JP Aggregate Leader List: Trial Week 3

JP Aggregate Leader List β

Changes from last time: Yamato Takeru added to ❀, Bouya Harumichi added to ❀, Gadius added to ❀, Rukia added to ❀, Sun Wukong added to ❀, Typhon added to ❀, Gran Reverse added to ❀, Pandora added to ❀, Ichigo added to ❀
Legend: Popular on Pad-Plus
2253 - Destroyer God, Shiva Dragon
2255 - Sea Deity, Neptune Dragon
2259 - Sun God, Ra Dragon
2261 - God of the Night, Tsukuyomi Dragon
2662 - Awoken Pandora
2507 - Awoken Archdemon Lucifer
1954 - Awoken Shiva
2445 - The Greatest Enemy, Raoh
2392 - Awoken Freyr
2443 - Returning-Claw Blue Dragonbound, Ryune
2393 - Awoken Idunn&Idunna
2566 - Ancestral Blue Dragon Caller, Sonia
2011 - Awoken Bastet
2226 - 制約と誓約, Gon Freecss
2505 - Awoken Astaroth
1951 - Tome-Creating White Phantom Demon, Ilm
2012 - Awoken Ra
2441 - Judging-Claw Orange Dragonbound, Saria
2395 - Awoken Thor
2465 - Ushio & Tora
2389 - Awoken Sakuya
1901 - 最強装備, Juggler
2013 - Awoken Anubis
2325 - Awoken Yomi
2230 - 気狂いピエロ, Kite
2360 - Mankind's Strongest Soldier, Levi
2657 - Heroic God-Emperor, Yamato Takeru
2006 - Avowed Thief, Ishikawa Goemon
2537 - Year's First Dream God of Luck, Horus
2602 - 最高の男・Bouya Harumichi
2744 - 忘我の赤龍契士・Gadius
1937 - 最強戦士・超ベジット
2009 - Awoken Horus
2206 - Broad-Minded Hell Demon, Scarlet
2511 - Mistress of the Sanctuary, Kali
2604 - 鈴蘭最強の男・Hayashida Megumi
1955 - Awoken Lakshmi
2658 - Adored Starsea Goddess, Andromeda
2679 - 十三番隊隊士・Kuchiki Rukia
1956 - Awoken Parvati
2386 - Soul-Judging God of Dark Riches, Osiris
2659 - Brave Vanquishing Deity, Perseus
2509 - Cutting-Claw Green Dragonbound, Sylvie
2394 - Awoken Freyja
2594 - 抗神機, Ragnarok Dragon
1747 - Sparkling Goddess of Secrets, Kali
2534 - Crimson Sun Longevity Dragon Caller, Kanna
2533 - Excursion Dancing Goddess, Amaterasu Ohkami
2324 - Awoken Amaterasu Ohkami
2030 - Cloud & Hardy-Daytona
2148 - Dawn Sky Sun Dragon Caller, Kanna
2447 - Last Nanto General, Yuria
2660 - Fervent Monkey King, Sun Wukong
2641 - 神仇の魔狼・Fenrir
1644 - Arbiter of Judgement, Metatron
1847 - Maleficent Phantom Dragon King, Zaerog∞
2745 - 滅法の黒龍契士・Typhon
2407 - Mistress of the Old Castle, Kali
2592 - Judging Scale Steel Star Goddess, Eschamali
2737 - 最果ての龍喚士・Sonia Gran Reverse
2661 - Cruel Bleak Night Goddess, Pandora
2677 - 虚化・Kurosaki Ichigo

A boring update where pretty much nothing changed. I actually expect most iterations of this list to be like that. At the very least, monitoring these lists on a weekly basis should give me a better idea how often they update.

All the noted changes are cards being moved from the holding tank to the actual list. The only change this week was GameWith adding Typhon to their B-tier. Which is somewhat disappointing since GameWith and AppMedia still have to rank Ichigo and Rukia; their absence from those lists is the only reason they’re stuck in the honorable mention tier.

Jump to: Game8 | GameWith | AppMedia | Pad-Plus

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JP Aggregate Leader List: Trial Week 2

JP Aggregate Leader List β

Changes from last time: Sakuya 2➞3, Anubis 2➞3, Bouya Harumichi removed from ❀
Legend: Popular on Pad-Plus
2253 - Destroyer God, Shiva Dragon
2255 - Sea Deity, Neptune Dragon
2259 - Sun God, Ra Dragon
2261 - God of the Night, Tsukuyomi Dragon
2662 - Awoken Pandora
2507 - Awoken Archdemon Lucifer
1954 - Awoken Shiva
2445 - The Greatest Enemy, Raoh
2392 - Awoken Freyr
2443 - Returning-Claw Blue Dragonbound, Ryune
2393 - Awoken Idunn&Idunna
2566 - Ancestral Blue Dragon Caller, Sonia
2011 - Awoken Bastet
2226 - 制約と誓約, Gon Freecss
2505 - Awoken Astaroth
1951 - Tome-Creating White Phantom Demon, Ilm
2012 - Awoken Ra
2441 - Judging-Claw Orange Dragonbound, Saria
2395 - Awoken Thor
2465 - Ushio & Tora
2389 - Awoken Sakuya
1901 - 最強装備, Juggler
2013 - Awoken Anubis
2325 - Awoken Yomi
2230 - 気狂いピエロ, Kite
2360 - Mankind's Strongest Soldier, Levi
2006 - Avowed Thief, Ishikawa Goemon
2537 - Year's First Dream God of Luck, Horus
1937 - 最強戦士・超ベジット
2009 - Awoken Horus
2206 - Broad-Minded Hell Demon, Scarlet
2511 - Mistress of the Sanctuary, Kali
2604 - 鈴蘭最強の男・Hayashida Megumi
1955 - Awoken Lakshmi
2658 - 敬愛の星海神, Andromeda
1956 - Awoken Parvati
2386 - Soul-Judging God of Dark Riches, Osiris
2659 - 勇武の破邪神, Perseus
2509 - Cutting-Claw Green Dragonbound, Sylvie
2394 - Awoken Freyja
2594 - 抗神機, Ragnarok Dragon
1747 - Sparkling Goddess of Secrets, Kali
2534 - Crimson Sun Longevity Dragon Caller, Kanna
2533 - Excursion Dancing Goddess, Amaterasu Ohkami
2324 - Awoken Amaterasu Ohkami
2030 - Cloud & Hardy-Daytona
2148 - Dawn Sky Sun Dragon Caller, Kanna
2447 - Last Nanto General, Yuria
2641 - 神仇の魔狼・Fenrir
1644 - Arbiter of Judgement, Metatron
1847 - Maleficent Phantom Dragon King, Zaerog∞
2407 - Mistress of the Old Castle, Kali
2592 - Judging Scale Steel Star Goddess, Eschamali

