JP Aggregate Leader List: Week 34

JP Aggregate Leader List

Changes from last time: Krishna added to 3, You Yu ❀➞3, Oda Nobunaga 3➞❀, Acala added to ❀, Summer Lakshmi removed from ❀, Bastet Ace removed from ❀
Legend: Popular on Pad-Plus, ❀: Honorable Mention Tier
2972 - Green Earth Wind Dragon Caller, Kaede
2995 - Bursting Great Earl of Hell, Ronove
2969 - Star Cutting Time Dragon Caller, Myr
3125 - 奇跡の逆転ファイター・Kinnikuman
3112 - Sniper at Rest, Myr
2999 - Hell Eye's Evil Duchess, Gremory
2827 - Armored Batman
3068 - 灼天の勇将神, Krishna
2756 - Crimson Orchid Virtue, Xiang Mei
2991 - Confusing Face Great Duke of Hell, Dantalion
2971 - Indigo Ocean Water Dragon Caller, Sumire
2758 - Blue Bamboo Virtue, You Yu
2984 - Awoken Izanagi
2943 - Destroying Wing Dragon Emperor, Sherias Roots
2997 - Crowned Sacred King of Hell, Paimon
3090 - Chaotic Black Dragonbound Armor, Ana
3069 - Heavenly Virtuous Goddess, Sarasvati
3202 - 慈悲之神・Acala
2749 - Awoken Artemis
2945 - Steel Wand Mech Dragon God, Balboa
2259 - Sun God, Ra Dragon
2765 - One-Winged Angel, Sephiroth
2924 - Rebellious Demon, Oda Nobunaga
3129 - 悪魔超人最後の刺客・Akuma Shogun

Disclaimer: The aggregate list is basically a compilation of the leader tier lists from three JP PAD sites: Game8, GameWith and AppMedia. The idea is that while a single tier list can have many points of contention, hopefully an aggregate can kind of smooth things over (it doesn’t, really, but it helps a bit). I try to keep my hands off the results as much as possible; the extent of my involvement is setting the algorithm to aggregate the results. I wish I could be fully hands off, but as none of the lists have 1:1 correlation in their grades, I have to have that much involvement. Don’t take these ratings as fact; I encourage you to simply take them as a starting point for discussion to figure out which leads are actually the best for your specific situation.

I delayed this week’s update a bit in hopes of snagging some changes for the uevos revealed in the last JP stream. So far only Game8 has updated so that will have to suffice.

JP Aggregate Leader List Changes of Note

Card Notes
3068 - 灼天の勇将神, Krishna
Change: Added to 3

This seems like a pretty reasonable placement.

2758 - Blue Bamboo Virtue, You Yu
Change: ❀➞3

I was a bit confused by this change, but apparently Game8 left him off their list entirely, presumably by mistake, and I failed to notice. He’s back this week. Outside maybe Dantalion, he’s the worst in the tier.

2924 - Rebellious Demon, Oda Nobunaga
Change: 3➞❀

This happened because Game8 replaced him with dark Kanna. I’m a little skeptical about that change.

3202 - 慈悲之神・Acala
Change: Added to ❀

A strong showing for a card without an ultimate. I don’t expect her to stick too long, but I’m still excited for her to reach NA.

3115 - Goddess of Beach Volley, Lakshmi
Change: Removed from ❀

One Lakshmi replaced with another.

New Card Holding Tank

New cards will be held here temporarily in an attempt to isolate the aggregate list from knee-jerk ratings.
Card Notes
3241 - Reincarnated Shiva
Ranked Sites: Game8 (A)

Well, at least Game8 seems to agree with my initial evaluation of Shiva. I don’t expect him to stay long, but I do think he’s better than Dantalion so he has an outside shot of staying on their list for a decent amount of time.

3242 - Reincarnated Lakshmi
Ranked Sites: Game8 (A)

Lakshmi, on the other hand, I expect to to stay on the list a bit longer. One detail I didn’t know at the time of the stream was how her heart clause scaled. The full multiplier tops out at eight connected hearts, one more than her awoken. The same applies to Parvati. This doesn’t change my evaluation of her too much, but it is a little unfortunate that it wasn’t just a flat buff.

3243 - Reincarnated Parvati
Ranked Sites: Game8 (A)

I still don’t like Parvati as much as Lakshmi due to lacking a few key synergies, but I do believe that she’s a great leader.

3235 - 魔究の狂幻魔, Ilm
Ranked Sites: Game8 (A)

I brushed off Ilm as a farming lead and while that’s true to a certain extent, I most certainly underestimated how proficient she (?) would be at it. The Ilm pair looks good, but what’s even more surprising is the revo Minerva and Ilm pair in Arena 1. The damage output is more than sufficient and Minerva resists all the big threats in the dungeon.

