JP Aggregate Leader List: Week 29

JP Aggregate Leader List

Changes from last time: Summer Myr added to 2, Typhon Ana 3➞2, Xiang Mei 2➞3, Ra Dragon 2➞3, Izanagi ❀➞3, Liu Bei removed from 3, Machine Zeus removed from 3, Sephiroth 3➞❀, Summer Lakshmi added to ❀, Pandora removed from ❀, Saito removed from ❀, Machine Hera removed from ❀
Legend: Popular on Pad-Plus, ❀: Honorable Mention Tier
2972 - Green Earth Wind Dragon Caller, Kaede
2995 - Bursting Great Earl of Hell, Ronove
3112 - Sniper at Rest, Myr
2943 - Destroying Wing Dragon Emperor, Sherias Roots
2969 - Star Cutting Time Dragon Caller, Myr
3090 - Chaotic Black Dragonbound Armor, Ana
2999 - Hell Eye's Evil Duchess, Gremory
2756 - Crimson Orchid Virtue, Xiang Mei
2991 - 狂面の魔公爵・Dantalion
2971 - Indigo Ocean Water Dragon Caller, Sumire
2758 - Blue Bamboo Virtue, You Yu
2984 - Awoken Izanagi
2259 - Sun God, Ra Dragon
2997 - 宝冠の聖魔王・Paimon
2507 - Awoken Archdemon Lucifer
2924 - Rebellious Demon, Oda Nobunaga
2901 - Awoken Cao Cao
3019 - Rurouni, Himura Kenshin
1955 - Awoken Lakshmi
3069 - 聖徳の麗女神・Sarasvati
2679 - Asst Capt of 13th Squad, Rukia Kuchiki
3115 - Goddess of Beach Volley, Lakshmi
2749 - Awoken Artemis
2945 - Steel Wand Mech Dragon God, Balboa
2920 - Godlike Chivalrous Thief, Robin Hood
2505 - Awoken Astaroth
2929 - Moonlit Feline Goddess Armor, Ace
2904 - Awoken Da Qiao & Xiao Qiao
2261 - God of the Night, Tsukuyomi Dragon
2765 - One-Winged Angel, Sephiroth

Disclaimer: The aggregate list is basically a compilation of the leader tier lists from three JP PAD sites: Game8, GameWith and AppMedia. The idea is that while a single tier list can have many points of contention, hopefully an aggregate can kind of smooth things over (it doesn’t, really, but it helps a bit). I try to keep my hands off the results as much as possible; the extent of my involvement is setting the algorithm to aggregate the results. I wish I could be fully hands off, but as none of the lists have 1:1 correlation in their grades, I have to have that much involvement. Don’t take these ratings as fact; I encourage you to simply take them as a starting point for discussion to figure out which leads are actually the best for your specific situation.

I’m not sure what’s up with Pad-Plus lately. I usually tried to make these posts on Saturdays or Sundays to coincide with them releasing their popularity results, but if they continue to be late or just don’t make the post at all, I’m considering moving the posts to Mondays in order to capture the potential release of collab card rankings.

Anyways, GameWith made some sweeping changes to their list, the top three tiers all being heart-crossers. I’m personally fine with this mechanic taking over the meta since I enjoy both the playstyle and the power level it brings, but I sympathize with anyone that’s already tired of it. They also removed the co-op-centric leads which is a welcome change.

JP Aggregate Leader List Changes of Note

Card Notes
3090 - Chaotic Black Dragonbound Armor, Ana
Change: 3➞2

It should come as no surprise that anything with a heart-cross and a decent ATK multiplier is taking over the meta. Typhon Ana — arguably one of the “worst” of the good ones — settling in at tier-2 should tell volumes about how dominant this mechanic is.

2756 - Crimson Orchid Virtue, Xiang Mei
Change: 2➞3

I’d like my MP and Flampys back, please. I think tier-3 is reasonable for her, but there are a few cards that look out of place alongside her: You Yu, Lucifer and Dantalion, while good, probably shouldn’t be on the same level. Xiang Mei’s playstyle might be boring, but she’s still incredibly powerful.

