.

    Rank: 321

    PADherder (thx to a follower is working with marshmallow) https://www.padherder.com/user/Shaffi/monsters/

    Teams (still)
    Saria/Thor (still not a big fan though)

    In my opinion I will do some pulls, but no heavy iaps, since godfest took some euros 🙂
    Things I’m looking for are especially Hermes & Andromeda.

    Since I’m pretty close to 300k mp, I think this will decide whether You Yo or Xiu Min will join my team.
    In the moment I think Xiu Min will be much better since, I’m lacking key subs for You Yo.

    What’s your opinion?

    Thanks a lot for the time & work you put into this blog


    • I’d agree that you have much better Xiu Min subs, but you also have decent You Yu subs as well. Nut, Sumire and Skuld are all good options. If you’re worried about not having something like Scheat, then that’s fine since she’s good, but overrated. Something like Hermes would be a nice addition, though. So, yeah, the result of your pulls combined with your preference will determine where you go. The general consensus seems to be that You Yu is better than Xiu Min — and they’re probably right — but I do like Xiu Min quite a bit.


      • Yeah right after my comment I checked game8 about you yu and realized I got enough key subs to play him.

        Sigh I hate decisions, I’m really hoping for Hermes or Andromeda but I think I’ll fervor day 1 over day 2.

        Concerning the playstyle xiu min will be a lot like thoria and i&i/ryune right?


          • So overall, if I got bad luck in terms of skyfall or not enough orbs to row I’ll have a hard time.

            Do you think that You Yu is more stable ?


            • No, it’s pretty much the same thing. This is why you need a critical mass of orb changers so you never run out.

              If you want something more stable, then maybe consider Miru instead? She’s basically at the level of MP cards if not higher. You have a decent start to a team (Saria, Wukong, DQXQ) and she’ll be a lot more consistent if you can get used to making the heart-cross.


    • I think Apollo is one of the best overall monsters in the game, so yeah, I think it’s worth rolling. Especially since you have no dupe risk and he can also help on 3 of the 4 teams you listed in addition to DQXQ. The Constellation 2s are pretty meh, but here’s hoping you land Alcyone or Hamal over the other 3.


  5. Hello Setsu,
    Had a question about which day to roll. There’s a decent number of gods I want/need on both days. Currently running a decent number of teams, but feel a litle underpowered on anything but LKali/DKali/A.Ama/Indra/Muse.

    Teams: LKali (above), A.I&I/Gabriel/Gabriel/Siegfried/Kamui, AFALuci/Zuoh/Akechi/Castor/LuBu, ABastet/Verd/Verd/RADKZ/A.Ama

    Rank: 256 Non-IAP

    Padherder: https://www.padherder.com/user/browndr/monsters

    Thanks for taking the time to look at this.


    • Before I answer, I’d like to know which rolls in particular you wanted and how high a priority each were (like, which teams did you most want to advance?).


      • Hermes, Andro for AI&I or ALak; Persephone, Hamal, Pandora for AFALuci; WuKong for AAma; Perseus, Artemis for ABast or Verd; and Ares, Yamato for AFreyr.

        Ranked in order: Pandora, Andro, Hermes, Persephone, WuKong, Hamal, Perseus, Artemis, Yamato, Ares.

        Highest priority teams are AFALuci and AI&I. The rest are wants, but not priorities at all, and AFreyr is extreme long term planning.


        • Unfortunately, that doesn’t make your question any easier to answer as I had hoped. It really looks like you can go either day and do well for yourself. It’s hard to go wrong with either the Greeks or Heroes, but if I had to choose between the two I’d probably go with the Heroes and day 2 since heartmakers enable more types of teams and Pandora also has high upside as a leader. The downside of day 2 is that you already have Castor and Pollux, but maybe that’s a risk you have to take. Either day you choose, hopefully the water gala can help you out.


          • I appreciate you taking the time to answer. I just discovered this site and I’m going to be steadily reading through a few articles a day.


  6. Hi Setsu,

    Team: Shiva. I may play around with A. Sakuya after Awoken Indra comes out but I’m not used to rainbow teams.

    Rank: 498
    IAP: 7$
    PadHerder: https://www.padherder.com/user/jixster/teams/#235931

    1) What’s my next best team to make? I have 14 +297s saved up to plus onto my next team.
    2) Should I roll in this Godfest? I kinda want Ares for my Shiva team and Perseus/SunWuKong.

    I have like zero wood row monsters and I would like Gabriel to complete the Lakshmi team. Not sure where to go from here. I guess a short-term goal would be to beat C10 Dungeon. Arena later on would be nice as well.