3234 - 夜陰の日龍喚士, Kanna
Ranked Sites: Game8 (A)

Kanna replaces Nobunaga on Game8’s list, a change I have a hard time accepting. Kanna is a fine leader, but all the videos I’ve seen only confirm my worries about the team’s damage.

Jump to: Game8 | Game8 Co-op | GameWith | GameWith Farming | AppMedia | Pad-Plus

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JP Aggregate Leader List: Week 33

JP Aggregate Leader List

Changes from last time: Myr 2➞1, Dantalion ❀➞3, Oda Nobunaga ❀➞3, Ra Dragon 3➞❀, Summer Lakshmi added to ❀, Yomi Dragon removed from ❀, AD Lucifer removed from ❀
Legend: Popular on Pad-Plus, ❀: Honorable Mention Tier
2972 - Green Earth Wind Dragon Caller, Kaede
2995 - Bursting Great Earl of Hell, Ronove
2969 - Star Cutting Time Dragon Caller, Myr
3125 - 奇跡の逆転ファイター・Kinnikuman
3112 - Sniper at Rest, Myr
2999 - Hell Eye's Evil Duchess, Gremory
2827 - Armored Batman
2756 - Crimson Orchid Virtue, Xiang Mei
2991 - Confusing Face Great Duke of Hell, Dantalion
2971 - Indigo Ocean Water Dragon Caller, Sumire
2984 - Awoken Izanagi
2943 - Destroying Wing Dragon Emperor, Sherias Roots
2997 - Crowned Sacred King of Hell, Paimon
3090 - Chaotic Black Dragonbound Armor, Ana
2924 - Rebellious Demon, Oda Nobunaga
3069 - Heavenly Virtuous Goddess, Sarasvati
2758 - Blue Bamboo Virtue, You Yu
3115 - Goddess of Beach Volley, Lakshmi
2749 - Awoken Artemis
2945 - Steel Wand Mech Dragon God, Balboa
2929 - Moonlit Feline Goddess Armor, Ace
2259 - Sun God, Ra Dragon
2765 - One-Winged Angel, Sephiroth
3129 - 悪魔超人最後の刺客・Akuma Shogun

Disclaimer: The aggregate list is basically a compilation of the leader tier lists from three JP PAD sites: Game8, GameWith and AppMedia. The idea is that while a single tier list can have many points of contention, hopefully an aggregate can kind of smooth things over (it doesn’t, really, but it helps a bit). I try to keep my hands off the results as much as possible; the extent of my involvement is setting the algorithm to aggregate the results. I wish I could be fully hands off, but as none of the lists have 1:1 correlation in their grades, I have to have that much involvement. Don’t take these ratings as fact; I encourage you to simply take them as a starting point for discussion to figure out which leads are actually the best for your specific situation.

The majority of this week’s movement came from Game8’s reorganization of their tiers, something that culminated in a more inclusive A-tier. As such, I’m removing their “popular leaders” section from the aggregate.

JP Aggregate Leader List Changes of Note

Card Notes
2969 - Star Cutting Time Dragon Caller, Myr
Change: 2➞1

I recently went over a similar change that AppMedia made, making light Myr one tier higher than Summer Myr. Her light version will always have an advantage in theory since light has no elemental weakness, but I don’t think that’s enough to separate them by a tier. People will bring up something like light having access to June Akechi which is indeed a huge advantage, but on the other hand I can bring up something like Summer Myr having access to Neptune Dragon to easily deal with shenanigans, Sopdet in particular. I think there’s enough back and forth like this to not separate them by a tier. However, in the end, it doesn’t really matter as all the heart-crossers can curb stomp just about everything in the game so getting worked up over their relative positions is just splitting hairs.

2924 - Rebellious Demon, Oda Nobunaga
Change: ❀➞3

A seemingly strange upgrade, but this is really only because Game8 added him back to their A-tier so it’s more like he’s back to where he should’ve been all along.

2259 - Sun God, Ra Dragon
Change: 3➞❀

Our boy Ra Dragon was able to stay on the tier lists for an entire year. There are very few leaders that have been relevant for so long, if ever (my early-PAD history isn’t so great so I can’t say for sure, maybe something like RSonia had similar longevity?). For early adopters, we sure got our money’s worth.

3115 - Goddess of Beach Volley, Lakshmi
Change: Added to ❀

Added to Game8’s revamped A-tier. I’d like to think this includes the normal Lakshmi as well who is arguably just as good if not better.

2261 - God of the Night, Tsukuyomi Dragon
Change: Removed from ❀

RIP. You farmed me literally hundreds of Pys. Your efforts won’t be forgotten o7.

2507 - Awoken Archdemon Lucifer
Change: Removed from ❀

Another RIP. I spent most of my efforts comparing you to Pandora instead of extolling your own virtues, but you were always a legit leader. And thus the old guard of awoken uevos was banished from the lands.

