JP Aggregate Leader List: Trial Week 3

JP Aggregate Leader List β

Changes from last time: Yamato Takeru added to ❀, Bouya Harumichi added to ❀, Gadius added to ❀, Rukia added to ❀, Sun Wukong added to ❀, Typhon added to ❀, Gran Reverse added to ❀, Pandora added to ❀, Ichigo added to ❀
Legend: Popular on Pad-Plus
2253 - Destroyer God, Shiva Dragon
2255 - Sea Deity, Neptune Dragon
2259 - Sun God, Ra Dragon
2261 - God of the Night, Tsukuyomi Dragon
2662 - Awoken Pandora
2507 - Awoken Archdemon Lucifer
1954 - Awoken Shiva
2445 - The Greatest Enemy, Raoh
2392 - Awoken Freyr
2443 - Returning-Claw Blue Dragonbound, Ryune
2393 - Awoken Idunn&Idunna
2566 - Ancestral Blue Dragon Caller, Sonia
2011 - Awoken Bastet
2226 - 制約と誓約, Gon Freecss
2505 - Awoken Astaroth
1951 - Tome-Creating White Phantom Demon, Ilm
2012 - Awoken Ra
2441 - Judging-Claw Orange Dragonbound, Saria
2395 - Awoken Thor
2465 - Ushio & Tora
2389 - Awoken Sakuya
1901 - 最強装備, Juggler
2013 - Awoken Anubis
2325 - Awoken Yomi
2230 - 気狂いピエロ, Kite
2360 - Mankind's Strongest Soldier, Levi
2657 - Heroic God-Emperor, Yamato Takeru
2006 - Avowed Thief, Ishikawa Goemon
2537 - Year's First Dream God of Luck, Horus
2602 - 最高の男・Bouya Harumichi
2744 - 忘我の赤龍契士・Gadius
1937 - 最強戦士・超ベジット
2009 - Awoken Horus
2206 - Broad-Minded Hell Demon, Scarlet
2511 - Mistress of the Sanctuary, Kali
2604 - 鈴蘭最強の男・Hayashida Megumi
1955 - Awoken Lakshmi
2658 - Adored Starsea Goddess, Andromeda
2679 - 十三番隊隊士・Kuchiki Rukia
1956 - Awoken Parvati
2386 - Soul-Judging God of Dark Riches, Osiris
2659 - Brave Vanquishing Deity, Perseus
2509 - Cutting-Claw Green Dragonbound, Sylvie
2394 - Awoken Freyja
2594 - 抗神機, Ragnarok Dragon
1747 - Sparkling Goddess of Secrets, Kali
2534 - Crimson Sun Longevity Dragon Caller, Kanna
2533 - Excursion Dancing Goddess, Amaterasu Ohkami
2324 - Awoken Amaterasu Ohkami
2030 - Cloud & Hardy-Daytona
2148 - Dawn Sky Sun Dragon Caller, Kanna
2447 - Last Nanto General, Yuria
2660 - Fervent Monkey King, Sun Wukong
2641 - 神仇の魔狼・Fenrir
1644 - Arbiter of Judgement, Metatron
1847 - Maleficent Phantom Dragon King, Zaerog∞
2745 - 滅法の黒龍契士・Typhon
2407 - Mistress of the Old Castle, Kali
2592 - Judging Scale Steel Star Goddess, Eschamali
2737 - 最果ての龍喚士・Sonia Gran Reverse
2661 - Cruel Bleak Night Goddess, Pandora
2677 - 虚化・Kurosaki Ichigo

A boring update where pretty much nothing changed. I actually expect most iterations of this list to be like that. At the very least, monitoring these lists on a weekly basis should give me a better idea how often they update.

All the noted changes are cards being moved from the holding tank to the actual list. The only change this week was GameWith adding Typhon to their B-tier. Which is somewhat disappointing since GameWith and AppMedia still have to rank Ichigo and Rukia; their absence from those lists is the only reason they’re stuck in the honorable mention tier.