    Thanks for any help.


    • Hey, i’m not setsu but you have a very, very strong water box.

      Take a look at you yu…

      Something like you yu /Isis/skuld/andromeda/nut/you yu would roflstomp most things.

      I don’t know your mp status, but it might be worth selling a few ronias for him…


    • 1) I think Leto’s advice on going You Yu is sound, if you can afford it. If you’re not sure about him, you can use your Skuld to pair with him and see how you like that.

      Outside that, it’s hard to say since the meta is currently shifting and you also don’t have a complete sub set for any of your potential leads. The C10s going forward will actually be pretty hard since they’ll be balanced around co-op so you really need an elite leader to solo them. I think your Lakshmi and I&I teams are worth continuing to pursue for that purpose, especially since there will be a certain amount of overlap between them.

      No matter what you do, I’d definitely look into raising that Orochi into his awoken form as he’s extremely useful on just about any type of team, whether that be through SI or as an actual sub.

      2) You’re at the point where you need to start targeting specific cards to improve your teams. What you have to ask yourself is which are the teams you want to most improve and how you can maximize your value when rolling with those teams in mind. So really, you need to answer (1) before we can move on to this.


      • Thanks both!

        I’ll play around with Skuld and take a look at You Yu. I haven’t purchased any MP monster before so I’m sitting at around 200-250k MP.

        Thanks for writing the blog, the information is useful!


  7. Thanks ahead of time for doing so much work on this site. It has been a big help.
    Rank 198
    IAP: not much, maybe $30 total.
    Main team is ultimate Gadius. Also trying to make a Shiva team.

    I was wondering if I should roll in this godfest. I will be able to do 3 or 4 rolls. Also any team building help would be appreciated. Right now I mainly use Gadius. I will be able to change my r/d shiva to awoken soon, but can’t get a good team together. The same goes for DQXQ. Thanks for any help you can give me.


  8. Hello!

    PH: https://www.padherder.com/user/monger/monsters/
    Rank: 258
    IAP: Light(ish)
    Status: lower level descends, lower level alt technicals

    I’m debating on whether to buy a few rolls for D2- Heroes would be a good addition to my box (other than maybe dupe Sun Wukong) and a Constellation would be a good consolation prize. At the same time, it would be just value- there’s little that would specifically help me progress.

    Current team: Yamato / Ares / RSonia / (2 of Uriel, Echidna, Samurai Ogre, ROdin) / Yamato or Urd
    Previously I had stated that I was planning to awaken Shiva and use him as an alternate lead, but I’m not feeling very motivated to do that considering that my other potential teams have the potential to clear content he could.

    Possible teams:
    A.Pandora / Uuvo(A?).Pandora / D/DHaku / (2 of Vrita, Vampire, Drawn Joker) / A.Pandora
    Awoken Vrita looks to be a great sub, plus I should be able to get CDD for Haku.

    A.Sakuya / LKali / LKali / (2 of Apollo, Susano, Indra, Valkyrie) / A.Sakuya
    I’m leaning away from this team mostly because I took a version of it into Endless and remembered how much of a scrub I was. Anecdotally, I rarely got above seven combos and had around a 70% activation rate for Sakuya (on on-color boards).

    With silver rolls from the PCGF and general plusses, I think I’m getting close to a +297, and Dark (and possibly Fire soon) Carnivals give me a place to farm skillups for my current team and Pandora.


    • I like where you’re going with your Pandora team. I think there’s enough there that you don’t have to feel obligated to roll day 2 even if it is decent value (although it could be better). Like, what from day 2 would really help any of your current teams? I’d probably try to wait for something like Sengoku for Akechi and hope it’s paired with another good pantheon. It’s your money, though, but if you have a limited budget I’d personally try waiting for a better chance to use it.


  9. Hello Setsu,

    Rank: 204, 117 days played.
    IAP: No

    Main team: yet to be defined, currently playing with some god oriented 2/4/2 or 2/6/1 teams.
    PadHerder: https://www.padherder.com/user/Kaydarine/monsters/#31,0,31,8191,268435455,0,,0,0,0,eq,0,0,0,0,;default,0
    (couldn’t use padlistener as I’m on a custom android, so I only listed the interesting stuff)

    So, It seems like I’m entering PAD “mid game”
    I’ve finished hera, heroes and a valkyrie descended
    I’ve finished legendary dragon’s footprint but I’m stuck on queen of the gods in starlight sanctuary
    i’ve started the 2nd No-RCV technical dungeon.