New Card Holding Tank

New cards will be held here temporarily in an attempt to isolate the aggregate list from knee-jerk ratings.
Card Notes
3068 - 灼天の勇将神, Krishna
Ranked Sites: Game8 (AA), GameWith (A), AppMedia (S), PadPlus (4)

I mentioned in the comments last week that I felt that Krishna was about as powerful as Xiang Mei and should probably be rated as such. Well, it looks like JP thinks he’s flat out better. I still think something has to be said for Xiang Mei’s nigh invulnerability, but I can totally see how a more proactive playstyle would be more appealing to the masses.

3218 - 最強裝備・Flintlock
Ranked Sites: Game8 (A), AppMedia (S-), PadPlus (1)

As with the Kinnikuman cards, Flintlock looks very strong, but isn’t something I can evaluate accurately.

3070 - 均衡の創界神, Vishnu
Ranked Sites: Game8 (A), PadPlus (7)

Vishnu isn’t as tanky as Krishna, but he hits harder and is plenty capable as a leader himself. With wood having a glut of great leaders lately, it’s easy to overlook him.

3202 - 慈悲之神・Acala
Ranked Sites: Game8 (A), GameWith (A), PadPlus (3)

I haven’t wanted a pantheon card this much in a long time. Acala isn’t an elite leader, but when’s the last time a normal evolution of a pantheon god has been as good as one? See you next year for their uevos.

Jump to: Game8 | Game8 Co-op | GameWith | GameWith Farming | AppMedia | Pad-Plus

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JP Aggregate Leader List: Week 32

JP Aggregate Leader List

Changes from last time: Kinnikuman added to 2, Akuma Shogun added to ❀
Legend: Popular on Pad-Plus, ❀: Honorable Mention Tier
2972 - Green Earth Wind Dragon Caller, Kaede
2995 - Bursting Great Earl of Hell, Ronove
3125 - 奇跡の逆転ファイター・Kinnikuman
3112 - Sniper at Rest, Myr
2969 - Star Cutting Time Dragon Caller, Myr
2999 - Hell Eye's Evil Duchess, Gremory
2827 - Armored Batman
2756 - Crimson Orchid Virtue, Xiang Mei
2971 - Indigo Ocean Water Dragon Caller, Sumire
2984 - Awoken Izanagi
2259 - Sun God, Ra Dragon
2943 - Destroying Wing Dragon Emperor, Sherias Roots
2997 - 宝冠の聖魔王・Paimon
3090 - Chaotic Black Dragonbound Armor, Ana
2991 - 狂面の魔公爵・Dantalion
3069 - 聖徳の麗女神・Sarasvati
2758 - Blue Bamboo Virtue, You Yu
2749 - Awoken Artemis
2945 - Steel Wand Mech Dragon God, Balboa
2929 - Moonlit Feline Goddess Armor, Ace
2261 - God of the Night, Tsukuyomi Dragon
2507 - Awoken Archdemon Lucifer
2765 - One-Winged Angel, Sephiroth
2924 - Rebellious Demon, Oda Nobunaga
3129 - 悪魔超人最後の刺客・Akuma Shogun

Disclaimer: The aggregate list is basically a compilation of the leader tier lists from three JP PAD sites: Game8, GameWith and AppMedia. The idea is that while a single tier list can have many points of contention, hopefully an aggregate can kind of smooth things over (it doesn’t, really, but it helps a bit). I try to keep my hands off the results as much as possible; the extent of my involvement is setting the algorithm to aggregate the results. I wish I could be fully hands off, but as none of the lists have 1:1 correlation in their grades, I have to have that much involvement. Don’t take these ratings as fact; I encourage you to simply take them as a starting point for discussion to figure out which leads are actually the best for your specific situation.

Another dull week. As much as all the new leaders are new and different, they can’t overcome the heart-cross’s stranglehold on the meta. I’m really looking forward to playing with some of the new cards, the Wisdom Kings in particular. Acala being the most appealing for various reasons beyond pure strength (how I can I say no to a wood cutie with a light saber and three time extends?).

JP Aggregate Leader List Changes of Note

Card Notes
3125 - 奇跡の逆転ファイター・Kinnikuman
Change: Added to 2

This seems about right. I’ll say what I’ve been saying for the past few weeks, though: I really have no idea how to judge this new mechanic without playing it myself.

New Card Holding Tank

New cards will be held here temporarily in an attempt to isolate the aggregate list from knee-jerk ratings.
Card Notes
3068 - 灼天の勇将神, Krishna
Ranked Sites: Game8 (A)

They really went all-out with the Indian 2 uuevos. 2.25/45.56/2.25 is pretty damned nice and makes Uzume’s awoken look silly by comparison. For those on NA looking for a tanky leader that doesn’t use heart-crosses, this will probably be the best we get.