As could be anticipated with the recent stream updates and Bleach Collab, there were plenty of changes in the past couple of days which made this a good time to test out my script again. Game8 made some significant changes, handing out demotions to meta staples. There’s now a clear line between the top and the rest of the rabble: those without an RCV multiplier will languish.

Having only two entries at tier 2 is somewhat concerning, but I’m still going to wait a while to see how it turns out once the rest of the lists catch up with their updates.

Updates going forward: I’m contemplating running these posts weekly on Monday evenings. JP uevo updates usually go live on Fridays so that should give them three good days to marinate. Pad-Plus also updates their popularity list Sundays so I can pull in that list while it’s still fresh. Of course, collabs usually go live on Mondays, so in the case of there being impactful cards I’ll consider doing a mid-week post.

JP Aggregate Leader List β Changes of Note

Card Notes
2389 - Awoken Sakuya
Change: 2➞3

This change is a good example of the weakness of the aggregate list and tier lists in general. Sakuya is clearly better than almost all other options in tier 3, but the binning ranges don’t allow that to be reflected. I considered adding another tier to increase the granularity, but after thinking about it I feel things are fine as they are. It would only tarnish the integrity of the list by being results-oriented (assuming there was any integrity to be had with a tier list in the first place), but I actually like how the tiers have played out this week.

2013 - Awoken Anubis
Change: 2➞3

No one will argue Anubis’s damage potential, but this is where he has belonged for a long time due to his inconsistency. With all the time extends nowadays it’s not even really about skill, it’s that you can’t activate him on most boards.

2602 - 最高の男・Bouya Harumichi
Change: Removed from ❀

This is another example of Game8’s auto-generated A-tier not reflecting what the maintainers of the list want; Bouya should still be at A.

New Card Holding Tank

New cards will be held here temporarily in an attempt to isolate the aggregate list from knee-jerk ratings.
Card Notes
2679 - 十三番隊隊士・Kuchiki Rukia
Ranked Sites: Game8 (A+)

Rukia is making combo gods like Anubis, Bastet, Shiva, and Yomi look quite silly. Eight combos is demanding for most players, but seven combos still puts you at Bastet levels of damage — and you get 1.5x RCV on top of it.

2745 - 滅法の黒龍契士・Typhon
Ranked Sites: Game8 (A+)

Unlike Gadius, Typhon has always been a solid endgame leader and his uevo only solidifies his place. Also, unlike Gadius, you can both clear binds and fully activate in the same turn.

2677 - 虚化・Kurosaki Ichigo
Ranked Sites: Game8 (A+)

As expected, Ichigo is one of the top leaders in the game, but isn’t quite as impressive as it might’ve seemed. Watching videos for him is hilarious: the healing animation will jump from like 2k → 3k → 4k → 5k → 50k.

2744 - 忘我の赤龍契士・Gadius
Ranked Sites: Game8 (A)

Game8 has always had a hard-on for Gadius, but I’m not convinced he’s all that much better than before.

2657 - 義烈の武皇神・Yamato Takeru
Ranked Sites: AppMedia (A+)

I can’t say I agree with AppMedia’s ratings of all the Hero uuevos. They’re very strong, but leaders without HP and/or RCV multipliers and top out at an orb-hungry 25x ATK seem to be at an extreme disadvantage. Today’s endgame just puts so much emphasis on utility and resilience, something that these Hero teams will struggle with. I feel they’re outclassed by almost everything else in the AppMedia A+ tier.

Jump to: Game8 | GameWith | AppMedia | Pad-Plus

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JP Aggregate Leader List: Trial Week 1