    I’m currently farming ranks, +eggs and enhancing&evo’ing hera, pandora, valkyrie and verche.
    I used 80 stones in the last pcgf and got quite a few good rolls.

    Basically, I have one main question, should I focus on a pandora or sakuya team?
    I’m unable to farm their awoken mats at the moment with my crappy team.

    I can see a sakuya team with verche, echidna, valkyrie and isis/metatron/LKali, would it be viable without awoking sakuya?
    And If I set up a pandora team, which subs should I get? My vampire lord is a good start, but what else?

    Thanks in advance!


    • As a Pandora lover, it pains me to say that Sakuya is probably the better choice for you right now. Pandora has a slightly higher ceiling than Sakuya, but by the time you reach the endgame (in like a month or few depending on how much you play?) that difference probably won’t be that significant. And until you get there, Sakuya will serve you much better because you have LKali, she has better farmable subs and Pandora is difficult to use without a critical mass of orb changers (which you currently lack). I would start with uuevo Sakuya (the green one), see if you can pair with an awoken one and slowly raise the team until you can awaken your own. I think you’re on the right track with the team composition; I’d probably run Sakuya / LKali / LMeta / Verche / LValk / Sakuya, subbing in Echidna when necessary.

      You said you got good PCGF rolls, but I don’t see any +50s; did you manually enter your PADherder? I’m also wondering if you by chance grabbed Fat Chocobo during the FF Collab as that would be a great Sakuya sub.


      • Hello again Setsu,

        Yes I entered my padherder manually, that’s why there’s no + at the moment.
        I got LKali and Pandora in the last pcgf, so they are +50.
        I also got a lot of light creatures with +50 (leonis, unicorn rider, ars nova, cinderella etc)
        I guess I can feed them all to sakuya for a quick +200?

        And yes, I got fat chocobo during the FF collab. 5k hp and a nice skill to go with Sakuya indeed.
        For the uuevo sakuya, I just miss a jewel of wood, I’ll check how to get it.

        In any case, thanks a lot for the review and the team comp! I’ll now focus on evo’ing and max leveling all these subs.

        See you in a few weeks!


  10. Rank: 320
    Padherder: https://www.padherder.com/user/IceHism/monsters/

    Current teams: Verdandi, Xiangmei,
    IAP: no

    Andromeda on day 2 with water gala is really tempting to me but I know I’ll be disappointed if I only try to get 1 god in the godfest. What pantheton should I roll in for a more easier time farming MP (nordis, zaerog, scarlet etc)? I think I got arena covered with XM but I think I’ll need an orochi, saria, or sanada along with another XM before my arena team is finished.


    • If you want to farm MP, you should really look into getting a MZeus. You already have many of his good light subs (Apollo, Baal, Wukong) so if that’s a route you wanted to go then you could try and pick up a Raphael.

      If solo is your thing, you’re going to need a fairly specialized team to do so as the rogue dungeons with the PreDRAs are far from trivial. Unfortunately I’m not really sure what that would be from your box. Xiang Mei with something inheriting Ra would probably be your best bet. I’m not really sure you need to roll for anything specifically, but yeah, Orochi and those other things you listed would be nice to have.


      • Who should I inherit awoken ra on to? My team right now is XM/gad/Uriel/Uriel/laila or mitsuki(for now). I was thinking Uriel but wasn’t totally sure which SI should go where.

        Also, which would you say is the roguelike that is the most easiest to stall on? I imagine zaerog will be pretty hard to do consistently because of the combo shield. Maybe volsung?


        • I don’t know. Play around with the team first and keep track of which active you end up needing/using the least.

          I’ve never stalled in a rogue dungeon in my life so I wouldn’t know. There seem to be good places throughout all the dungeons to stall, but if you have to stall while farming that likely means you need a better team.


  11. Well, I was not expecting this much interest, as usual. I probably need to make a better system for this, but for now let’s just say everything after this has a lower chance of being answered. I’ll try to get to everything above this, but no promises.


  12. Rank: 262
    IAP: only bundle deals
    Padherder: https://www.padherder.com/user/Fallstar/monsters/

    What’s most relevant is:
    -I main a Ryune team with subs Andromeda/Nut/Mori/flex (usually Orochi)
    -Of the featured pantheons, I only own Ares, Alcyone, Andromeda, and Antares – so one of each

    Trying to decide which day to roll, if any. My Ryune team could really use Hermes. If Hermes were the only good thing featured, I wouldn’t bother rolling for him, but since Greek 2s aren’t bad and I have very few of them, I’d been planning to roll in the next Greek 2 godfest anyway. But I don’t have many Heroes either, and they’re paired with a better pantheon. So the question is: does the presence of Hermes make day 1 better value than day 2? I’m not sure if I’m at the point yet where it’s worth it to consider specific gods. (Or should I avoid rolling altogether and wait for something better?)