Jump to: Game8 | GameWith | AppMedia | Pad-Plus


Changes from last time: Bouya Harumichi added to A
Legend: Popular on Pad-Plus
Original source
2259 - Sun God, Ra Dragon
2261 - God of the Night, Tsukuyomi Dragon
2253 - Destroyer God, Shiva Dragon
2255 - Sea Deity, Neptune Dragon
2507 - Awoken Archdemon Lucifer
2662 - Awoken Pandora
1954 - Awoken Shiva
2445 - The Greatest Enemy, Raoh
2679 - 十三番隊隊士・Kuchiki Rukia
2443 - Returning-Claw Blue Dragonbound, Ryune
2566 - Ancestral Blue Dragon Caller, Sonia
2011 - Awoken Bastet
2505 - Awoken Astaroth
2012 - Awoken Ra
2465 - Ushio & Tora
2389 - Awoken Sakuya
2441 - Judging-Claw Orange Dragonbound, Saria
2013 - Awoken Anubis
2745 - 滅法の黒龍契士・Typhon
2325 - Awoken Yomi
2230 - 気狂いピエロ, Kite
2677 - 虚化・Kurosaki Ichigo
1644 - Arbiter of Judgement, Metatron
1951 - Tome-Creating White Phantom Demon, Ilm
1955 - Awoken Lakshmi
1956 - Awoken Parvati
2148 - Dawn Sky Sun Dragon Caller, Kanna
2226 - 制約と誓約, Gon Freecss
2324 - Awoken Amaterasu Ohkami
2360 - Mankind's Strongest Soldier, Levi
1901 - 最強装備, Juggler
2407 - Mistress of the Old Castle, Kali
2447 - Last Nanto General, Yuria
2511 - Mistress of the Sanctuary, Kali
2592 - Judging Scale Steel Star Goddess, Eschamali
2537 - Year's First Dream God of Luck, Horus
2533 - Excursion Dancing Goddess, Amaterasu Ohkami
2534 - Crimson Sun Longevity Dragon Caller, Kanna
2604 - 鈴蘭最強の男・Hayashida Megumi
2602 - 最高の男・Bouya Harumichi
2744 - 忘我の赤龍契士・Gadius

Bouya was correctly re-added to Game8’s A-tier.

Jump to: Game8 | GameWith | AppMedia | Pad-Plus


Changes from last time: Typhon added to B
Legend: Popular on Pad-Plus
Original source
2259 - Sun God, Ra Dragon
2261 - God of the Night, Tsukuyomi Dragon
2255 - Sea Deity, Neptune Dragon
2253 - Destroyer God, Shiva Dragon
2447 - Last Nanto General, Yuria
2012 - Awoken Ra
2325 - Awoken Yomi
2230 - 気狂いピエロ, Kite
2389 - Awoken Sakuya
2030 - Cloud & Hardy-Daytona
1951 - Tome-Creating White Phantom Demon, Ilm
2013 - Awoken Anubis
2443 - Returning-Claw Blue Dragonbound, Ryune
2441 - Judging-Claw Orange Dragonbound, Saria
2445 - The Greatest Enemy, Raoh
2465 - Ushio & Tora
2011 - Awoken Bastet
2566 - Ancestral Blue Dragon Caller, Sonia
2507 - Awoken Archdemon Lucifer
2505 - Awoken Astaroth
2509 - Cutting-Claw Green Dragonbound, Sylvie
2662 - Awoken Pandora
1937 - 最強戦士・超ベジット
1954 - Awoken Shiva
1847 - Maleficent Phantom Dragon King, Zaerog∞
2006 - Avowed Thief, Ishikawa Goemon
2226 - 制約と誓約, Gon Freecss
1901 - 最強装備, Juggler
2206 - Broad-Minded Hell Demon, Scarlet
2009 - Awoken Horus
2745 - 滅法の黒龍契士・Typhon
2360 - Mankind's Strongest Soldier, Levi
2148 - Dawn Sky Sun Dragon Caller, Kanna

Ichigo and Rukia are allegedly still under evaluation. I don’t see why they’d need more time to evaluate than Typhon, but here’s hoping we see some movement next time.

GameWith Changes of Note

Card Notes
2745 - 滅法の黒龍契士・Typhon
Change: Added to B

I think GameWith has the wrong relative rankings between Typhon and Yuria. Typhon’s bind immunity makes him a more solid leader choice and Pandora’s recent upgrades should also be a factor. At the very least they should have the same grade.