JP Aggregate Leader List β

Legend: Popular on Pad-Plus, ❀: Honorable Mention Tier
2253 - Destroyer God, Shiva Dragon
2255 - Sea Deity, Neptune Dragon
2259 - Sun God, Ra Dragon
2261 - God of the Night, Tsukuyomi Dragon
2389 - Awoken Sakuya
2013 - Awoken Anubis
2662 - Awoken Pandora
2507 - Awoken Archdemon Lucifer
1954 - Awoken Shiva
2445 - The Greatest Enemy, Raoh
2392 - Awoken Freyr
2443 - Returning-Claw Blue Dragonbound, Ryune
2393 - Awoken Idunn&Idunna
2566 - Ancestral Blue Dragon Caller, Sonia
2011 - Awoken Bastet
2226 - 制約と誓約, Gon Freecss
2505 - Awoken Astaroth
1951 - Tome-Creating White Phantom Demon, Ilm
2012 - Awoken Ra
2441 - Judging-Claw Orange Dragonbound, Saria
2395 - Awoken Thor
2465 - Ushio & Tora
1901 - 最強装備, Juggler
1949 - Lightning Black Dragonbound, Typhon
2325 - Awoken Yomi
2230 - 気狂いピエロ, Kite
2360 - Mankind's Strongest Soldier, Levi
2006 - Avowed Thief, Ishikawa Goemon
2537 - Year's First Dream God of Luck, Horus
2602 - 最高の男・Bouya Harumichi
1937 - 最強戦士・超ベジット
2009 - Awoken Horus
2206 - Broad-Minded Hell Demon, Scarlet
2511 - Mistress of the Sanctuary, Kali
2604 - 鈴蘭最強の男・Hayashida Megumi
1955 - Awoken Lakshmi
2658 - 敬愛の星海神, Andromeda
1956 - Awoken Parvati
2386 - Soul-Judging God of Dark Riches, Osiris
2659 - 勇武の破邪神, Perseus
2509 - Cutting-Claw Green Dragonbound, Sylvie
2394 - Awoken Freyja
2594 - 抗神機, Ragnarok Dragon
1747 - Sparkling Goddess of Secrets, Kali
2534 - Crimson Sun Longevity Dragon Caller, Kanna
2533 - Excursion Dancing Goddess, Amaterasu Ohkami
2324 - Awoken Amaterasu Ohkami
2030 - Cloud & Hardy-Daytona
2148 - Dawn Sky Sun Dragon Caller, Kanna
2447 - Last Nanto General, Yuria
2641 - 神仇の魔狼・Fenrir
1644 - Arbiter of Judgement, Metatron
1847 - Maleficent Phantom Dragon King, Zaerog∞
2407 - Mistress of the Old Castle, Kali
2592 - Judging Scale Steel Star Goddess, Eschamali

With 10x coming in a couple hours, I don’t intend to blog much in the coming week. With that in mind, I wanted to try out the new format for my tier list series of posts even if it may be a bit premature. I’ve been working on the scripts to gather the data and generate the HTML for the past couple of weeks and this is what I have so far. I already have ideas for enhancements and new features, but for now I’ll wait and see how things go. Although I can say already that the amount of time and effort I’ve saved on this post alone has made all the work so far worth it.

As you can see, my attempt to mitigate the pain of solely relying on Game8 as the source of these posts was to rope other questionable JP tier lists into the mix. This aggregate table is essentially the average of all included tier lists. Since the grading scale of each list is not 1:1, I had to tweak the algorithm to translate and compensate. That judgment call is about as close as I want to get to making my own tier list, ever. It’s definitely a work in progress, though, so I’ll be adjusting it as the weeks go on and I’m able to see how it deals with new cards and changes in the meta. For those that still want to directly reference the original lists, I have summaries and links to the originals later in the post.

The first judgment call you may have noticed is the omission of an “SS” tier where Ra Dragon and sometimes Yomi Dragon have lived for the past few months. Like I said, it’s a work in progress, but I don’t actually think an SS tier is necessary anymore, at least not until the details of skill inheritance are revealed (in a few hours?).

Next are the tier names. I actually wanted to use labels that were a bit more cryptic, but I thought about it for a while and trying to sever association with traditional tier lists through ham-fisted obfuscation made me think “why even make a tier list at all?”. I still did want to distance the aggregate list from the JP lists even if superficially, so instead of using letters, I’ll be using numbers: simple and easy to understand. For those curious, the “❀” tier is reserved for all cards that were mentioned in at least one list, but didn’t accumulate enough points to be put into an actual tier.

There’s also the addition of the Pad-Plus leader popularity list. I want to stress: this list has absolutely no weight in the aggregate tier list, but is instead used to indicate which leaders are popular according to the site. While popularity may mean little to some, I still find it interesting to know what’s currently trending on JP.

There’s more I’d like to cover, but I’ll end it here for now. Tier list posts still seem futile, but at the very least I had fun putting all the parts together. If you know of any other JP tier list that you think would make a worthy addition, please let me know in the comments. I’m already considering Altema, but since they have a top 15 list instead of the standard tiers, I’m unsure of how to work it into the aggregate.

New Card Holding Tank

One of my biggest gripes with Game8 was their penchant for overrating new cards that they simply didn’t have enough information on (actually, the converse happened more often, but was less offensive, to me anyways). To combat this, I’m removing all new cards from the aggregate list and putting them into the holding tank for discussion. For now the duration is one week, but I could see extending it if some of the lists are slow to update.

New cards will be held here temporarily in an attempt to isolate the aggregate list from knee-jerk ratings.
Card Notes
2679 - Rukia
Ranked Sites: Game8 (A)

Rukia – Game8’s A-tier is automatically generated from the site-wide ratings, meaning Rukia, rated at A, got added to the list because the side added a score before they had a chance to update the entire tier list. I say this because it’s highly likely that Ichigo — who looks amazing — would at least be A+, but was not added as of yet. As for Rukia, without knowing the combo requirement for her full 5x, she still looks pretty solid and finally gives water a competitive combo lead. The Yuna awakenings are somewhat unfortunate, but the active is quite good and, perhaps most importantly, she gives Scheat a place to shine: 5x TPAs and that active with a 56.25x combo god sounds pretty amazing. The RCV boost is also quite welcome in one of the elements to most easily accumulate natural HP. I think Game8’s rating might be on the conservative side, but only time will tell.

2737 - 最果ての龍喚士・Sonia Gran Reverse
Ranked Sites: AppMedia (A+)

The original Sonia Gran was still a decent leader so any upgrades are a huge help. The two Grans make a good pair and mixing and matching gives you some flexibility when tackling certain dungeons. The dragon sub pool has improved a bit since the original’s brief time in the spotlight, the most prominent being Kanna, Awoken Susano, Awoken Orochi, and Ragnarok Dragon; not to mention farmables in Linthia and Gainot. However, no matter how you slice it 36x rainbow is just plain underwhelming these days. I think AppMedia’s rating is a bit ambitious.