2259 - Sun God, Ra Dragon
Change: 2➞3

It’s been almost a year since Ra Dragon has been released and he’s still on this list. A pretty amazing investment for those that got in early. It makes me wonder if GungHo will ever buff the MP Dragons (or at least discount their MP cost) or will they all just eventually fall off the face of the earth.

2984 - Awoken Izanagi
Change: ❀➞3

His buff from a 35% to 50% shield has been appropriately reflected in this update. Being a single tier below Myr is where he belongs.

2528 - Awoken Machine Zeus
Change: Removed from 3

GameWith removed co-op leads from their list — including Liu Bei and MHera — which is something I can only be thankful for.

2662 - Awoken Pandora
Change: Removed from ❀


New Card Holding Tank

New cards will be held here temporarily in an attempt to isolate the aggregate list from knee-jerk ratings.
Card Notes
2827 - Armored Batman
Ranked Sites: Game8 (S), GameWith (SS), AppMedia (S+)

My main gripe about Batman is that his relatively low movement time will make the row + cross playstyle extremely difficult to execute for most players; I already have a hard enough time with it on Gremory and Batman teams will have at least one second less than her. However, taking skill out of the equation, he’s flat out stronger than Gremory or Typhon Ana.

Jump to: Game8 | Game8 Co-op | GameWith | GameWith Farming | AppMedia | Pad-Plus


Original source
Changes from last time: None
Legend: Popular on Pad-Plus
2972 - Green Earth Wind Dragon Caller, Kaede
2995 - Bursting Great Earl of Hell, Ronove
3112 - Sniper at Rest, Myr
2943 - Destroying Wing Dragon Emperor, Sherias Roots
2969 - Star Cutting Time Dragon Caller, Myr
2827 - Armored Batman
2999 - Hell Eye's Evil Duchess, Gremory
3090 - Chaotic Black Dragonbound Armor, Ana
2756 - Crimson Orchid Virtue, Xiang Mei
2971 - Indigo Ocean Water Dragon Caller, Sumire
2259 - Sun God, Ra Dragon
2991 - 狂面の魔公爵・Dantalion
2758 - Blue Bamboo Virtue, You Yu
2997 - 宝冠の聖魔王・Paimon
2984 - Awoken Izanagi
2924 - Rebellious Demon, Oda Nobunaga
2253 - Destroyer God, Shiva Dragon
1955 - Awoken Lakshmi
3069 - 聖徳の麗女神・Sarasvati
2505 - Awoken Astaroth
2929 - Moonlit Feline Goddess Armor, Ace
2904 - Awoken Da Qiao & Xiao Qiao
2389 - Awoken Sakuya
2325 - Awoken Yomi
2507 - Awoken Archdemon Lucifer
2662 - Awoken Pandora
2765 - One-Winged Angel, Sephiroth
2261 - God of the Night, Tsukuyomi Dragon

Game8 has been quiet for a couple weeks now which is surprising for them.

Jump to: Game8 | Game8 Co-op | GameWith | GameWith Farming | AppMedia | Pad-Plus

Game8 Co-op

*This list isn’t factored into the aggregate result.
Original source
Changes from last time: None
Legend: Popular on Pad-Plus
2528 - Awoken Machine Zeus
2903 - Awoken Liu Bei
2901 - Awoken Cao Cao
3074 - Awoken Machine Athena
2526 - Awoken Machine Hera
2939 - Treasure Blade Dragon, Drahklist
3083 - 凶災の幻影龍・Anima
2006 - Avowed Thief, Ishikawa Goemon