Jump to: Game8 | GameWith | AppMedia | Pad-Plus


Legend: Popular on Pad-Plus
Original source
2259 - Sun God, Ra Dragon
2261 - God of the Night, Tsukuyomi Dragon
2253 - Destroyer God, Shiva Dragon
2255 - Sea Deity, Neptune Dragon
2012 - Awoken Ra
2389 - Awoken Sakuya
2325 - Awoken Yomi
2013 - Awoken Anubis
2507 - Awoken Archdemon Lucifer
2662 - Awoken Pandora
2011 - Awoken Bastet
2566 - Ancestral Blue Dragon Caller, Sonia
2505 - Awoken Astaroth
2230 - 気狂いピエロ, Kite
2737 - 最果ての龍喚士・Sonia Gran Reverse
2657 - Heroic God-Emperor, Yamato Takeru
2659 - Brave Vanquishing Deity, Perseus
2658 - Adored Starsea Goddess, Andromeda
2661 - Cruel Bleak Night Goddess, Pandora
2445 - The Greatest Enemy, Raoh
2441 - Judging-Claw Orange Dragonbound, Saria
2443 - Returning-Claw Blue Dragonbound, Ryune
2392 - Awoken Freyr
2395 - Awoken Thor
2393 - Awoken Idunn&Idunna
2509 - Cutting-Claw Green Dragonbound, Sylvie
2394 - Awoken Freyja
2537 - Year's First Dream God of Luck, Horus
2226 - 制約と誓約, Gon Freecss
1951 - Tome-Creating White Phantom Demon, Ilm
1949 - Lightning Black Dragonbound, Typhon
2009 - Awoken Horus
2660 - Fervent Monkey King, Sun Wukong
2465 - Ushio & Tora
1901 - 最強装備, Juggler
2360 - Mankind's Strongest Soldier, Levi
1954 - Awoken Shiva
1955 - Awoken Lakshmi
2407 - Mistress of the Old Castle, Kali
2594 - 抗神機, Ragnarok Dragon
2030 - Cloud & Hardy-Daytona
1847 - Maleficent Phantom Dragon King, Zaerog∞
2592 - Judging Scale Steel Star Goddess, Eschamali
1937 - 最強戦士・超ベジット
1747 - Sparkling Goddess of Secrets, Kali
2324 - Awoken Amaterasu Ohkami
2386 - Soul-Judging God of Dark Riches, Osiris
2534 - Crimson Sun Longevity Dragon Caller, Kanna
2641 - 神仇の魔狼・Fenrir

No changes. Unlike GameWith, there’s no way to tell if AppMedia has even acknowledged Ichigo and Rukia.

Jump to: Game8 | GameWith | AppMedia | Pad-Plus


Changes from last time: Ichigo added to 1, Pandora 1➞2, Neptune Dragon 2➞5, Rukia added to 3, Yomi Dragon 3➞4, AD Lucifer 4➞7, Ra Dragon 5➞6, Shiva Dragon 6➞8, Yomi 7➞9, Anubis 8➞10, BSonia 9➞14, Saria 10➞15, Sakuya 12➞11, Bastet 11➞12, Typhon added to 13, Ra removed from 13, Ilm removed from 14, Goemon removed from 15
Original source
2677 - 虚化・Kurosaki Ichigo
2662 - Awoken Pandora
2679 - 十三番隊隊士・Kuchiki Rukia
2261 - God of the Night, Tsukuyomi Dragon
2255 - Sea Deity, Neptune Dragon
2259 - Sun God, Ra Dragon
2507 - Awoken Archdemon Lucifer
2253 - Destroyer God, Shiva Dragon
2325 - Awoken Yomi
2013 - Awoken Anubis
2389 - Awoken Sakuya
2011 - Awoken Bastet
2745 - 滅法の黒龍契士・Typhon
2566 - Ancestral Blue Dragon Caller, Sonia
2441 - Judging-Claw Orange Dragonbound, Saria

To no surprise, Ichigo is #1, but somewhat surprisingly Pandora beat out Rukia for #2. I think this goes to show that Pandora is just that popular on JP.

For details on the aggregation method or each Japanese site used, refer to this page.

17 thoughts on “JP Aggregate Leader List: Trial Week 3

  1. Thanks for keeping this list alive, your comments are always a great read and it’s always interesting to observe how the meta is moving!

    I’ve got one problem with your list though: Why do you list Juggler as 3rd tier (“A+”) while Yuria is only in the honorable mentions? Yuria is basically an overall better version of Juggler in every single category. Better AS, better awakenings, scalable LS with higher maximum multiplier and also more variety in terms of good sub choices.


    • Same goes for Typhon, I think his sub options are overall worse compared to Yuria at the moment, but his scalable LS and better awakenings definitively put him in a better position than Juggler.


      • Akechi is one of the very best subs available in the game and is significantly better than anything similar Yuria has access to (namely DQXQ and Wukong) if only for his active. Same goes for Pandora due to her recent upgrades, although not to the same extreme. Typhon’s built in bind utility means that you don’t have to waste space to deal with binds. His active is also better.


    • I don’t think you understand what an aggregate list is; this isn’t “my list”. AppMedia doesn’t rank her at all so she gets a huge demerit. Right or wrong doesn’t matter, this is just how the aggregate list works.


  2. Hey Setsu, how good is Ilm as a leader/sub without a Leilan system? I just rolled two in the last godfest because Gungtroll gave me someone else’s hopes and dreams :/


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