    • It’s actually really hard to say, but I think you’re at the point were you can start rolling to improve your main teams. Hermes is fairly critical for any Ryune team, so chasing him is worth the risk. It also so happens to be a water gala, so maybe you’ll catch the good end of that and pick something up you weren’t expecting. I think it’s safe to roll day 1.


  13. Hey, nice job with the blog as always 🙂
    I’m wondering why Heroes have a higher leader rating than Greco Roman 2
    The only real leader in the Heroes is Pandora, and while I agree that she is really good, the rest aren’t really leaders.
    All of Greco Roman 2 are decent leads capable of beating Arena 2, with Hermes (and probably Apollo/Persephone) beating it before inheritance.


    • Should the Greeks be rated higher than the Heroes? I guess, but the point of the ratings isn’t to create a tier list per say, but just a general gauge of power. B+/B happens to be were most average leads fall so it’s not easy to distinguish them from each other.

      I disagree that the Heroes aren’t slightly above average leaders. When you pair them with the correct leader their performance is still comparable to the Greeks. Less tanky, but way more damage.

      After personally using the Greeks as leads I think they’re fairly poor so I don’t intend to raise them and I try to avoid adjusting scores down so things are pretty much going to stay where they are.


      • Personally the only greco God lead I would disagree with you is on awoken Persephone. She rocks being a tank, incredible recovery, and those heart orb enhances really make her outstanding to amplify her survivability even more. Most importantly, she’s further supported by a massive pool of dark/water subs in the game. She can control and dish out damage well, and you do not need to use skills quite often to kill a floor as you can tank, stack up enhances orbs and destroy. The only downsides I’ve encountered with her is sometimes not enough damage that you consistently need on back to back floors, devil binding, and the water requirement can sometimes be a nuisance in the heat of the moment where you need to burst. Sometimes she won’t dish out enough damage either in one shot, but that’s where her HP and rcv buff comes in to tank more, hence control damage too and bursting at the right moment.


        • I was excited for Persephone, but the damage is awful. On most two-color boards I wasn’t breaking 7-digits per sub. 14x just doesn’t cut it these days. The water requirement makes it near impossible to burst and heal on the same turn. Her TPAs are basically useless with such a low multiplier; at this point more OEs would’ve been better to stack with rows. Yeah, the tankiness is good, but so many other teams can have great tankiness paired with much better damage — Xiang Mei, Kaede, Nobunaga, even Vritra, the list goes on and on.


  14. Rank: 400
    IAP: Mild to Moderate
    Target Dungeons: MZeus, MHera, Arena1+2
    Future leads: Sumire+You Yu
    Padherder: https://www.padherder.com/user/Faust/monsters/

    Hi Setsu,

    I’m trying to decide whether or not to pull on day 1 of the godfest. I’m currently gearing up for new water leads, specifically Sumire and You Yu. I would love to pull Skuld or Scheat, but I feel like this isn’t the godfest for that because of the 3x. However, my team could really use Hermes and the water gala is pretty attractive to me as well, so I’m on the fence about whether or not to roll a pack in this one (20 or 40 dollars tops). Also, I’m trying to decide on a shield for skill inheritance for You Yu and I was wondering if you have a thought about which one I should use: Indra (3 turns, 75%), Awoken Indra (2 turns, 75%, haste), Awoken Susano (3 turns, haste, 50%), Raphael (2 turns, 100%, heart board). I know you’ve been inundated with requests, but hopefully you’ll find some time. Thank you again for all your efforts to help all of us out.


    • I think it’s reasonable to go for it. Hermes is extremely valuable and the water gala is a nice perk. Constellation 2 is obviously not ideal, but what are the chances that it will get much better than this?

      Regarding the shield for You Yu, I really have no idea. I think Raphael has the most uses outside the team, but might not actually be the best choice for this one. I might just go for Awoken Indra — if you can wait for it, that is. My reasoning would be that since You Yu pretty much obliterates everything in one shot, you probably have to be most wary of large hits coming from preemptives and off of perseverance. Awoken Indra is a bit shorter than his base form, but should hopefully ensure you survive more large hits than with Susano. Although the real answer is “why not all of them?”.