Jump to: Game8 | Game8 Co-op | GameWith | GameWith Farming | AppMedia | Pad-Plus


Original source
Changes from last time: Armored Batman added to SS, Xiang Mei SS➞A, Liu Bei removed from SS, Machine Zeus removed from SS, Typhon Ana A➞S, Izanagi added to S, Ra Dragon S➞A, Sherias Roots S➞A, Machine Hera removed from S, AD Lucifer A➞B, Sephiroth A➞B, Sarasvati removed from B, Rukia removed from B, Robin Hood removed from B, Astaroth removed from B, Yomi Dragon removed from B, Pandora removed from B, Persephone removed from B
Legend: Popular on Pad-Plus
2972 - Green Earth Wind Dragon Caller, Kaede
3112 - Sniper at Rest, Myr
2995 - Bursting Great Earl of Hell, Ronove
2969 - Star Cutting Time Dragon Caller, Myr
2827 - Armored Batman
2999 - Hell Eye's Evil Duchess, Gremory
3090 - Chaotic Black Dragonbound Armor, Ana
2984 - Awoken Izanagi
2991 - 狂面の魔公爵・Dantalion
2756 - Crimson Orchid Virtue, Xiang Mei
2758 - Blue Bamboo Virtue, You Yu
2971 - Indigo Ocean Water Dragon Caller, Sumire
2997 - 宝冠の聖魔王・Paimon
2259 - Sun God, Ra Dragon
2943 - Destroying Wing Dragon Emperor, Sherias Roots
2924 - Rebellious Demon, Oda Nobunaga
2749 - Awoken Artemis
2945 - Steel Wand Mech Dragon God, Balboa
2507 - Awoken Archdemon Lucifer
2765 - One-Winged Angel, Sephiroth

Both Kinnikuman and Akuma Shogun are in their holding tank. I’d imagine that both would make the list proper in some form, but where that would be, your guess is as good as mine. I think they’re quite strong, but without playing the new mechanics personally, it’s really hard to say.

GameWith Changes of Note

Card Notes
2943 - Destroying Wing Dragon Emperor, Sherias Roots
Change: S➞A

After having a chance to play with the new top GFEs — Ronove, Gremory, Kaede, Roots — from my perspective Roots is by far the worst so this downgrade comes as no surprise. I feel like a broken record at this point, but the heart-cross (combined with stacking time extends and huge ATK multipliers) is just too busted.

2679 - Asst Capt of 13th Squad, Rukia Kuchiki
Change: Removed from B

When I first saw her stats, I seriously felt that Rukia would have a Ra Dragon-level of longevity. Looking back, considering her relatively poor awakening selection and the advent of that-one-mechanic, it was amazing that she lasted this long. Here’s hoping she gets buffs when Bleach returns (it’ll return, right?)

2261 - God of the Night, Tsukuyomi Dragon
Change: Removed from B

You farmed me many a Py, my old friend. RIP o7.

2751 - Awoken Persephone
Change: Removed from B

Poor Persephone can’t seem to stick with any list for very long.

Jump to: Game8 | Game8 Co-op | GameWith | GameWith Farming | AppMedia | Pad-Plus

GameWith Farming

*This list isn’t factored into the aggregate result.
Original source
Changes from last time: None
Legend: Popular on Pad-Plus
2006 - Avowed Thief, Ishikawa Goemon
2903 - Awoken Liu Bei
2528 - Awoken Machine Zeus
2526 - Awoken Machine Hera
2901 - Awoken Cao Cao
2179 - God of the Destroying Lance, Odin
2657 - Heroic God-Emperor, Yamato Takeru
2253 - Destroyer God, Shiva Dragon

Jump to: Game8 | Game8 Co-op | GameWith | GameWith Farming | AppMedia | Pad-Plus


Original source
Changes from last time: Armored Batman added to S+, Kenshin S+➞S, Typhon Ana S-➞S, Saito S➞S-, Sephiroth S➞S-
Legend: Popular on Pad-Plus
2972 - Green Earth Wind Dragon Caller, Kaede
2969 - Star Cutting Time Dragon Caller, Myr
2995 - Bursting Great Earl of Hell, Ronove
3112 - Sniper at Rest, Myr
2943 - Destroying Wing Dragon Emperor, Sherias Roots
2827 - Armored Batman
2756 - Crimson Orchid Virtue, Xiang Mei
2924 - Rebellious Demon, Oda Nobunaga
2259 - Sun God, Ra Dragon
2999 - Hell Eye's Evil Duchess, Gremory
2758 - Blue Bamboo Virtue, You Yu
2971 - Indigo Ocean Water Dragon Caller, Sumire
2997 - 宝冠の聖魔王・Paimon
2920 - Godlike Chivalrous Thief, Robin Hood
2679 - Asst Capt of 13th Squad, Rukia Kuchiki
2507 - Awoken Archdemon Lucifer
2749 - Awoken Artemis
2929 - Moonlit Feline Goddess Armor, Ace
2901 - Awoken Cao Cao
3115 - Goddess of Beach Volley, Lakshmi
3090 - Chaotic Black Dragonbound Armor, Ana
3019 - Rurouni, Himura Kenshin
2991 - 狂面の魔公爵・Dantalion
2984 - Awoken Izanagi
2765 - One-Winged Angel, Sephiroth
1955 - Awoken Lakshmi
2505 - Awoken Astaroth
2814 - Library Room's Manager God, Kali
1956 - Awoken Parvati
2261 - God of the Night, Tsukuyomi Dragon
2904 - Awoken Da Qiao & Xiao Qiao
2903 - Awoken Liu Bei
3069 - 聖徳の麗女神・Sarasvati
2762 - Purple Plum Virtue, Xin Hua
3033 - Shinsengumi 3rd Squad Captain, Saito Hajime