3071 - 財成の学問神, Ganesha
Ranked Sites: Game8 Co-op (S)

I usually don’t list co-op cards here, but I thought it was worth pointing out that Ganesha is pretty insane and will probably be as sought-after as Liu Bei if not more so. Sure, Monday dungeon is a thing, but that doesn’t apply to the average player as going for pure rank EXP is such an inefficient use of resources. What he can do for every player is reduce the time between rank-up stamina refreshes when farming low-end dungeons. Biweeklies, skill up carnivals and collab dungeons all come to mind, but even something like Mechdragons on 20x gets boosted to about 1,700 exp/stam; that’s better than Zaerog∞. It’s time to dust off your Nazca and Wangrens and the like.

Jump to: Game8 | Game8 Co-op | GameWith | GameWith Farming | AppMedia | Pad-Plus

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JP Aggregate Leader List: Week 31

JP Aggregate Leader List

Changes from last time: You Yu 3➞❀, Lakshmi removed from ❀, Robin Hood removed from ❀, Astaroth removed from ❀, DQXQ removed from ❀
Legend: Popular on Pad-Plus, ❀: Honorable Mention Tier
2972 - Green Earth Wind Dragon Caller, Kaede
2995 - Bursting Great Earl of Hell, Ronove
3112 - Sniper at Rest, Myr
2969 - Star Cutting Time Dragon Caller, Myr
2999 - Hell Eye's Evil Duchess, Gremory
2827 - Armored Batman
2756 - Crimson Orchid Virtue, Xiang Mei
2971 - Indigo Ocean Water Dragon Caller, Sumire
2984 - Awoken Izanagi
2259 - Sun God, Ra Dragon
2943 - Destroying Wing Dragon Emperor, Sherias Roots
2997 - 宝冠の聖魔王・Paimon
3090 - Chaotic Black Dragonbound Armor, Ana
2991 - 狂面の魔公爵・Dantalion
3069 - 聖徳の麗女神・Sarasvati
2758 - Blue Bamboo Virtue, You Yu
2749 - Awoken Artemis
2945 - Steel Wand Mech Dragon God, Balboa
2929 - Moonlit Feline Goddess Armor, Ace
2261 - God of the Night, Tsukuyomi Dragon
2507 - Awoken Archdemon Lucifer
2765 - One-Winged Angel, Sephiroth
2924 - Rebellious Demon, Oda Nobunaga

Disclaimer: The aggregate list is basically a compilation of the leader tier lists from three JP PAD sites: Game8, GameWith and AppMedia. The idea is that while a single tier list can have many points of contention, hopefully an aggregate can kind of smooth things over (it doesn’t, really, but it helps a bit). I try to keep my hands off the results as much as possible; the extent of my involvement is setting the algorithm to aggregate the results. I wish I could be fully hands off, but as none of the lists have 1:1 correlation in their grades, I have to have that much involvement. Don’t take these ratings as fact; I encourage you to simply take them as a starting point for discussion to figure out which leads are actually the best for your specific situation.

Not much to say this week. Kinnikuman didn’t really shake things up as much as its multipliers might’ve suggested. For the most part, the top three tiers have solidified their placements with only three of top 13 being non-heart-cross leads. This isn’t a problem per say, but GungHo really does need to make an alternative playstyle that’s viable at the highest levels if only for variety’s sake. It does feel like new cards (read: GFEs) might get introduced with the next JP godfest, though, and it should be interesting to see if they adapt any of the technology Kinnikuman and Khepri have pioneered.

JP Aggregate Leader List Changes of Note

Card Notes
1955 - Awoken Lakshmi
Change: Removed from ❀

It seems like I’ve hard to mourn Lakshmi’s removal from the tier lists an inordinate amount of times. I guess it’s nice GungHo is always willing to throw her a buff now and them, but it’s still always a sad time to see her slowly fall off the lists. Considering the competition, I guess I can’t complain too much.

2904 - Awoken Da Qiao & Xiao Qiao
Change: Removed from ❀

RIP the last generation of non-tank leads. You were the victim of horrible timing and didn’t get nearly enough time to shine.

New Card Holding Tank

New cards will be held here temporarily in an attempt to isolate the aggregate list from knee-jerk ratings.
Card Notes
3125 - 奇跡の逆転ファイター・Kinnikuman
Ranked Sites: Game8 (AA), GameWith (S), AppMedia (SS), PadPlus (1)

GameWith and AppMedia both downgraded him, placing him closer to Game8’s original rating (which didn’t budge from last week). With the collab now over, it’s time to see if this style of play worked out how GungHo intended and if it did, brace ourselves for the inevitable GFEs that will replicate these types of leader skills.