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Thoughts on the Game8 JP Tier List 2/3/16


Changes from 2/1: Awoken Pandora A+→S
SS 2259 - Sun God, Ra Dragon2261 - God of the Night, Tsukuyomi Dragon
S 2253 - Destroyer God, Shiva Dragon2255 - Sea Deity, Neptune Dragon2389 - Awoken Sakuya2013 - Awoken Anubis2507 - Awoken Archdemon Lucifer2662 - Awoken Pandora
A+ 1954 - Awoken Shiva2445 - 最大の強敵, Raoh2392 - Awoken Freyr1955 - Awoken Lakshmi2443 - 還爪の青龍契士・Ryuune2393 - Awoken Idunn&Idunna2566 - 隔世の蒼龍喚士・Sonia2011 - Awoken Bastet2505 - Awoken Astaroth2012 - Awoken Ra2465 - Ushio & Tora2441 - 裁爪の橙龍契士・Saria2395 - Awoken Thor2447 - 南斗最後の将, Yuria2325 - Awoken Yomi2230 - 気狂いピエロ, Kite
A 2537 - 夢招福神, Horus2511 - Mistress of the Sanctuary, Kali2604 - 鈴蘭最強の男・林田恵2226 - 制約と誓約, Gon Freecss1956 - Awoken Parvati2534 - 紅日の寿龍喚士, Kanna1951 - Tome-Creating White Phantom Demon, Ilm2533 - 遊山の天舞神, Amaterasu Ohkami2324 - Awoken Amaterasu Ohkami2148 - Dawn Sky Sun Dragon Caller, Kanna1901 - 最強装備, Juggler1949 - Lightning Black Dragonbound, Typhon1644 - Arbiter of Judgement, Metatron2592 - Judging Scale Steel Star Goddess, Eschamali2407 - Mistress of the Old Castle, Kali2360 - Mankind's Strongest Soldier, Levi


Changes from 2/1: None.
SS 2511 - Mistress of the Sanctuary, Kali2078 - Blazing Goddess of Power, Kali
S 2265 - Fierce Warrior, Sanada Yukimura2010 - Awoken Isis1747 - Sparkling Goddess of Secrets, Kali2180 - Pacifying Yomi Goddess, Izanami2282 - Placating Founder, Okuninushi2150 - Ominous Moon Dragon Caller, Satsuki2592 - Judging Scale Steel Star Goddess, Eschamali2273 - Deliberate Rebel, Akechi Mitsuhide
A+ 2073 - Awoken Leilan2235 - Avenging War Deity, Ares2074 - Awoken Karin2236 - Psychopomp Commerce Deity, Hermes2443 - 還爪の青龍契士・Ryuune2075 - Awoken Meimei2081 - Divine Creator of Order, Vishnu2509 - 伐爪の緑龍契士, Sylvie2237 - Moon Flower Huntress, Artemis2594 - 抗神機, Ragnarok Dragon2441 - 裁爪の橙龍契士・Saria1887 - 幸七羽毛・ヘッドロココ2533 - 遊山の天舞神, Amaterasu Ohkami2324 - Awoken Amaterasu Ohkami1785 - warrior rose, graceful valkyrie2662 - Awoken Pandora2076 - Awoken Haku2290 - Snow-White Beauty, Valkyrie Claire1644 - Arbiter of Judgement, Metatron2407 - Mistress of the Old Castle, Kali2261 - God of the Night, Tsukuyomi Dragon

The Game8 list

It’s times like these that I want to stop these Game8 posts. I don’t know what’s worse: that they would misevaluate Pandora at A+ or that they’d so easily retract their original opinion and move her to S.

To clarify, whether they’re right or wrong with this change is irrelevant because, yes, opinions are opinions. What I want from any source is a certain level of assurance that their opinion is well researched and reflects their best effort was put forth to develop said opinion. Releasing an opinion the same day of a card’s release then revising it a couple days later does not inspire confidence in their opinion. It smells of them making a knee-jerk opinion then following it up with another one. What actually happened here is irrelevant because not only will we never know, it’s the appearances that matter because it affects how I perceive all of their opinions. Game8 has had a dubious reputation for a while now, but something like this particularly disappoints me. Who’s to say that this new grade was well researched? Who’s to say any of their opinions are well researched? Well, this may just be me making a mountain out of a molehill, but these Game8 posts have been questionable for a while so I’ll take any excuse to end them.

Anyone have some suggestions for other tier lists? I’ve been kinda following GameWith and they seem okay, but they don’t seem to update very often. I know there were some other sites, but I never bookmarked them. I guess in the end they’re all basically the same.

Thoughts on the Game8 JP Tier List 2/1/16


Changes from 1/27: Awoken Pandora debuts at A+
SS 2259 - Sun God, Ra Dragon2261 - God of the Night, Tsukuyomi Dragon
S 2253 - Destroyer God, Shiva Dragon2255 - Sea Deity, Neptune Dragon2389 - Awoken Sakuya2013 - Awoken Anubis2507 - Awoken Archdemon Lucifer
A+ 1954 - Awoken Shiva2445 - 最大の強敵, Raoh2392 - Awoken Freyr1955 - Awoken Lakshmi2443 - 還爪の青龍契士・Ryuune2393 - Awoken Idunn&Idunna2566 - 隔世の蒼龍喚士・Sonia2011 - Awoken Bastet2505 - Awoken Astaroth2012 - Awoken Ra2465 - Ushio & Tora2441 - 裁爪の橙龍契士・Saria2395 - Awoken Thor2447 - 南斗最後の将, Yuria2662 - Awoken Pandora2325 - Awoken Yomi2230 - 気狂いピエロ, Kite
A 2537 - 夢招福神, Horus2511 - Mistress of the Sanctuary, Kali2604 - 鈴蘭最強の男・林田恵2226 - 制約と誓約, Gon Freecss1956 - Awoken Parvati2534 - 紅日の寿龍喚士, Kanna1951 - Tome-Creating White Phantom Demon, Ilm2533 - 遊山の天舞神, Amaterasu Ohkami2324 - Awoken Amaterasu Ohkami2148 - Dawn Sky Sun Dragon Caller, Kanna1901 - 最強装備, Juggler1949 - Lightning Black Dragonbound, Typhon1644 - Arbiter of Judgement, Metatron2592 - Judging Scale Steel Star Goddess, Eschamali2407 - Mistress of the Old Castle, Kali2360 - Mankind's Strongest Soldier, Levi