AppMedia Changes of Note

Card Notes
3019 - Rurouni, Himura Kenshin
Change: S+➞S

I just finished a draft of my Kenshin Collab review (in anticipation of it being released this week, but apparently that isn’t the case) and I strongly feel that he’s underrated. AppMedia was the only list that gave him any love; while S+ was much too high, I do think putting him at S or S- is more than reasonable.

3033 - Shinsengumi 3rd Squad Captain, Saito Hajime
Change: S➞S-

Saito, on the other hand, I don’t think he belongs on any list.

Jump to: Game8 | Game8 Co-op | GameWith | GameWith Farming | AppMedia | Pad-Plus


No update this week. I might add it in later, but I rarely check their page so that’s fairly unlikely.

For details on the aggregation method or each Japanese site used, refer to this page (link someday).

23 thoughts on “JP Aggregate Leader List: Week 29

    • The usual days are the last day of a month and the first day of the follow month and two days somewhere mid-month.

      You should always be saving for PCGF, but roll in any godfest before that if it makes sense for you.


  1. The fall of Xiang Mei makes me sad. She was the best leader at the end of the tank team meta, but since she was at the end, they newer mechanics were bound to overshadow her. Being non-iap, she has been my only MP purchase so far. I don’t care that anyone says she is losing strength. She’s still gotten me through many annihilation dungeons solo and I won’t stop being a supporter!


    • What does the buff actually improve? It’s not like she was hurting for damage. Her weakness has always been damage control and this only makes that more difficult.

      Having played both leads extensively, it wouldn’t upset me if they were put on the same tier, but I feel Kaede was and still is the superior lead.


      • Myr does hurt for damage though, from an orb conservation standpoint. 49x is on the cusp, and you can have trouble nuking things down when orbs are scarce or your team is low on TPA. 59.29x makes intermediary floors less demanding and all but eliminates the need for damage enhance on Kali. The only thing it really hurts is > 200k damage shields, but with either multiplier you are most likely burning actives anyway. It would take an LS change to fix that problem.

        I still agree that Kaede belongs in a tier separate from Myr since she has much better damage scaling and a 7 turn heartmaker system, but I think it’s disingenuous to say 59.29x isn’t an upgrade for Myr.

        Also this sort of indirectly makes Summer Myr more appealing… Parvati can be an ordeal for Light Myr at 59.29x, cross/3 light 3 combo is the highest you can go before absorb. But I consider this a non-issue with how easy it is to stall and conserve orbs on that floor.


        • Where did I say it wasn’t an upgrade? My comment was a reply to one about how she compares to Kaede and should be taken in that context. Yes, there are positives like the ones you listed, but it’s nothing that’s going to suddenly close the gap between them. I should’ve been clearer what I was referring to, but never did I say it wasn’t an upgrade (which would make little sense anyways since you now have access to both pre- and post-buff forms so it’s only upside).


  2. I feel like the Miru buff made her worse if anything, since the damage increase wasn’t substantial enough for it to be groundbreaking, and it is now even harder to take on sopdet and parvati. I think its sorta similar to the D/L Yomi buff, which actually was sorta of a pseudo-nerf. On a side note, in the “JP Aggregate Leader List Changes of Note” section, you spelled “below” as “bellow” in Awoken Izanagi.