Jump to: Game8 | Game8 Co-op | GameWith | GameWith Farming | AppMedia | Pad-Plus

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JP Aggregate Leader List: Week 30

JP Aggregate Leader List

Changes from last time: Armored Batman added to 2, Sherias Roots 2➞3, Typhon Ana 2➞3, Dantalion 3➞❀, AD Lucifer 3➞❀, Oda Nobunaga 3➞❀, Cao Cao removed from ❀, Kenshin removed from ❀, Rukia removed from ❀, Summer Lakshmi removed from ❀
Legend: Popular on Pad-Plus, ❀: Honorable Mention Tier
2972 - Green Earth Wind Dragon Caller, Kaede
2995 - Bursting Great Earl of Hell, Ronove
3112 - Sniper at Rest, Myr
2969 - Star Cutting Time Dragon Caller, Myr
2999 - Hell Eye's Evil Duchess, Gremory
2827 - Armored Batman
2756 - Crimson Orchid Virtue, Xiang Mei
2971 - Indigo Ocean Water Dragon Caller, Sumire
2758 - Blue Bamboo Virtue, You Yu
2984 - Awoken Izanagi
2259 - Sun God, Ra Dragon
2943 - Destroying Wing Dragon Emperor, Sherias Roots
2997 - 宝冠の聖魔王・Paimon
3090 - Chaotic Black Dragonbound Armor, Ana
2991 - 狂面の魔公爵・Dantalion
1955 - Awoken Lakshmi
3069 - 聖徳の麗女神・Sarasvati
2749 - Awoken Artemis
2945 - Steel Wand Mech Dragon God, Balboa
2920 - Godlike Chivalrous Thief, Robin Hood
2505 - Awoken Astaroth
2929 - Moonlit Feline Goddess Armor, Ace
2904 - Awoken Da Qiao & Xiao Qiao
2261 - God of the Night, Tsukuyomi Dragon
2507 - Awoken Archdemon Lucifer
2765 - One-Winged Angel, Sephiroth
2924 - Rebellious Demon, Oda Nobunaga

Disclaimer: The aggregate list is basically a compilation of the leader tier lists from three JP PAD sites: Game8, GameWith and AppMedia. The idea is that while a single tier list can have many points of contention, hopefully an aggregate can kind of smooth things over (it doesn’t, really, but it helps a bit). I try to keep my hands off the results as much as possible; the extent of my involvement is setting the algorithm to aggregate the results. I wish I could be fully hands off, but as none of the lists have 1:1 correlation in their grades, I have to have that much involvement. Don’t take these ratings as fact; I encourage you to simply take them as a starting point for discussion to figure out which leads are actually the best for your specific situation.

Despite the Kinnikuman cards looking completely bonkers, it doesn’t look like the game is ruined. At least not more than it was already. Or maby the lists are just wrong. From what little I’ve seen, though, I don’t think they’re too far off.

Pad-Plus also decided to grace us with a popularity list this week, meaning they’ve only missed two of the last four. Hopefully them skipping weeks doesn’t become a trend; I mean, that page must be auto-generated so how hard can it be to pump it out every week?

JP Aggregate Leader List Changes of Note

Card Notes
2943 - Destroying Wing Dragon Emperor, Sherias Roots
Change: 2➞3

I was always a bit surprised at the love Sherias Roots got and after being able to play with him a bit, this downgrade doesn’t surprise me. Despite Ragnarok Dragon being an amazing sub, it just seems like you get so much more out of Kaede and Myr for less effort.

3090 - Chaotic Black Dragonbound Armor, Ana
Change: 2➞3

It does seem that Typhon Ana is weaker than Gremory and Batman, if only for the weaker active.

New Card Holding Tank

New cards will be held here temporarily in an attempt to isolate the aggregate list from knee-jerk ratings.
Card Notes
3125 - 奇跡の逆転ファイター・Kinnikuman
Ranked Sites: Game8 (AA), GameWith (SS), AppMedia (SSS), PadPlus (1)

He didn’t make either Game8’s or GameWith’s top tier. It looks like their main point of contention is the severe weakness to combo shields. This is a fair criticism, but at the very least I think Game8 is underrating him as his good points more than make up for it. Anyways, it’s really hard for me to judge this playstyle without playing it hands-on — I had a similar problem with the heart-cross — so I’ll leave it to the JP sites for now.

3129 - 悪魔超人最後の刺客・Akuma Shogun
Ranked Sites: GameWith (A), PadPlus (2)

Any weakness Kinnikuman might have, Akuma Shogun would appear to only amplify it. While I do think there’s some farming potential here, it feels like you might as well just use Liu Bei or Cao Cao instead.