  15. HI Setsu!

    Rank: 217
    IAP: No
    Padherder: https://www.padherder.com/user/wngsprd/monsters/
    Teams: https://www.padherder.com/user/wngsprd/teams/
    Main team: Saria/Raph/WuKong/Valk/Pollux

    Thanks for helping out last time I posted and started me on the Saria/Thor path. The team is coming along nicely and quickly became my main team. Should I roll in this GF? I got ~20 stones. 2nd day looks to be a better selection but I’m running into the risk of getting dupes. 1st day’s Apollo looks mighty nice, but I probably shouldn’t roll just for him.

    Also, any other tips and/or rec on team building would always be very appreciated. Thanks in advance for your time!


    • I don’t think rolling for Apollo is a ridiculous idea. He’d be a nice upgrade over LValk, you have no dupe risk and all the Greeks are quite good to have even if you don’t have an immediate use for them. True, Constellation 2 sucks, but Alcyone and Hamal are still quite good for not having a uevo and hopefully the rest will have some use someday. I don’t think it’s an overwhelming “yes” to roll, but you should at least consider it as a decent option.

      On the other hand, yeah, perhaps the dupe risk on day 2 isn’t worth it. The only time it would be is if you really, really needed Andromeda or Perseus, but that doesn’t look to be the case. I’d pass.

      TBH your Saria-Thor team looks really good as is. I think it’ll take you very far. Any other team you work on would just be for fun, change of pace, or maybe to cover this team’s weaknesses. As you noted on your team page, starting your Ilm on the team would be a good idea, although I might sub him in for LValk instead of Pollux. For now, I’d just continue to accumulate value in your box so when it inevitably becomes time to move on from Saria, as unfortunate as that might be, you’ll be prepared.


  16. Hi Setsu, thanks so much for your contribution to the community! Hope this isn’t too late for day 2.

    I’m currently rank 244, non-IAP, stopped playing 2 years ago but recently started playing again. I have random rolls from when my brother rolled in godfests when I wasn’t playing.

    Padherder: https://www.padherder.com/user/awuengls/monsters/#31,0,31,8191,268435455,0,,0,0,0,eq,0,0,0,0,;default,0

    I’m currently working on an ARa team (trying to evolve Isis and Orochi) as well as a dark team (either ALuci, or APersephone).

    I was wondering if you thought I should focus on any other teams, and / or if you agree with my focus. I’m also thinking about rolling on Day 2 to see if Pandora shows up — I’m not sure if it’s worth it for the other gods. Or do you think I should save my stones for another pantheon and/or next player’s choice godfest?

    Finally, I am considering working on a blue team (andromeda or lakshmi?), but my box feels very weak in blue, whereas I have a lot of dark gods.

    It’s amazing how much the game grew over the last 2 years – when I quit, I could beat pretty much all the available content, but now I feel like I’m back at the early mid-game tier


    • I like your dark/devil team better than Ra since you’re lacking LKali. Fat Chocobo is fine, but you really need the LKali(s) to make a Ra or similar team worthwhile. On the other hand, you have a very solid dark box to work with. You have a few leader options, but Lucifer is going to be your best bet. The Haku + Akechi core is amazing and you can fill out the rest of the team with Persephone (probably her wood version for now) and Castor.

      I could see rolling day 2 for Pandora, but imo it’s not an amazing opportunity due to the Hero dupe risk. I’m not sure how long you’ve been playing since you restarted, but if it’s been like 2 weeks or something, I’d probably put some work into developing your teams before rolling so you can get some perspective. You have enough good gods to work with so you don’t absolutely need new rolls. By developing and actually playing with any teams you make, you can find the one you enjoy playing the most. Like I recommended playing a Luci team, but maybe rows aren’t for you and you really want to pursue that Ra team and the rainbow playstyle instead. Then it should be easier to identify which godfests you want to roll in.

      If you want a water team, I’d definitely keep an eye on Lakshmi. Andromeda and Gabriel are key subs for obvious reasons. I don’t think it’s worth pursuing yet, but once you get another solid water sub or two, it might be.


      • Thanks so much for your advice!

        Do you favor D/G Persephone over APersephone because of her row awakenings? I suppose the dark sky fall isn’t good enough to offset the rows?

        Also for Haku, I was going to create one AHaku and wasnt sure what to do with my second one. D/D Haku has more rows and skill boost, but D/R has the dragon and god killer.


        • Yeah, I like her wood form for now because of the rows. Although your team becomes better developed I can see switching to her awoken form as she can act like a Eschamali replacement.

          For Lucifer, D/R is better because of the killers. You can always switch back to D/D if you need it for something like Pandora or Vritra later down the road.