  3. Hi, I am interested in hearing a bit more about your thoughts on Armoured Bats vs Gremory.

    Do you think Bats is stronger because he has no typing restriction and no skill activation requirement? I have both Armoured Bats and Gremory and they play exactly the same, but like you mention I really struggle to actually activate bats since my team only has 4 TE, and having the on-demand damage buff for Grem and getting 144x without needing a row makes her a bit easier to play for me.

    Bats has better damage control (4, 16, 64 compared to GRRM’s 4, 36, 144) and Bats obviously has the better shield.


    • You broke it down yourself nicely. I can add a couple points from my perspective, though. Since I suck, I prefer Gremory for the extra time extends. Also since I suck, I’m usually using an active per turn anyways since I usually can’t clear enough orbs to consistently have an activatable board otherwise. To that end, I prefer Gremory even if her shield is smaller since it doesn’t really matter what that value is if you can’t consistently activate it.

      Her bind utility is also pretty nice.


  4. How does Ronove compare to Kaede? I feel Ronove is super easy to play and hit the damage cap much faster, whereas Kaede will require popping multiple actives to do enough damage.


    • And not to mention that, Kaede really works on a system, which is super hard to get, but Ronove can always use multiples of RagDras. MP is so easy to farm right now that RagDras should be very easy to obtain.

      On the other hand though, Kaede does have more damage reduction and also better recovery than a Ronove team with multiples of RagDras. Not sure if this is relevant though.


      • Both are busted, Ronove only being slightly less so. However, in practical use, it makes little difference since both are more than capable of clearing everything with ease. This is why they’re usually considered equals even if Kaede is technically better (or at least has a higher potential). It also helps that Ronove has the perception of being, and actually is, friendlier for players on a budget. As a 5-star, he’s easier to acquire. As you pointed out, you can run Ragnarok Dragons and other farmables like Gainaut and be much better off than Kaede with the same amount of farmables. Not to mention that his active is much easier to consistently activate and you generally only need his own active to do so, not multiple Kaede 6-stars.

        Tier lists aside, which are supposed to only compare leads at their highest potential, I’d put the two leads on the same level.


    • I actually haven’t seem much of him yet, but from what I have he seems quite good. He can probably challenge Kaede, but probably won’t be on the same tier as her or Ronove. However, the team is just so stupidly easy to use, that might be enough reason to rank him the same. Then again, I could be wrong either way. I’ll leave it up to the JP lists to figure it out.

      Combo shields look like they could be a problem speed-wise, but the team has enough tankiness that it shouldn’t matter too much?


  5. So my only possible heart cross leads are Kaede who I only have 1 of and Sumire who I have 3 of but I’m not really sure which team I should invest in. I have pretty much all the subs for both the teams besides the 6* GFEs and collab golds.

    Sorry in advance for not posting a herder. I haven’t updated mine in months and my listener isn’t working right now..


  6. I’ve been pretty much a lurker for a while and i find your blog very informative. I was one of the people who caved with XM since i had both Gadius and 3 Uriels and figured it was good enough to bite the bullet and purchase her. Soon after i made the purchase they released Kaede’s busted evo and while i do not regret the XM purchase, i did in fact end up dropping her altogether. I just wanted to ask what your thoughts on running double Kaede are. I know how effective it is to have multiples but given how vulnerable the team is to binds without a bind clearer i dont know what a good sub to add is. Right now i’ve been running Kaede lead, Kaede (usually flex), A. Suzano, Verdandi, Australis with Kaede friend lead but i dont know what viable bind clearers there are for her.


    • I like a Kaede team even with only a single dupe. I’m not much of a fan of Susano or Australis on it, though.

      I’ve been using Wee Jas and have found him to be extremely good since he fulfills so many utility roles, has 2x TEs and does respectable damage with his killers. Most veterans have rolled him once or twice by now and his skill ups are permanently in the coin dungeons. All flavors of green Odin should also be fine, with the original and Dragon being buffed to clear the disabled awakenings buff. Ceres Ana also looks great, assuming we get her eventually. Thumbelina is also respectable. Wood has a ton of good options.


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