Changes from 1/27: None. Cao Cao still not appearing at A+, removing him until they add him back (if ever). 2/2: Pandora added to A+
SS 2511 - Mistress of the Sanctuary, Kali2078 - Blazing Goddess of Power, Kali
S 2265 - Fierce Warrior, Sanada Yukimura2010 - Awoken Isis1747 - Sparkling Goddess of Secrets, Kali2180 - Pacifying Yomi Goddess, Izanami2282 - Placating Founder, Okuninushi2150 - Ominous Moon Dragon Caller, Satsuki2592 - Judging Scale Steel Star Goddess, Eschamali2273 - Deliberate Rebel, Akechi Mitsuhide
A+ 2073 - Awoken Leilan2235 - Avenging War Deity, Ares2074 - Awoken Karin2236 - Psychopomp Commerce Deity, Hermes2443 - 還爪の青龍契士・Ryuune2075 - Awoken Meimei2081 - Divine Creator of Order, Vishnu2509 - 伐爪の緑龍契士, Sylvie2237 - Moon Flower Huntress, Artemis2594 - 抗神機, Ragnarok Dragon2441 - 裁爪の橙龍契士・Saria1887 - 幸七羽毛・ヘッドロココ2533 - 遊山の天舞神, Amaterasu Ohkami2324 - Awoken Amaterasu Ohkami1785 - warrior rose, graceful valkyrie2662 - Awoken Pandora2076 - Awoken Haku2290 - Snow-White Beauty, Valkyrie Claire1644 - Arbiter of Judgement, Metatron2407 - Mistress of the Old Castle, Kali2261 - God of the Night, Tsukuyomi Dragon

The Game8 list

It’s no surprise that Pandora made the leader list, especially since she appears to be similar to Lucifer at first glance, but the real question is why is she ranked lower than him?

It also appears that they aren’t going to make any drastic changes regarding Arena 2. Which is fine, but considering they used to stress the endgame so much it seems a bit strange. It should be interesting to see how skill transfer affects their list.

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Thoughts on the Game8 JP Tier List 1/27/16


Changes from 1/13: Some fire dude added to A
SS 2259 - Sun God, Ra Dragon2261 - God of the Night, Tsukuyomi Dragon
S 2253 - Destroyer God, Shiva Dragon2255 - Sea Deity, Neptune Dragon2389 - Awoken Sakuya2013 - Awoken Anubis2507 - Awoken Archdemon Lucifer
A+ 1954 - Awoken Shiva2445 - 最大の強敵, Raoh1955 - Awoken Lakshmi2443 - 還爪の青龍契士・Ryuune2393 - Awoken Idunn&Idunna2566 - 隔世の蒼龍喚士・Sonia2011 - Awoken Bastet2505 - Awoken Astaroth2012 - Awoken Ra2465 - Ushio & Tora2441 - 裁爪の橙龍契士・Saria2395 - Awoken Thor2447 - 南斗最後の将, Yuria2325 - Awoken Yomi2230 - 気狂いピエロ, Kite
A 2537 - 夢招福神, Horus2511 - Mistress of the Sanctuary, Kali2604 - 鈴蘭最強の男・林田恵2226 - 制約と誓約, Gon Freecss1956 - Awoken Parvati2534 - 紅日の寿龍喚士, Kanna1951 - Tome-Creating White Phantom Demon, Ilm2533 - 遊山の天舞神, Amaterasu Ohkami2324 - Awoken Amaterasu Ohkami2148 - Dawn Sky Sun Dragon Caller, Kanna1901 - 最強装備, Juggler1949 - Lightning Black Dragonbound, Typhon1644 - Arbiter of Judgement, Metatron2592 - Judging Scale Steel Star Goddess, Eschamali2407 - Mistress of the Old Castle, Kali2360 - Mankind's Strongest Soldier, Levi


Changes from 1/13: Cao Cao S→A+ (allegedly), Sanada Yukimura added to S, Eschamali added to S, Akechi Mitsuhide added to S
SS 2511 - Mistress of the Sanctuary, Kali2078 - Blazing Goddess of Power, Kali
S 2265 - Fierce Warrior, Sanada Yukimura2010 - Awoken Isis1747 - Sparkling Goddess of Secrets, Kali2180 - Pacifying Yomi Goddess, Izanami2282 - Placating Founder, Okuninushi2150 - Ominous Moon Dragon Caller, Satsuki2592 - Judging Scale Steel Star Goddess, Eschamali2273 - Deliberate Rebel, Akechi Mitsuhide
A+ 2073 - Awoken Leilan1738 - Dominating Warrior King, Cao Cao2235 - Avenging War Deity, Ares2074 - Awoken Karin2236 - Psychopomp Commerce Deity, Hermes2443 - 還爪の青龍契士・Ryuune2075 - Awoken Meimei2081 - Divine Creator of Order, Vishnu2509 - 伐爪の緑龍契士, Sylvie2237 - Moon Flower Huntress, Artemis2594 - 抗神機, Ragnarok Dragon2441 - 裁爪の橙龍契士・Saria1887 - 幸七羽毛・ヘッドロココ2533 - 遊山の天舞神, Amaterasu Ohkami2324 - Awoken Amaterasu Ohkami1785 - warrior rose, graceful valkyrie2076 - Awoken Haku2290 - Snow-White Beauty, Valkyrie Claire1644 - Arbiter of Judgement, Metatron2407 - Mistress of the Old Castle, Kali2261 - God of the Night, Tsukuyomi Dragon

The Game8 list

Doesn’t look like they made any Arena 2-related changes, which is a bit disappointing.