  17. https://www.padherder.com/user/001/monsters

    I’m having troubles with more difficult dungeons, like C8-C10. Would it be worth investing plus eggs on my Pirate Sonia, or Skuld teams (I got Isis, Orochi, and I&I from the PCGF so I’m planning to add them to my Skuld team)? I’m leaning more towards Skuld due to her recent buff, but if Pirate Sonia gets a similar buff to her GFE counterpart would she be better?

    Could either team consistently beat harder dungeons like C10 with some plus eggs, or would I need completely different teams. I’m trying to avoid combo/rainbow teams, haven’t been able to use them well in the past, but it could have been due to a lack of time extensions. I’m also nonIAP so I’m not sure I want to sell any monsters to get a MP dragon yet.

    Thanks Setsu hope you can get to this


    • First off, you have 2 DKalis; Ra Dragon is probably your best bet to immediately conquer the endgame. I didn’t like rainbow teams either, but the time extensions on a Ra Dragon team make it pretty easy to do. I can see where you wouldn’t want to go that route, though, especially if you have to disassemble your box for MP.

      Outside that, nothing really stands out to me. It seems like you’re a sub or two short for many teams. You have the decent beginnings to a Pandora team (Haku + Akechi), I&I-Ryune (Hermes, Karin, Mori, Amon), and maybe Saria-Thor (Apollo, DQXQ, Ilm). All of them are good, but none of them really call out to me.

      I don’t really see Summer GSonia ever being relevant, even with buffs. It’s extremely rare for a leader from a seasonal REM to be endgame relevant; I think GKali is the only one that’s reasonable.

      As for Skuld, there are some possibilities. She’s quite good paired with herself, but you can add another dimension to the team by pairing with You Yu. Also I wouldn’t let yourself be restricted by the wood requirement, in general the RCV from the two leader Skulds alone should be good enough for most circumstances (I’d definitely hypermax your Skuld for this). For more difficult content you’ll probably be using Orochi and/or Isis for utility, which should definitely be more than enough. This way you can put your other sub slots to better use like with Awoken Hermes. I guess Sonia is not a horrible sub, but I’d try to keep a team like this water-main as much as possible.

      Anyways, C10s are getting harder since they’re balanced around co-op. I think you’ll have a tough time with any of the teams I mentioned. Maybe you should look into taking advantage of co-op instead? This way it should be easier to run the teams you want to run rather than being a slave to the most powerful teams at the time.


  18. NA

    Padherder: https://www.padherder.com/user/superkegs/monsters/

    Rank 170

    Current team: Blonia \ Blodin \ Sieg \ K.Bubblie \ Golem \ (PM) Blonia BF
    (BF also has HM Lakshmi)


    What day should I roll?

    I have about 30-35 stones potentially, and I was thinking about going all in on Day 2.
    Day 1 seems nice with a chance at dupe Blonia, Hermes, and Ryune that I could potentially change to lead, however I really like Day 2 for Andro and the chance at Pandora, which I think I have a decent starting team for (Okun, Cecil, Akechi, Persephone, Yomi), especially with Dark Gala.

    Any advice on which day would benefit my box the most? I’m terrible at combo’ing which is why I’ve not really even considered a light team (even though I know I have some decent cards there), or Okun lead. I really like the Blonia playstyle, and I hear Pandora is similar (with a bit more punch).
    I’ve also considered building up Persephone with her new form, but I’m not sure what day would be better for her (either for subs, or leads that she could sub for).

    Thank you!


    • I think rolling either day is a good idea since your dupe risk is low either way. Yeah, I think day 1 is better for you, but if you want to roll day 2 that’s a perfectly good option as well. You should just be looking to improve your box and either day accomplishes that, so just roll the day you personally prefer.

      It’s a water gala, not dark, if that changes anything.

      I think choosing between BSonia and Pandora or whatever doesn’t really matter at the point of the game you’re at. Your best team will be defined by the subs you have for it so until you actually have those subs, there’s no point in worrying about it. Just roll for value and your box will tell you where you need to go.


      • Appreciate the advice! I ended up rolling 6 times and didn’t get much >< Hamal, Alcyone, Valen, Delgado, Basilisk, and Red Chester. Figures I'd roll two out of mechanical and not a single greek.

        I have some leftover stones, so I might pair those up with the $10 pack and try for 3 more rolls tomorrow just for poops and grins.

        Thanks again for responding though!


        • Well, at least Hamal, Alcyone and Valen are capable pieces. As evidenced by YamaP’s own rolls, the REM can be quite unforgiving so getting useful cards is an overall win, even if you can’t use them right now. Good luck next time!