Jump to: Game8 | Game8 Co-op | GameWith | GameWith Farming | AppMedia | Pad-Plus

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JP Aggregate Leader List: Week 29

JP Aggregate Leader List

Changes from last time: Summer Myr added to 2, Typhon Ana 3➞2, Xiang Mei 2➞3, Ra Dragon 2➞3, Izanagi ❀➞3, Liu Bei removed from 3, Machine Zeus removed from 3, Sephiroth 3➞❀, Summer Lakshmi added to ❀, Pandora removed from ❀, Saito removed from ❀, Machine Hera removed from ❀
Legend: Popular on Pad-Plus, ❀: Honorable Mention Tier
2972 - Green Earth Wind Dragon Caller, Kaede
2995 - Bursting Great Earl of Hell, Ronove
3112 - Sniper at Rest, Myr
2943 - Destroying Wing Dragon Emperor, Sherias Roots
2969 - Star Cutting Time Dragon Caller, Myr
3090 - Chaotic Black Dragonbound Armor, Ana
2999 - Hell Eye's Evil Duchess, Gremory
2756 - Crimson Orchid Virtue, Xiang Mei
2991 - 狂面の魔公爵・Dantalion
2971 - Indigo Ocean Water Dragon Caller, Sumire
2758 - Blue Bamboo Virtue, You Yu
2984 - Awoken Izanagi
2259 - Sun God, Ra Dragon
2997 - 宝冠の聖魔王・Paimon
2507 - Awoken Archdemon Lucifer
2924 - Rebellious Demon, Oda Nobunaga
2901 - Awoken Cao Cao
3019 - Rurouni, Himura Kenshin
1955 - Awoken Lakshmi
3069 - 聖徳の麗女神・Sarasvati
2679 - Asst Capt of 13th Squad, Rukia Kuchiki
3115 - Goddess of Beach Volley, Lakshmi
2749 - Awoken Artemis
2945 - Steel Wand Mech Dragon God, Balboa
2920 - Godlike Chivalrous Thief, Robin Hood
2505 - Awoken Astaroth
2929 - Moonlit Feline Goddess Armor, Ace
2904 - Awoken Da Qiao & Xiao Qiao
2261 - God of the Night, Tsukuyomi Dragon
2765 - One-Winged Angel, Sephiroth

Disclaimer: The aggregate list is basically a compilation of the leader tier lists from three JP PAD sites: Game8, GameWith and AppMedia. The idea is that while a single tier list can have many points of contention, hopefully an aggregate can kind of smooth things over (it doesn’t, really, but it helps a bit). I try to keep my hands off the results as much as possible; the extent of my involvement is setting the algorithm to aggregate the results. I wish I could be fully hands off, but as none of the lists have 1:1 correlation in their grades, I have to have that much involvement. Don’t take these ratings as fact; I encourage you to simply take them as a starting point for discussion to figure out which leads are actually the best for your specific situation.

I’m not sure what’s up with Pad-Plus lately. I usually tried to make these posts on Saturdays or Sundays to coincide with them releasing their popularity results, but if they continue to be late or just don’t make the post at all, I’m considering moving the posts to Mondays in order to capture the potential release of collab card rankings.

Anyways, GameWith made some sweeping changes to their list, the top three tiers all being heart-crossers. I’m personally fine with this mechanic taking over the meta since I enjoy both the playstyle and the power level it brings, but I sympathize with anyone that’s already tired of it. They also removed the co-op-centric leads which is a welcome change.

JP Aggregate Leader List Changes of Note

Card Notes
3090 - Chaotic Black Dragonbound Armor, Ana
Change: 3➞2

It should come as no surprise that anything with a heart-cross and a decent ATK multiplier is taking over the meta. Typhon Ana — arguably one of the “worst” of the good ones — settling in at tier-2 should tell volumes about how dominant this mechanic is.

2756 - Crimson Orchid Virtue, Xiang Mei
Change: 2➞3

I’d like my MP and Flampys back, please. I think tier-3 is reasonable for her, but there are a few cards that look out of place alongside her: You Yu, Lucifer and Dantalion, while good, probably shouldn’t be on the same level. Xiang Mei’s playstyle might be boring, but she’s still incredibly powerful.

2259 - Sun God, Ra Dragon
Change: 2➞3

It’s been almost a year since Ra Dragon has been released and he’s still on this list. A pretty amazing investment for those that got in early. It makes me wonder if GungHo will ever buff the MP Dragons (or at least discount their MP cost) or will they all just eventually fall off the face of the earth.

2984 - Awoken Izanagi
Change: ❀➞3

His buff from a 35% to 50% shield has been appropriately reflected in this update. Being a single tier below Myr is where he belongs.

2528 - Awoken Machine Zeus
Change: Removed from 3

GameWith removed co-op leads from their list — including Liu Bei and MHera — which is something I can only be thankful for.

2662 - Awoken Pandora
Change: Removed from ❀


New Card Holding Tank

New cards will be held here temporarily in an attempt to isolate the aggregate list from knee-jerk ratings.
Card Notes
2827 - Armored Batman
Ranked Sites: Game8 (S), GameWith (SS), AppMedia (S+)

My main gripe about Batman is that his relatively low movement time will make the row + cross playstyle extremely difficult to execute for most players; I already have a hard enough time with it on Gremory and Batman teams will have at least one second less than her. However, taking skill out of the equation, he’s flat out stronger than Gremory or Typhon Ana.