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Farmable Monster Analysis: Volsung

1841 - Giant Arched Sea Dragon King, VolsungWhere to start with Volsung? We all know how powerful an LKali effect can be and now we can finally farm one. Unfortunately, he’s much worse than he looks. His debuff makes him incredibly difficult to place on any random team. The team building constraint of dedicating a sub slot to overwrite his debuff is a high cost. He also lacks synergy with the most popular rainbow subs. As a leader, 36x with no other multipliers just doesn’t cut it in today’s endgame. The nail in the coffin is the cost to acquire then skill him up. For the same difficulty you’re almost always better off investing in a Zaerog∞. Before you invest in a Volsung, think long and hard about whether he’s worth it; for most players he isn’t.

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Thoughts on the Game8 JP Tier List 1/13/16


Changes from 1/7: Astaroth S→A+
SS 2259 - Sun God, Ra Dragon2261 - God of the Night, Tsukuyomi Dragon
S 2253 - Destroyer God, Shiva Dragon2255 - Sea Deity, Neptune Dragon2389 - Awoken Sakuya2013 - Awoken Anubis2507 - Awoken Archdemon Lucifer
A+ 1954 - Awoken Shiva2445 - 最大の強敵, Raoh2392 - Awoken Freyr1955 - Awoken Lakshmi2443 - 還爪の青龍契士・Ryuune2393 - Awoken Idunn&Idunna2566 - 隔世の蒼龍喚士・Sonia2011 - Awoken Bastet2505 - Awoken Astaroth2012 - Awoken Ra2465 - Ushio & Tora2441 - 裁爪の橙龍契士・Saria2395 - Awoken Thor2447 - 南斗最後の将, Yuria2325 - Awoken Yomi2230 - 気狂いピエロ, Kite
A 2537 - 夢招福神, Horus2511 - Mistress of the Sanctuary, Kali2226 - 制約と誓約, Gon Freecss1956 - Awoken Parvati2534 - 紅日の寿龍喚士, Kanna1951 - Tome-Creating White Phantom Demon, Ilm2533 - 遊山の天舞神, Amaterasu Ohkami2324 - Awoken Amaterasu Ohkami2148 - Dawn Sky Sun Dragon Caller, Kanna1901 - 最強装備, Juggler1949 - Lightning Black Dragonbound, Typhon1644 - Arbiter of Judgement, Metatron2592 - 裁秤の鋼星神・Eschamali2407 - Mistress of the Old Castle, Kali2360 - Mankind's Strongest Soldier, Levi


Changes from 1/7: None | The new MP Dragon Ragnarok is still an A+ sub, but there’s no official icon for it yet.
SS 2511 - Mistress of the Sanctuary, Kali2078 - Blazing Goddess of Power, Kali
S 1738 - Dominating Warrior King, Cao Cao2010 - Awoken Isis1747 - Sparkling Goddess of Secrets, Kali2180 - Pacifying Yomi Goddess, Izanami2282 - Placating Founder, Okuninushi2150 - Ominous Moon Dragon Caller, Satsuki
A+ 2073 - Awoken Leilan2235 - Avenging War Deity, Ares2074 - Awoken Karin2236 - Psychopomp Commerce Deity, Hermes2443 - 還爪の青龍契士・Ryuune2075 - Awoken Meimei2081 - Divine Creator of Order, Vishnu2509 - 伐爪の緑龍契士, Sylvie2237 - Moon Flower Huntress, Artemis2441 - 裁爪の橙龍契士・Saria1887 - 幸七羽毛・ヘッドロココ2533 - 遊山の天舞神, Amaterasu Ohkami2324 - Awoken Amaterasu Ohkami1785 - warrior rose, graceful valkyrie2076 - Awoken Haku2290 - Snow-White Beauty, Valkyrie Claire1644 - Arbiter of Judgement, Metatron2407 - Mistress of the Old Castle, Kali2261 - God of the Night, Tsukuyomi Dragon

The Game8 list

Sounds about right.

Instead of bashing the list as usual, let’s speculate who could get some love with the release of Arena 2.