  19. I think the large interest is in part due to overflow from the PCGF =P Lots of players have much more to work with now and this is one of the few places where you can get an experienced player to give personal feedback/direction. As someone who got advice from you a few months ago, thanks for putting the time into these posts.


  20. Hello and thank you for the info here!

    I have a few questions, and with the amount of people you’re looking at here I understand if you don’t get to mine.

    RANK : 309
    IAP : $15-$20 a month (treated as a subscription type game because good)
    Main Teams : XM, RaDra, and Thor/Saria (also listed in PADherder)


    1) I am excited for Sumire and want to get an optimal team ready for her new evo. What should I focus on in my box and should I consider rolling this GF?

    2) Do I have a working “Push-Button” team somewhere in my box? I have a shell team created in my PADherder but I am not certain.

    3) I am very interested in trying to dip into co-op for the first time soon, but I want to go in with a good team for it that isn’t hard to play (I am bad at PAD lol). Is there a leader I should focus on like Geomon or Hitsugaya that are in the “farming team” rankings?

    Thanks again for all the help on your blog!


    • 1) While a full Sumire System isn’t necessary, you probably want at least 3 for the increased consistency. So, obviously, the foremost factor when rolling would be having her at 3x or greater rates. Then, after that it’s a balance between (1) targeting cards you actually want and (2) minimizing your dupe risk. Day 1 would be nice, but no 3x Sumire. Day 2 has Sumire, but considerable dupe risk. Day 1 is automatically out. I’d say 2 is out as well, but is there any compelling reason to think otherwise?

      2) Depends what you want to push button, but that team doesn’t have much promise. Lucifer isn’t ideal as his nuke only hits a single target. You should really look into co-op button farming which should be enabled during the next patch. This makes it possible to use things like Zeromus, Goemon and Dios for effortless farming.

      3) If co-op is really a priority, then snagging an MZeus should be a very high priority. I know a certain streamer does MZeus carries for $5 donations, if that’s your thing. You can also try a co-op Discord for someone that will carry you for free.


      • This doesn’t seem like the greatest choice as you’re lacking both Apollo and Raphael. Have you thought about running Miru instead? That’s basically an MP level card and your DQXQs, Wukong and Apoc all fit much better there.


        • Hmm, I’ve never thought of running Miru. I’ve seen clears of the dungeon, and I think it’s beyond my level for now. As a point of reference, I’ve never cleared any of the rouge dungeons or rushes of any kind.


          • Things get a lot easier with co-op. As someone that doesn’t really like co-op, even I’m conceding that it’s a tool that needs to be used in certain situations if only to make life easier.


    • Probably Yomi Dragon since it’ll stay relevant as a sub just about forever. I’d consult the image I linked to in the FAQ if you haven’t already.


  21. Hi! You’re probably really busy with real life and all of the other posts, but I just thought I’d give it a try.
    Rank: 180
    IAP: Never
    Main team: Listed on padherder (Lightning, B.Odin, Marine Rider, Echidna, Raphael, friend: Lightning)
    Dungeon: Tech – Beat up to Mythic Stone Dragon, but skipped Mechdragon Massive Fortress. Normal – Beat everything except Legendary Earth and Legendary Seaway (just haven’t tried)


    Are there monsters I have that I should level/evolve so I can add them to the team? Besides a Lightning team, I’m hoping to create a Sephiroth team.

    Any input from anyone is great. Thanks!


    • Both Lightning and Sephiroth are incredibly difficult to build teams for.

      For Lighting, I’d evo your LValk and use her to replace Marine Rider. I wouldn’t invest anything in Marine Rider as he’s pretty useless. Then I’d probably swap out Echidna for Fat Chocobo. The row part of Lightning’s active will be really hard for you to utilize until you get better subs.

      I’d avoid Seph completely. You really have no subs for him and I don’t really see that changing anytime soon.

      To be honest, I’d probably prioritize making a Ryune-I&I team which should be more effective than Lightning and easier to use. You can run something like Ryune / Amon / Siegfried / BOdin / Y’shtola / I&I which seems like a fairly solid team that should get you to the late game.


      • Thanks so much for the reply! I’m a bit of a FF fan so I really wanted Lightning or Seph to work, but I can see your point especially since I’m still not that high rank with lots of options. XD

        I’ll start prioritizing the Ryune team then and see how far I get with them. Thanks again for the help 🙂


        • The game is really about playing how you want, so if Lightning is how you want to go, I don’t have any problem with that. Just be aware of the possible limitations.