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JP Aggregate Leader List: Week 28

JP Aggregate Leader List

Changes from last time: None
Legend: Popular on Pad-Plus, ❀: Honorable Mention Tier
2972 - Green Earth Wind Dragon Caller, Kaede
2995 - Bursting Great Earl of Hell, Ronove
2756 - Crimson Orchid Virtue, Xiang Mei
2259 - Sun God, Ra Dragon
2943 - Destroying Wing Dragon Emperor, Sherias Roots
2969 - Star Cutting Time Dragon Caller, Myr
2999 - Hell Eye's Evil Duchess, Gremory
2991 - 狂面の魔公爵・Dantalion
2971 - Indigo Ocean Water Dragon Caller, Sumire
2758 - Blue Bamboo Virtue, You Yu
2903 - Awoken Liu Bei
2528 - Awoken Machine Zeus
2997 - 宝冠の聖魔王・Paimon
3090 - Chaotic Black Dragonbound Armor, Ana
2507 - Awoken Archdemon Lucifer
2765 - One-Winged Angel, Sephiroth
2924 - Rebellious Demon, Oda Nobunaga
2901 - Awoken Cao Cao
3019 - Rurouni, Himura Kenshin
1955 - Awoken Lakshmi
3069 - 聖徳の麗女神・Sarasvati
2679 - Asst Capt of 13th Squad, Rukia Kuchiki
2749 - Awoken Artemis
2945 - Steel Wand Mech Dragon God, Balboa
2920 - Godlike Chivalrous Thief, Robin Hood
2505 - Awoken Astaroth
2929 - Moonlit Feline Goddess Armor, Ace
2904 - Awoken Da Qiao & Xiao Qiao
2984 - Awoken Izanagi
2662 - Awoken Pandora
2261 - God of the Night, Tsukuyomi Dragon
3033 - Shinsengumi 3rd Squad Captain, Saito Hajime
2526 - Awoken Machine Hera

Pad-Plus appears to be back. Still not sure why they skipped last week, but they did change their format very slightly so maybe it has to do with that. Game8 also changed their co-op list to include leaders that are co-op-focused. This was a much needed improvement as the list now isn’t just a rehash of the solo list with a few co-op leaders scattered in. It’s also good to see MAthena getting some love.

New Card Holding Tank

New cards will be held here temporarily in an attempt to isolate the aggregate list from knee-jerk ratings.
Card Notes
3112 - Sniper at Rest, Myr
Ranked Sites: Game8 (S), GameWith (SS), AppMedia (SS), PadPlus (1)

It should be noted that AppMedia is the only site that upgraded Myr after her upgrade to a 7.7x multiplier.

2827 - Armored Batman
Ranked Sites: Game8 (S)

Armored Batman is now a 64x leader with a 75% heart-cross shield. He has an advantage over Gremory and Typhon Ana in that he has no type restrictions, but this doesn’t actually mean too much in practice as all the good heartmaking subs are devil, dragon or balanced anyways. Not supplying any time extends himself makes him more difficult to use.

3115 - Goddess of Beach Volley, Lakshmi
Ranked Sites: AppMedia (S), PadPlus (12)

Seeing as AppMedia is the only site showing her some love, I don’t anticipate her making the list next week.

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JP Aggregate Leader List: Week 27

JP Aggregate Leader List

Changes from last time: Dantalion added to 3, Paimon added to 3, Typhon Ana added to 3, Artemis added to ❀, Balboa added to ❀, Izanagi added to ❀
Legend: Popular on Pad-Plus, ❀: Honorable Mention Tier
2972 - Green Earth Wind Dragon Caller, Kaede
2995 - Bursting Great Earl of Hell, Ronove
2756 - Crimson Orchid Virtue, Xiang Mei
2259 - Sun God, Ra Dragon
2943 - Destroying Wing Dragon Emperor, Sherias Roots
2969 - Star Cutting Time Dragon Caller, Myr
2999 - Hell Eye's Evil Duchess, Gremory
2991 - 狂面の魔公爵・Dantalion
2971 - Indigo Ocean Water Dragon Caller, Sumire
2758 - Blue Bamboo Virtue, You Yu
2903 - Awoken Liu Bei
2528 - Awoken Machine Zeus
2997 - 宝冠の聖魔王・Paimon
3090 - Chaotic Black Dragonbound Armor, Ana
2507 - Awoken Archdemon Lucifer
2765 - One-Winged Angel, Sephiroth
2924 - Rebellious Demon, Oda Nobunaga
2901 - Awoken Cao Cao
3019 - 流浪人, Himura Kenshin
1955 - Awoken Lakshmi
3069 - 聖徳の麗女神・Sarasvati
2679 - Asst Capt of 13th Squad, Rukia Kuchiki
2749 - Awoken Artemis
2945 - Steel Wand Mech Dragon God, Balboa
2920 - Godlike Chivalrous Thief, Robin Hood
2505 - Awoken Astaroth
2929 - Moonlit Feline Goddess Armor, Ace
2904 - Awoken Da Qiao & Xiao Qiao
2984 - Awoken Izanagi
2662 - Awoken Pandora
2261 - God of the Night, Tsukuyomi Dragon
3033 - 新撰組三番隊組長, Saito Hajime
2526 - Awoken Machine Hera