2322 - Awoken Orochi Delays have always been good in the Arena — particularly against Parvati and Sopdet — and they’re also good against two of the biggest new hurdles: the PreDras and Vishnu (too bad delays don’t work against Ilsix). He’s more relevant than other delays since his four turns gives you the time you need to combat bad RNG. His biggest downside, which will probably keep him from rising higher, is the lack of a skill bind resist. I’d be surprised if Orochi doesn’t make the next sub list at A+. Perhaps he’s too niche for Game8’s list, but his newfound value shouldn’t be ignored.
2507 - Awoken Archdemon Lucifer Lucifer’s true damage is one of the best ways for dark teams to deal with the PreDras without sacrificing too much else. The power of his god killer should not be overlooked, either. As a leader, I don’t think he’ll make SS, but it wouldn’t surprise me to see SS go away soon; Lucifer should remain in S if it does. I don’t think Lucifer is an auto-include in the sub list — A+ is a pretty high bar now — but if Yomi Dragon retains its Arena throne, Lucifer will probably be a part of it.
2592 - 裁秤の鋼星神・Eschamali It’s a wonder how she wasn’t high on the sub list before, but now that’s she’s almost required to give Yomi Dragon the requisite damage in the Arena 2, I don’t think Game8 can snub her anymore. Her orb change also allows the team to drop Haku for more utility, like Lucifer and a gravity, since she can take care of gimmicks like Beelzebub’s full poison while providing sufficient burst. Her relatively high HP is also a big deal.
2255 - Sea Deity, Neptune Dragon I doubt Neptune Dragon will make the sub list, but it’s worth noting that BSonia and Ryune-I&I teams are relying on him to get past the PreDras. I’d expect Awoken Meimei is a good reason, too.
2084 - Capricious Summon, Fat Chocobo This is another speculation that won’t make the list, but any previously marginal sub with dark resists will get a second look as the necessary defense to survive DQ Hera’s preemptive has gone up considerably.
2534 - 紅日の寿龍喚士, Kanna As much I’ve hated on Kanna in the past, her damage may be needed more now than ever. As teams use sub-optimal subs to handle the various hurdles, something like Kanna can help make up the lost damage while also providing a relevant boost on the Kalis. It wouldn’t surprise me to see her as an A+ sub again in the future.
537 - Ultimate Fencer Santa It seems unlikely this will ever make it, but if it does I’ll be really, really sad.

And that’s all I care to go over for now. Feel free to let me know your own suggestions in the comments.

Thoughts on the Game8 JP Tier List 1/7/15


Changes from 1/4: Freyr added as pair for Raoh, Parvati A+→A, A-tier completely revamped: Ilm added, Kanna added, Juggler added, HKali added, RKali added, Eschamali added, New Year’s Amaterasu added, New Year’s Kanna added, Vegito removed, Sarasvati removed, Osiris removed, Rinshia removed, Hathor removed, Zaerog∞ removed
SS 2259 - Sun God, Ra Dragon2261 - God of the Night, Tsukuyomi Dragon
S 2253 - Destroyer God, Shiva Dragon2255 - Sea Deity, Neptune Dragon2505 - Awoken Astaroth2389 - Awoken Sakuya2013 - Awoken Anubis2507 - Awoken Archdemon Lucifer
A+ 1954 - Awoken Shiva2445 - 最大の強敵, Raoh2392 - Awoken Freyr1955 - Awoken Lakshmi2443 - 還爪の青龍契士・Ryuune2393 - Awoken Idunn&Idunna2566 - 隔世の蒼龍喚士・Sonia2011 - Awoken Bastet2012 - Awoken Ra2465 - Ushio & Tora2441 - 裁爪の橙龍契士・Saria2395 - Awoken Thor2447 - 南斗最後の将, Yuria2325 - Awoken Yomi2230 - 気狂いピエロ, Kite
A 2537 - 夢招福神, Horus2511 - Mistress of the Sanctuary, Kali2226 - 制約と誓約, Gon Freecss1956 - Awoken Parvati2534 - 紅日の寿龍喚士, Kanna1951 - Tome-Creating White Phantom Demon, Ilm2533 - 遊山の天舞神, Amaterasu Ohkami2324 - Awoken Amaterasu Ohkami2148 - Dawn Sky Sun Dragon Caller, Kanna1901 - 最強装備, Juggler1949 - Lightning Black Dragonbound, Typhon1644 - Arbiter of Judgement, Metatron2592 - 裁秤の鋼星神・Eschamali2407 - Mistress of the Old Castle, Kali2360 - Mankind's Strongest Soldier, Levi


Changes from 1/4: A+ revamp: DMeta A→A+, Leilan A→A+, Karin A→A+, Amaterasu A→A+, Artemis A→A+, Phoenix Rider removed, Christmas Liu Bei removed, Baggi removed, Liu Bei removed, Kanna removed, Zaerog∞ removed, Eschamali removed, A-tier removed: Sanada, Set, Kagutsuchi, Andromeda, Orochi, Famiel, BSnnia, Verdandi, Kaede, Astaroth, GSonia, Ilm, Ariel, Indra, Izanagi, Summer Pandora, Zuoh, Pandora, Akechi all removed | The new MP Dragon Ragnarok debuts as an A+ sub, but there’s no official icon for it yet.
SS 2511 - Mistress of the Sanctuary, Kali2078 - Blazing Goddess of Power, Kali
S 1738 - Dominating Warrior King, Cao Cao2010 - Awoken Isis1747 - Sparkling Goddess of Secrets, Kali2180 - Pacifying Yomi Goddess, Izanami2282 - Placating Founder, Okuninushi2150 - Ominous Moon Dragon Caller, Satsuki
A+ 2073 - Awoken Leilan2235 - Avenging War Deity, Ares2074 - Awoken Karin2236 - Psychopomp Commerce Deity, Hermes2443 - 還爪の青龍契士・Ryuune2075 - Awoken Meimei2081 - Divine Creator of Order, Vishnu2509 - 伐爪の緑龍契士, Sylvie2237 - Moon Flower Huntress, Artemis2441 - 裁爪の橙龍契士・Saria1887 - 幸七羽毛・ヘッドロココ2533 - 遊山の天舞神, Amaterasu Ohkami2324 - Awoken Amaterasu Ohkami1785 - warrior rose, graceful valkyrie2076 - Awoken Haku2290 - Snow-White Beauty, Valkyrie Claire1644 - Arbiter of Judgement, Metatron2407 - Mistress of the Old Castle, Kali2261 - God of the Night, Tsukuyomi Dragon

The Game8 list

So, this is a pretty substantial update to their tier list. Not only are the tiers now synced with their site’s actual monster ratings instead of “just eyeballing it”, there is now a panel of three writers that give reasons for the grade, although from what I can tell their explanations don’t really tell us that much. The weakness of my Japanese — and Google’s, for that matter — will become even more apparent. It’d probably be a good idea to get someone fluent to actually help me with these posts now, but that feels like it’d just be a flat out pain in the ass for both of us.