  22. Rank: 289
    IAP: Will IAP if necessary to try to get what I need. Or for MP :v
    Main teams : Pandora and Yuna. Urd for farming

    PADHerder : https://www.padherder.com/user/GlaringError/monsters/#31,0,31,8191,268435455,0,,0,0,0,eq,0,0,0,0,;default,0

    I’ve been thinking about getting a MP card for a while but not sure what to get. Should I get Princess Soprano for the lols or save up for maybe a 300k one? And if 300k, should I bother with a dragon or try for the new gentlemen series? Was thinking You Yu because my blue box is quite extensive and I may have most units for him already. What are your thoughts on this? If you do suggest a 300k unit, I’ll be heavily IAPing but should I IAP in GF or PAD Academy?

    Thanks for taking your time on my post!


    • I don’t think there’s any compelling reason to buy an MP card especially since your Pandora and Yuna teams seem pretty solid. If you have to IAP for the MP, I’d strongly advise against doing so. Maybe if you’re dying for a specific MP card, but even then I wouldn’t recommend it. Have you thought about maybe making a Miru team? That’s basically an MP-level card that’s farmable.


      • Thanks for taking your time with my teams! As for Miru, no I actually haven’t. The only thing I know about Miru is that she gets younger as she evos and her mats are supposedly hard as fuck to even get. Other than that, nothing else XD

        She didn’t quite catch my eye when she was released. I just took a look and said ‘Cool’.

        If I were to make a team for Miru, what would an example look like?

        Thanks again 🙂


          • Okay so Miru uses just about the same units as Yuria then. Well, I guess maybe my test team for Yuria can also be a shooin for Miru?

            It’s Yuria, Apoc, Apoc, SWK, Saria, and friend Yuria. I don’t have a DQXQ but that may work for Miru instead of Yuria?


  23. Rank: 186 been playing for exactly a month now

    IAP: $25 can spend more if I feel like it

    Main Team: Ghetto Pandora team with a BF Hyper A.Pandora/Lightning Team

    Dungeon: Unlocked Legendary Earth and just beat Mythic Stone Dragon Cave, currently clearing Alt. Castle of Satan and beyond. Never beat any Descended Dungeons


    I got pretty lucky with the PCGF last month and was wondering if there was worth anything rolling for in this Godfest other than Zuoh.

    Really want to start tackling these harder dungeons so I can get proper Evolutions for most of my cards, namely Lucifer and my second Pandora but I don’t feel like I have the raw stats to beat those yet.


    • Since you have such low dupe risk, either day is fine. However, if Zuoh is on your radar then day 1 is a no go. Day 2 risks a 3rd Pandora so it isn’t ideal either, but is fine.


  24. https://www.padherder.com/user/Cobalt314/monsters/
    Rank: 404
    IAP: Another Godfest, another pack
    Solo Main Teams: Ra Dragon, Rukia
    Co-Op Main Teams: Machines

    What teams of mine do you think are able to beat Annihilation dungeons like MHera, MZeus, SUDR, etc? Most of the teams on my teams tab are pretty accurate representations of my in-game teams, with a few slight discrepancies here and there. If you don’t think any of my teams can handle Annihilations, what changes do you think I should make, or what new teams should I use/focus on getting, given my box?

    Thank you for your help!


    • Is this co-op or solo? You can’t reliably solo the annihilation dungeons so I don’t really see the point. The teams that can do it at a decent rate are terribly specialized. Maybe look at YouTube for team comps? If co-op, you already have MZeus so just make those teams. Yuki’s YouTube channel has good examples of how to farm the annihilations.


  25. Let’s just cutoff all new questions here. Anyone that makes new questions under this will be verbally abused over the internet and I’ll likely just delete your comment. Of course, follow up questions are still welcomed.


  26. Well I am pretty new at this Rank —

    Just looking for some suggestions in terms of if I should roll this time if so who should I aim for.
    Or should I work on anything I have already.

    As lead I use mostly Yuna, Sephiroth and sometimes Lightning, They are all pretty similar.
    So if there are other suggestions it will be cool


      • It’s my 1st time but if disturb you.I’m sorry.
        I asked because i want to know and think you can help me but maybe that’s my very bad idea.
        Thank you for your reply and feel free from now on i didn’t disturb you anymore.


  27. I’m just closing this shit. I don’t want to have to deal with idiots anymore; even if they didn’t have malicious intent it’s still annoying. For those that didn’t have time to get their follow up questions in, I apologize.


Comments are closed.