Disclaimer: The aggregate list is basically a compilation of the leader tier lists from three JP PAD sites: Game8, GameWith and AppMedia. The idea is that while a single tier list can have many points of contention, hopefully an aggregate can kind of smooth things over (it doesn’t, really, but it helps a bit). I try to keep my hands off the results as much as possible; the extent of my involvement is setting the algorithm to aggregate the results. I wish I could be fully hands off, but as none of the lists have 1:1 correlation in their grades, I have to have that much involvement. Don’t take these ratings as fact; I encourage you to simply take them as a starting point for discussion to figure out which leads are actually the best for your specific situation.

JP Aggregate Leader List Changes of Note

Card Notes
2997 - 宝冠の聖魔王・Paimon
Change: Added to 3

The addition of Dantalion, Paimon and Typhon Ana solidifies the grip GFEs have on the current tier list, making up 4/7 of the top two tiers and 8/17 of the top three (8/15 if you exclude co-op leads Liu Bei and MZeus). Here’s hoping that the glut of new GFEs stops for a while; hell, I think most players might find a new MP series a refreshing change of pace, as myopic as that sounds. I’m curious how GungHo will handle pantheon cards going forward.

2749 - Awoken Artemis
Change: Added to ❀

This is an interesting time for the Balboa-Artemis pair to resurface, especially since it appeared on GameWith and AppMedia in the same week. My first instinct was to see if there was anything interesting on YouTube, but either there wasn’t or it was buried under the countless Natti videos. So maybe the reason is as simple as the buffs they recently received; the 2x ATK bonus for matching both wood and water was boosted to 3x, giving the team a robust 2/36/2. It also makes sense that Artemis was the only one to show up since neither Ares or Hermes have a respective Balboa to pair with (I wouldn’t count Cao Cao and Sun Quan) and Apollo and Persephone’s 2.25/20.25/2.25 isn’t nearly as impressive.

New Card Holding Tank

New cards will be held here temporarily in an attempt to isolate the aggregate list from knee-jerk ratings.
Card Notes
3112 - Sniper at Rest, Myr
Ranked Sites: Game8 (S), Game8 Co-op (S), GameWith (SS), AppMedia (S+)

I don’t think anyone will argue this.

3115 - Goddess of Beach Volley, Lakshmi
Ranked Sites: AppMedia (S)

Considering Awoken Lakshmi got minimal love on these lists, it should be no surprise that this form didn’t either. The addition of the heart-cross doesn’t justify the drop in damage output. I wouldn’t expect a top-tier lead to come out of a seasonal REM anyways (Miru being the exception).

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Special REM Review – PAD Island 2

To sum up this REM, there’s excellent value at silver, but there aren’t any high impact cards at gold befitting their rarity. For those only planning a small amount of rolls, this means you’ll likely get something usable with Goemon and Navi being better than most of the gold eggs. For those planning a large number of rolls, you should strongly consider reducing your budget, get the silvers you need and simply buy what you need from the MP Shop instead. If Eschamali is your target, well, good luck.

A recurring problem for seasonal REMs is that most cards are rehashes that rarely offer anything befitting their rarity. However, the nature of the problem for the Summer REM is one that is shared with a returning seasonal machine like Christmas or PAD Academy rather than a brand new one like New Year’s or June Bride. Basically, the returning cards, who make up the majority of the lineup, have long been irrelevant and the meager buffs they received did nothing to rectify that. On top of that, the few new golds are either mediocre or locked behind the notorious 8-star rarity. This makes the lineup a little different in that there’s no chase gold bellow 8-stars; New Year’s had Hanzo and Yamato (after his buffs), PAD Academy had Sasuke and June Bride had Akechi. It’s also questionable how good the new 8-stars are, both being color shifts of existing cards. So while the silvers are better than usual, everything else is worse than usual. Considering how good they are, they could have easily been golds, so skill inheritance balancing issues aside, maybe this is GungHo’s way of giving us more value. If by chance that’s the case, I think that’s the wrong way of going about things as people want to feel like they’re getting good value at all rarities. Anything is better than chibi hell, but hopefully GungHo can learn from their mistakes and give us better lineups the next time around.

So, as it goes with all seasonal REMs, roll with caution and with low expectations. Or maybe just don’t roll at all: here’s some sample data from padpadblog. At least the distributions within a given rarity look to be even, unlike the past few seasonal REMs.

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