SS-tier is added to the sub list and the A-tier is removed. I’m not entirely sure why they had to add SS, but whatever floats their boat. There are some things I don’t necessarily agree with (Eschamali omitted, Artemis included, Cao Cao and Satsuki still at S), but the list looks better than it used to (cya, Liu Bei). I’ll still say sub lists are rather pointless, though, since what subs are good for a particular lead or leads is the important thing, not how good they are relative to each other with no context.

The leader list, however, finally got rid of that horrible game of musical chairs at A and is much better for it. While some entries may be questionable, I don’t have any huge problems with the new list. If it wasn’t obvious before, it’s now easy to see that light and dark are totally dominating the game now that token leaders from each element are no longer cluttering A.

Considering they just changed the format and I’m still debating what I want to do with this post series, I’ll once again pass on discussing the specifics until a later time.

Thoughts on the Game8 JP Tier List 1/4/15


Changes from 12/29: Ra S→A+, Astaroth A+→S, Archdemon Lucifer A+→S
SS 2259 - Sun God, Ra Dragon2261 - God of the Night, Tsukuyomi Dragon
S 2253 - Destroyer God, Shiva Dragon2255 - Sea Deity, Neptune Dragon2505 - Awoken Astaroth2389 - Awoken Sakuya2013 - Awoken Anubis2507 - Awoken Archdemon Lucifer
A+ 1954 - Awoken Shiva2445 - 最大の強敵, Raoh1955 - Awoken Lakshmi2566 - 隔世の蒼龍喚士・Sonia2443 - 還爪の青龍契士・Ryuune2393 - Awoken Idunn&Idunna2011 - Awoken Bastet1956 - Awoken Parvati2012 - Awoken Ra2465 - Ushio & Tora2447 - 南斗最後の将, Yuria2441 - 裁爪の橙龍契士・Saria2395 - Awoken Thor2325 - Awoken Yomi2230 - 気狂いピエロ, Kite
A 2537 - 夢招福神, Horus1937 - 最強戦士・超ベジット2080 - Wise and Moral Goddess, Sarasvati2386 - Soul-Judging God of Dark Riches, Osiris2226 - 制約と誓約, Gon Freecss1843 - 玻璃の風龍王, Rinshia2324 - Awoken Amaterasu Ohkami2387 - 彩天聖命神・Hathor1949 - Lightning Black Dragonbound, Typhon1644 - Arbiter of Judgement, Metatron1847 - Maleficent Phantom Dragon King, Zaerog∞2360 - Mankind's Strongest Soldier, Levi


Changes from 12/29: None
S 1738 - Dominating Warrior King, Cao Cao2511 - Mistress of the Sanctuary, Kali2010 - Awoken Isis1747 - Sparkling Goddess of Secrets, Kali2078 - Blazing Goddess of Power, Kali2180 - Pacifying Yomi Goddess, Izanami2282 - Placating Founder, Okuninushi2150 - Ominous Moon Dragon Caller, Satsuki
A+ 2094 - Phoenix Rider Valen2514 - Lively Banquet Dragon Hero, Liu Bei2235 - Avenging War Deity, Ares859 - ドスバギィ&バギィネコ2236 - Psychopomp Commerce Deity, Hermes2443 - 還爪の青龍契士・Ryuune1743 - Restrained Dragon Hero, Liu Bei2075 - Awoken Meimei2081 - Divine Creator of Order, Vishnu2509 - 伐爪の緑龍契士, Sylvie2441 - 裁爪の橙龍契士・Saria1887 - 幸七羽毛・ヘッドロココ1785 - warrior rose, graceful valkyrie2148 - Dawn Sky Sun Dragon Caller, Kanna2076 - Awoken Haku2290 - Snow-White Beauty, Valkyrie Claire1847 - Maleficent Phantom Dragon King, Zaerog∞2407 - Mistress of the Old Castle, Kali2261 - God of the Night, Tsukuyomi Dragon2592 - 裁秤の鋼星神・Eschamali
A 2265 - Fierce Warrior, Sanada Yukimura2073 - Awoken Leilan2384 - Ruling Firestorm God, Set1726 - Awoken Hinokagutsuchi2074 - Awoken Karin1733 - Blue Chain Starsea Goddess, Andromeda2322 - Awoken Orochi2494 - 巡警の星天使・Famiel2566 - 隔世の蒼龍喚士・Sonia2390 - Thought Spinner Norn, Verdandi2146 - Fall Wind Jasper Dragon Caller, Kaede2505 - Awoken Astaroth2237 - Moon Flower Huntress, Artemis2567 - 宿世の翠龍喚士・Sonia1951 - Tome-Creating White Phantom Demon, Ilm2496 - 煌斧の星天使・Ariel2324 - Awoken Amaterasu Ohkami1926 - Heaven-Shaking Thunderdragon, Indra2281 - Creator God of Twin Skies, Izanagi1644 - Arbiter of Judgement, Metatron2292 - Bleak Night Daughter, Pandora1953 - Enraged Black Phantom Demon, Zuoh1736 - Wailing Bleak Night Goddess, Pandora2273 - Deliberate Rebel, Akechi Mitsuhide

The Game8 list

Keeping this quick, but I may add to it later. I never expected Ra to get booted out of S. Is he really worse than the rest of the new S-tier? I also never expected Astaroth or Lucifer to make it to S. I was already planning on making teams for them, but now I’m even more intrigued. I definitely plan on doing some research once I get back home.